Have you ever taken the train from Beijing to Shanghai or- the train from Shanghai to Beijing? Then how much do you know about the Beijing-Shanghai railway?

The Beijing-Shanghai railway was completed in 1968. The line runs 1, 462 kilometers between China’s two main cities and passes through five provinces and the city of Tianjin.

Since opening, it has been one of the busiest lines in our country. Ten trains run on the Beijing-Shanghai railway every day. Five of them are non-stop. Now trains can travel at 250 kilometers per hour at most and the time of the travel is only 10 hours.

China has become one of the countries with high-speed train services. Trains run at the speed of 200 kilometers per hour on 6,003 kilometers of track(轨道), and on some parts,the highest speed can be 250 kilometers per hour. The 6,003 kilometers of track serves both high-speed passenger trains and low-speed cargo(货物))trains.

Railway drivers have to deal with the problem of the speed difference between the two kinds of trains to make sure they both run safely.

1.The Beijing-Shanghai railway is_________.

A.1,462 kilometers B.1,968 meters C.6,003 kilometers D.200 kilometers

2.Half of the trains on the Beijing-Shanghai railway are_________.

A.old B.non-stop C.made in Japan D.too slow

3.Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.Only one train is running on the 6,003 kilometers of track.

B.The Beijing-Shanghai railway passes through six provinces.

C.All the trains in China run without stopping.

D.The Beijing-Shanghai railway has been one of the busiest lines in China.

4.The passage above is probably from_________.

A.a storybook B.a dictionary C.a newspaper D.a map

Dear Sommer and Angelina,

I'd like to give you some advice to help you deal with the trouble you might have on your life journeys.

I have always tried to be present for you no matter how old you were or where we were. I wanted you to know being present builds trust and that trust increases confidence. Confidence makes it possible for you to look forward and dream more. When you are present, you are seeing, hearing and feeling another person. Being present is the greatest gift you can give them, and is the greatest way to connect with them more closely.

You were born with gifts that your brother does not have. You know how happy you feel when you are doing what you love. So please, please, please follow your passion. Don't let anyone make you do anything that doesn't feel natural. You know what makes you excited better than anyone else. The sooner you find your passion, the greater success you will achieve.

Lastly, my loves, never look back. You are blind to what is behind you while backing up(倒车)a car. If you keep looking back in life, you may feel upset when seeing things that you did not notice before.

I know what you are thinking: Why do dad and I always have our old family photos playing on Apple TV? Because your family is your foundation(根基). When we talk about the family, we should be with you everywhere you are.

Your mom,


1.How many pieces of advice does Angela give her daughters?

A.Two B.Three C.Five D.Six

2.The daughters need to find__________,if they want to achieve great success.

A.gifts B.confidence C.trust D.passion

3.According to Angela’s letter, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Young people's life journey is always full of trouble.

B.Being present helps young people develop a close relationship.

C.Passion is not important to achieve success.

D.The daughters may feel happy when they see things they didn't notice before.

4.Why does Angela write this letter?

A.Because Angela wants to make her daughters free.

B.Because Angela treats her daughters differently from her son.

C.Because Angela would like to share life lessons with her daughters.

D.Because work is more important than family life to Angela.

Just returned from a trip to New Jersey. On the way back, I was stopped by a traffic accident. This accident happened because of a truck carrying a lot of dangerous materials that were leaking out (外漏). After being told by the policeman that we would be sitting there until the clean-up was completed. We drivers got out of the truck to have a rest. For most of the time ,there were five of us standing by my truck, complaining(抱怨).

Another truck with two elderly people stopped near us. The man, Joe, let the window down and asked why no one was moving. Soon we were all talking with this couple. I said that if I had known about this, I would have bought something to drink, because I was becoming thirsty. The lady, Anna, said that they had plenty of water in the fridge in their truck and offered everyone something to drink. She said she could make sandwiches for us. While Anna was making the sandwiches, she was singing like a songbird. Being close to 70, I guessed, she had a fantastic voice.

I saw a Mississippi license on the truck. I asked what part of Mississippi they were from.Joe said they were from Biloxi. Knowing that Biloxi was damaged by a hurricane, I asked him about the disaster(灾难). Joe said that they had lost almost everything. Everything they had was in the truck.

Joe said that their son was living around Harrisonburg, Virginia and they were going there. There was a home for sale and they were going to start all over again there. Starting over at their age, we know, would not be easy

These wonderful people lost practically(实际上地) everything they had and still would not accept any money for their food and drinks. Joe said that it was better to give than to receive.

1.What was the writer doing after being stopped by the accident?

A.He was complaining on the truck.

B.He was sleeping by the truck.

C.He was standing by the truck with some other drivers.

D.He was carrying a lot of dangerous materials.

2.The word “damaged”in Paragraph 3 probably means “__________”.

A.被拯救 B.被发现 C.被毁坏 D.被恢复

3.Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The truck drivers were complaining because the police didn't give them drinks.

B.The old couple from Mississippi were planning to start over in Virginia.

C.The son of the couple was living in Mississippi..

D.Joe thought receiving is better than giving in life.

