It is people who make many of the problems that the animals faces. We change and pollute their living environment. We hunt them for skins, furs, and horns.We kill animals that get in the ways of farming or building. And we drive them away from their natural environment and take them home as pets.

What can you do to help endangered animals? Learn as much as you can about them. The more you know, the more you can help. Try your best to support zoos and wildlife groups. Many zoos keep endangered animals, helping to make sure that they can live on. Protecting animals by working hard with wildlife protection groups. You can also be a smart shopper and never buy a pet that has grown in the wild.

The world is made up of many living things, and each thing is dependent on the others to live on. When we talk about any endangered wild animals, let’s hope we never again have to say, “Gone forever.”


1.What’s the first paragraph(段落) mainly about?

A.The importance of the animals. B.The lifestyle of the animals.

C.What people do to the animals. D.Animals in the world.

2.To help endangered animals,what should we do all the following EXCEPT(除了) .

A.Know more about animals. B.Support zoos and wildlife groups.

C.Send money to wildlife protection groups. D.Raise wild animals as pets.

3.What do many zoos do?

A.Make sure that endangered animals can live on.

B.Send money to wildlife protection groups.

C.Search for the wild animals.

D.Raise animals in the wild.

4.What CAN’T we do to protect animals?

A.Working hard with wildlife protection groups.

B.Be a smart shopper .

C.Never buy a pet that has grown in the wild.

D.Take them home as pets.

5.What does the last sentence of the passage tell us?

A.Many wild animals are endangered .

B.We don’t care much about for the endangered animals.

C.We should save endangered animals.

D.Endangered animals will be gone forever.

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