
When I was a junior high school student in 1980,God gave me a gift, it was happiness.

One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my_______because of its high speed. Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life_______arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears. _______slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn’t get my arms back even though I_______every day.

However, it’s easier_______than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness_______I got so much from my past story.

From then on, I could treat my life with a_______mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates_______about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes_______; they don’t have a mobile phone, but________have, and so on. But I only________life. I was lucky to realize from an accident.

It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have________We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say, “My whole life would improve________I have a new car.” But when you get the car and what________? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.

Happiness depends on what we have! It’s in our heart. It’s a state of mind, even though you own the whole world, you may still feel________Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激) and taking pleasure in what you really have.

1.A.feet B.legs C.arms D.ears

2.A.with B.without C.for D.on

3.A.Or B.But C.So D.Once

4.A.cried B.laughed C.sat D.stood

5.A.dreamed B.acted C.called D.said

6.A.strongly B.especially C.completely D.similarly

7.A.crazy B.normal C.full D.special

8.A.get excited B.get nervous C.get serious D.get worried

9.A.early B.first C.fast D.late

10.A.the other B.one another C.other D.others

11.A.hate B.dislike C.enjoy D.save

12.A.lost B.had C.found D.spent

13.A.because B.as C.if D.whether

14.A.happens B.takes place C.used D.uses

15.A.funny B.happy C.excited D.unhappy

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is celebrating its 70th founding anniversary this year. Over the past decades(几十年), many people have made great contributions to the country’s development, helping it grow through their hard work. On Sept.17, ahead of National Day on Oct 1, eight people received the Medal of the Republic (共和国勋章).

Here are four of the eight recipients (接受者) of the Medal of the Republic.

Yu Min 于敏, 1926-2019

Nuclear physicist

On June 17,1967, China detonated (引爆) its first hydrogen bomb (氢弹). It took only 32 months to go from its first atomic bomb (原子弹) to its first hydrogen bomb. As a nuclear physicist (核物理学家), Yu Min played an important role in this process. The theories and models he created were key to the successful test.

Sun Jiadong 孙家栋, 1929-

Aerospace engineer

Sun made great contributions toward developing Chinese satellite technology and space exploration. He was chief designer (总设计师) of both the Beidou navigation (导航) system and China’s lunar exploration project.

Yuan Longping 袁隆平, 1930-

“Father of hybrid rice”

Yuan devoted himself to agricultural (农业的) education and research. He was the first person in the world to develop a hybrid rice strain. His research on higher rice yields helps fight hunger in China and other parts of the world.

Tu Youyou 屠呦呦, 1930-


Tu is known for winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She got inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine theories and discovered artemisinin (青蒿素), a medicine that can be used to treat malaria (疟疾). Her finding has saved the lives of millions.


1.When did the eight people receive the Medal of the Republic?

A.On Sept.17,2019.

B.On Otc.1,2019.

C.On Sept.17,1949.

D.On Oct.1,1949.

2.Who is called "Father of hybrid rice" by Chinese people?

A.Yu Min.

B.Sun Jiadong.

C.Yuan Longping.

D.Tu Youyou.

3.Tu Youyou is known for winning the Nobel Prize in    .





4.      was dead this year.

A.Yu Min

B.Sun Jiadong

C.Yuan Longping

D.Tu Youyou

5.Which is right?

A.All of the eight persons received the Medal of the Republic in person.

B.China took only 23 months to go from its first atomic bomb (原子弹) to its first hydrogen bomb.

C.Yu Min made great contributions toward developing Chinese aerospace field.

D.Sun Jiadong was chief designer of both the Beidou navigation system and China’s lunar exploration project.

Many of you must have watched the grand celebration in Tian’anmen Square on TV on Oct 1. But some lucky Beijing students got to take part in the event themselves!

Chen Zehao, 14, is a student from Beijing’s ChenJingrun High School. He performed in one of the 36 formations(方阵)in the mass parade(群众游行). Wearing a yellow T-shirt and white trousers, holding flowers and flags in his hands, Chen shouted loudly “Long live our motherland!”

“I’ll never forget when groups of aircraft flew above my head and made a ‘70’ in the air,” Chen said. “My chest was full of joy and pride. ”

Twin brothers Ma Congyuan and Ma Conglin performed in a choir(合唱团)during the evening gala. The 15-year-olds are from Beijing No.4 High School. The choir was made up of 1,400 students from universities, high schools and primary schools in Beijing. They performed 16 songs during the gala, including My Motherland and Me and On the Hopeful Field.

“The beautiful bloom of fireworks, the strong sound of thousands of people singing together, and the bright symphonic(交响乐的)music…All these are still in my ears, amazing me more than ever before,” Ma Congyuan said.

The twin brothers practiced hard over the summer. While practicing, they sometimes had to sing and stand for a whole day. “But all of our hard work paid off when we started performing, “ Ma Conglin said. “It has been a great honor to be part of such a great event!”

根据短文内容, 判断正误(T/F).

1.Many people watched the grand celebration in Tian’anmen Square on TV on Oct 1. _______

2.Both Chen Zehao and the twins come from Beijing’s high schools and they are all 15 years old. _________

3.The groups of aircraft made a ‘70’ in the air. _________

4.The choir was made up of 1,400 students from high schools and primary schools in Beijing. _________

5.All the boys are so proud to take part in the celebration. _________


Recently, a very simple question became widely spread online: what China should be proud of?1.

Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada. She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University. Now she has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing.

Lanlan loves China and Chinese. 2. And that’s why she is so well received among Chinese net friends. The following is china in her eyes.

“It is the easiest country in which to find a job. If you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believe there’re more job chances here than in any other country in the world.”

3. About 400 million Chinese are studying English. If they can speak good English in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country.”

“The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1, 365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 595 yuan. ”

“Its public security is great. 4. I have travelled in many countries, and I think China really is very safe.”

“There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often criticize(批评)China. At first, I believed that they didn’t like china or that they loved western countries. But later, I realized that they just set a very high standard for China. 5. China must be much better than other countries. ”

A. The foreign language level is surprising.

B. This country of 1.4 billion people makes me feel safe.

C. A foreign girl living in china gave a very touching answer.

D. They believe that it’s not enough to be number one in the world.

E. She believes china will be the strongest country in the world in future.

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