4.Which of the following is the right structure of the passage?

(①= Paragraph1,②= Paragraph2…)

A.①②/③④/⑤ B.①/②③④/⑤

C.①②③/④⑤ D.①②/③④⑤

You are rushing to school and a man ahead of you suddenly falls down. Do you stop to help? Some people look away or keep on walking rather than stop and get involved(介入)

“There is an inclination(倾向)that you don’t need to take action. The first thought that come into your mind often stop you from offering help.” says Ervin Staub, who studies the role of bystanders. Again and again, good and caring people do not come to give a hand to others They know they should act and yet, for reasons they themselves don't understand, people sometimes don't get involved. Longtime researchers of bystanders continue to study with the question, “Why?”

One thing we do know is that the more unclear a situation is, the less possible people are to help. Let's say you see vapors (水汽) coming out of a building. You ask yourself, “Is it steam(蒸汽) or smoke?”If you are not sure, you look to other people for something about how to deal with the problem______, you think“ Of course, that’s just steam. ”You don't want it to be smoke, because then you would have to do something about it.

Another one is known as “the bystander effect(效应)”. This says that the more people there are looking at an emergency, the less responsible each one of them feels. For example, if you are the only person in the world who can save someone in danger, it is more possible for you to act. However, if you are one of 100,000 people who could save the situation, you would be happier if one of the other 99,999 people did it! Because you think it's not that necessary for you to get involved!

“If you notice trouble, make yourself stop and judge the situation instead of going on walking, says Ervin Staub. “then try to get other people to help together; you don't have to take all the responsibility of being helpful. Once you get involved, most people will follow you and also offer help.

1.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A.People shouldn't help the man who falls down in front of us.

B.Many people kept on walking because they didn't see the man fell down.

C.We refuse to help for some unknown reasons even though we know we should.

D.We don’t need to take action if we don't want to.

2.The writer uses “the bystander effect”to show that__________

A.the feeling of responsibility changes with the number of people around.

B.people always like to take the responsibility in different situations.

C.people often share their ideas when they’re in dangerous situations.

D.people are possible to behave in the same way as most other people do

3.Which of the following sentences can be put in the ▲ ?

A.If other people are laughing at you.

B.If you see other people doing nothing.

C.If you are sure of doing something.

D.If other people see you doing something.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Is it important to offer help? B.Is it difficult to believe yourself?

C.To stand there or get involved? D.To change the decision or keep it?

You may have heard the saying, women are from Venus(金星) and men are from Mars (火星). It's a nice way of saying how men and women are quite different from each other in many ways.

These differences can be seen everywhere, even in how we communicate with friends. A recent study by the University of Oxford suggested that men and women keep relationships with friends far away in different ways.

Researchers questioned 30 students about their friendships just before they left for college. They followed up the questions nine months, and then 18 months later Robin Dunbar, who headed the research, told that how long friendships among women last depended on whether they made an effort to talk more to each other on the phone. Men, on the other hand, tended to (倾向于) do things differently. They went through months of not being with friends by planning meet-ups (见面) sometimes. This was the biggest difference between men and women.

Of course, gender (性别)isn't the only thing that influences how we stay in touch. The way we keep our friendships also depends on the preference(偏好) of each person, and it can take a while to find your own way of making your friendships work. One thing that is pretty clear though is that friends who make the effort to keep in touch, even if it's only through Wechat(微信)once a week, do tend to stay friends, no matter how far it is.

1.Did researchers question 30 high school students about their friendships?


2.How did women keep their friendships according to the research?


3.What's the passage mainly about?


4.Do you think it's a good way for teenagers to keep friendships by planning meet-ups often? Why or why not?



Everyone wants to do something for our earth. The new app--Ant Forest designed by Alibaba Group really makes it much easier. Taking public transport, making payments online or just walking around-these daily activities can help 1.China's deserts (沙漠) into forests if you are using Ant Forest.

Ant Forest is in the Alipay mobile payment app. It records users' low-carbon (低碳的) activities-taking a bus to work instead of driving, for example- and gives users “green energy”. Users can't depend on2.else to increase the “green energy” because the app can only be registered(注册)by their own ID.number. What's more, they need to continue their low-carbon(低碳的) activities, or the “green energy”may not be high3.to make Ant Forest plant a real tree for them.

Ant Forest recently received the UN's highest environmental prize, for4.people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment.

5.it began in August 2016, Ant Forest and its partners have planted some 122 million trees in China’s driest areas, including Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi,reported Xinhua News Agency. The trees cover an area of 112, 000 hectares(公顷).

“Alipay Ant Forest shows how successfully technology can change our world 6.the help of global users, said Inger Andersen, director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Seeing China's success against desertification (沙漠化), the UNEP believes the country is a good 80 for others to follow. They also said that China is one of the most successful countries in greening the desert and has lessons to share with the world.

The Kubuqi Desert just shows China's efforts against desertification. The desert once caused a lot of sandstorms in Beijing. However, thanks to people's hard work, about one-third of the Kubuqi Desert is now covered with kinds of plants, and sandstorms are7.common now, reported Xinhua.

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