Once upon a time, a beautiful bird and a tortoise became good friends. The bird lived in a tree by the banks of the river. The tortoise had his______ there too. They are neighbours. Every day, after the bird flew down and had a drink of water, he would dance near the river to make the tortoise friend _______.

One day, a bird-catcher caught the bird and wanted to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird asked the catcher to allow him to say _____ to his friend, tortoise. The bird-catcher ______ and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was _____ to see his friend a captive(俘虏).

The tortoise asked the bird-catcher to let the bird go. And the tortoise said if the catcher______, he would give the bird-catcher an expensive ______. The bird-catcher agreed. To his surprise,The tortoise then dived into the water and in a few seconds ______with a nice pearl(珍珠). The bird-catcher was very happy to see it and he let the bird go at once.

A short time later, the man came back and told the tortoise that a pearl was not enough and planned to catch the bird again if the tortoise doesn’t ______ him another bigger and nicer pearl.The tortoise, who had already helped his friend, the bird, to leave the place to a forest far away after being set free, was greatly ______ with this man.

"Well,"said the tortoise, “if you still want to ______ another pearl,give the first one to me and I will fish another one for you." ______ his greed(贪婪), the bird-catcher gave the pearl to the tortoise,who _______ away with it saying, "I am no fool to take one and give two!" The tortoise then dived into the water ______ ,leaving the bird-catcher without a single pearl.

We should learn from the short story that greed leads you to have _______

1.A.friend B.food C.home D.parents

2.A.happy B.sad C.worried D.bored

3.A.hi B.sorry C.congratulations D.goodbye

4.A.refused B.agreed C.left D.stayed

5.A.pleased B.disturbed C.relaxed D.sad

6.A.should B.must C.could D.needed

7.A.house B.coat C.feather D.present

8.A.came up B.came in C.came down D.came along

9.A.buy B.give C.lend D.steal

10.A.sorry B.pleased C.angry D.sad

11.A.buy B.rob C.sell D.have

12.A.Because B.As C.Because of D.To

13.A.jumped B.walked C.swam D.ran

14.A.quickly B.hardly C.seriously D.carefully

15.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

Some people have a very poor sense of direction. Unluckily,I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.

When I was a little girl,I never dared to ask strangers the way. And so I used to walk round in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.

Now,I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere,I would say, "Sorry, I am a stranger here."

Once on my way to work I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn't want to keep him waiting.

When I just got to my office, the secretary showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight!

1.The writer always refuses to give people directions because .

A.she's a stranger to the city

B.she doesn't know the people

C.she has no time to help others

D.she's afraid of giving wrong directions

2.A man stopped the writer on the way to .

A.sell her something

B.ask for the time

C.make friends with her

D.ask for the direction

3.The word "embarrassed" in the last paragraph means " ".

A.尴尬 B.困惑 C.激动 D.拮据

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The writer is too shy to give others directions.

B.The writer has a very poor sense of direction.

C.The writer never got lost when she was young.

D.The man was quite nervous when he saw the writer.

Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? You may think of Confucius(孔子), September 28 was his birthday. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people today still remember and respect him.

Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3, so he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius never gave up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.

Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in China. At that time only children from rich families could go to school, but Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.

Today, people still follow Confucius’ lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy(值得) to be learned. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.” He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled (困惑的). All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”

Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” he said.

1.Confucius learned music, history, poetry and sports __________as a child.

A.by teaching himself at home B.with the help of his mother

C.by going to school D.by visiting many famous teachers

2.Confucius started the first public school to __________.

A.help poor children go to school, too B.find himself a job as a teacher

C.teach children at school but not at home D.make himself the best teacher in China

3.The correct order of the following statements is __________.

① Confucius worked to help his mother as a child.

② Confucius educated about 3,000 students in his lifetime.

③ Confucius’ father died.

④ Confucius started the first public school in Chinese history.

A.③①④② B.②③④① C.③①②④ D.④③①②

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Confucius’ Teaching Methods B.A Great Man with Hard Childhood

C.A Person Who Changed China D.Confucius-- A Great Teacher and Thinker

Do you like chocolate? Maybe most people do. A box of it can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.

Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A man has studied people’s choices. He says they tell something about the person. Do you choose a round piece? You are a person who likes to party. Do you choose an oval (椭圆形的) one? You are a person who likes to make things. Picking a square chocolate shows something else. The person is honest and true. You can believe in him or her.

What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This shows you have warm feelings about the past. Dark chocolate means something else. A person who chooses it looks toward the future. What about white chocolate? Would you choose it? If so, you may find it hard to decide things. Some people like chocolate with nuts (果仁). These are people who like to help others.

Do you believe these ideas? Can candy tell all these things? It doesn’t really matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it just because they like it.

1.What does it show if a person pick a round shape of chocolate?

A. He is good at making things. B. He likes to do something for others.

C. He likes singing, dancing and drinking. D. You can trust him.

2.What may you do if you enjoy eating milk chocolate?

A. Look forward to the future. B. Like to think of the past.

C. Enjoy parties and fun. D. Have problems deciding things.

3.Which kind of chocolate may a helpful person choose?

A. With nuts. B. In square shape. C. In oval shape. D. With coffee.

4.What’s the writer’s main idea?

A. We should believe all the information about chocolate.

B. Don’t believe the information about candy.

C. Candy can tell something about a person.

D. It’s not important for eaters of chocolate to believe the ideas or not.


Do you often forget the page in your favourite books? Don’t worry. You can make your bookmark in a different way, so you will remember your page again. Learn how to make a paper bookmark. It will help you enjoy reading.

You need:

*Paper in different colours.

*Scissors, glue, decorations, ribbon(丝带)but not a rope.

How to do:

Find out the right paper. Paint your favourite colour. And a heavy one will be good.

Cut the paper with scissors. You have to think about the size of the bookmark. Making it too big or too small is not useful.

Use the glue to put the decorations on the bookmark. You will have a lot of fun at this time.

Create a hole at the top of your bookmark, and use the ribbon to tie a knot. It makes your bookmark more beautiful.

1. to Make a Paper Bookmark

Don’t be 2. when you forget your page in your favourite books. You can make your bookmark in a different way. Then you won’t 3. your page any more.

What you 4.

*Paper in 5. colours.

*Scissors, glue, decorations, ribbon.

How to do

*Find the right paper. Use your favourite colour to 6. it and a heavy one will be good.

*Use scissors to 7. the paper and think about the size of the bookmark.It is 8. to make the bookmark too big or too small.

*Use the glue to put the decorations on the bookmark. You will 9. yourself at this time.

*Create a hole at the top of your bookmark, and tie a knot 10. the ribbon. As the ribbon makes your bookmark more beautiful.

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