Once upon a time, there was a king. He had only one leg and one eye. One day, when the kings was walking through the palace hallway, he saw the portraits(肖像)of ________ ancestors. He thought that one day his children would also remember him through portraits on the walls.

However,_________his disabilities, he wasn’t sure how his painting would turn out. So he ________ many famous painters to his palace and said, “I want a beautiful portrait to be________ in the hallway.”

The painters began to think, “The king had only one leg and one eye. It is ________ to paint his portrait beautifully. If the portrait doesn’t look beautiful, the king may get angry.” They were afraid to be ________, so one by one, they started to make ________ and politely refused to paint a portrait of the king.

________, one painter raised his hand and said, “I will paint a very beautiful portrait and I’m sure you will like it.” The other painters were ________ to hear this. After the painting was finished, it was shown to the king. In the picture, the king was sitting on a horse, on the one-leg side, shooting an arrow with his one eye closed. He did make a perfect picture by hiding the king’s ________ parts.

This story tells us that we should pay attention to good things instead of weaknesses in life.

1.A.his B.its C.her

2.A.according to B.as for C.because of

3.A.led B.invited C.introduced

4.A.put up B.put on C.set up

5.A.meaningless B.unnecessary C.impossible

6.A.questioned B.educated C.punished

7.A.wishes B.excuses C.mistakes

8.A.Unexpectedly B.Unluckily C.Undoubtedly

9.A.excited B.worried C.surprised

10.A.strong B.weak C.favourite

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is in the northern part of Australia. It is the largest coral reef system(珊瑚礁系统)in the world. Great Barrier Reef has over 900 islands and over 2,900 reefs. It is larger than the Great Wall of China. And it is the only living thing on Earth that can be seen from outer space.

Harbour of Rio de Janeiro

The Harbour of Rio de Janeiro is around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is famous for being the world’s largest bay(海湾). The harbor is 17.4 miles long from east to west and 18.6 miles from north to south. It was first discovered in 1502.


Paricutin is a volcano that is in the Mexican state of Michoacan. It is one of the youngest volcanoes in the world. It last erupted(爆发)in 1952.

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a waterfall system on the Zambezi River in southern Africa. It is neither the highest waterfall nor the widest waterfall in the world, but it is the largest. It is 1,708 metres wide and 108 metres high.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Great Barrier Reef?

A.It is the oldest coral reef system in the world. B.It is made up millions of reefs.

C.We can see it from outer space. D.It is as long as the Great Wall.

2.What can we learn about the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro according to the material?

① When it was first discovered. ② Who first discovered it.

③ What it is famous for. ④ Where it is.

A.①②③ . B.①③④ . C.①②④ . D.②③④ .

3.When did Paricutin erupt last time?

A.In 1502. B.100 years ago. C.67 years ago. D.In 1708.

4.Which of the following words can describe Victoria Falls?

A.Highest. B.Oldest. C.Widest. D.Largest.

Late one afternoon in December, my wife, Stacy, and I returned home to find something white in front of our door. It was like fallen snow, but it was strange to see snow in our area. It was a white cat.

“Where did you come from?” I asked him. The cat was friendly, and allowed us to come nearer to him. “Look! He has no collar(项圈),” Stacy said. “Perhaps he’s a homeless cat.” I hated to think of this little cat staying out in the cold. Stacy and I looked at each other. I knew we were thinking the same. We had a new cat, an early Christmas gift. We already had seven cats, so we had everything to make our new cat feel right at home.

The next day, when we got home from work, a white cat was waiting for us at the door. “Oh, no!” Stacy said. “The cat got out!” “What’s going on?” I asked and picked him up. “OK, we’ll get you inside.” When I opened the door, I was shocked—there was another white cat sitting on the floor. It was the white cat that we found yesterday. I looked at the cat in my arms, then back at the one on the floor. They looked the same. When I let him down, the second cat ran to the other. They played with each other like old friends. “They must be brothers!” Stacy said.

At last, they became members of our family. Kris and Kringle, our Christmas angels .

1.The man and his wife decided to keep the first white cat when they__________.

A.offered a new collar to him B.saw the snow falling outside

C.found him at the door at first D.guessed he didn’t have an owner

2.What can we learn about the man and his wife from Paragraph 2?

A.They didn’t like cats in the past. B.They were good at taking care of cats.

C.They wouldn’t buy any Christmas gifts. D.They tried to find a new home for the cat.

3.Why was the man shocked?

A.He found he got a new cat again. B.The first cat got out of the house.

C.There was only one cat at home. D.The two new cats knew him.

4.How many cats did they have at home at last?

A.Seven. B.Eight. C.Nine. D.Ten.

I got to the house, but no one came out. I got out of the taxi, walked up to the door, and knocked.

“Just a minute,” answered someone. After a long time, the door opened. A small old woman stood before me. I took her bag and let her take my arm. Then we moved slowly to the taxi. She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to be nice to my passengers, because I want others to be nice to my mother, too.”

When we got in the taxi, she asked, “Could you drive through the city?” “It’s not the shortest way,” I answered. “Oh, just do it,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice(安养院). I don’t have any family left.” For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me a building—she and her family once lived there. Sometimes she asked me to drive slowly in front of some buildings, and she would look at them and say nothing.

We got to the hospice. I took her bag to the door. “How much should I pay you?” she asked, “Nothing,” I answered. Without thinking, I gave her a hug. “You make an old woman happy,” she said. “Thank you.”

I didn’t have any more passengers that day. I just thought about that woman. I’m happy that I helped her. It was a small thing, but it was a great moment in life.

1.What is the author?

A.A doctor. B.A policeman. C.A taxi driver. D.A volunteer.

2.Why did the old woman ask the author to go that way?

A.She wanted to visit her family in the city. B.She wanted to run away from the hospice.

C.She wanted to see things about her past life. D.She wanted to have more time with the author.

3.What do we know about the old woman?

A.She had no money. B.She walked slowly.

C.She was the first passenger that day. D.She didn’t want any help.

4.How did the author help the old woman?

A.He took the bag for her. B.He gave her some money.

C.He cared for her family. D.He found her a better home.

Friendship can’t be measured (测量) nor can it be weighed. We stopped a few people on the street to find out what part friendship played in their lives. Here is what they said.

My best friend Mark and I really enjoy spending time playing basketball every evening. Even over 10 years after college, we still get the same amount of joy when playing basketball together.—James, 34

The importance of friendship in my life is more than what I can put into words. My childhood friends recently pulled me through hard times when my father died. —Gemina, 38

I didn’t realize the importance of friendship until it was too late. I didn’t keep in touch with friends, but now I have realized that life is much better with friends around. —Tom, 42

(Are we all learning something from Tom’s lesson in life?)

We all should wake up and realize the true importance of friendship because friends accept you for what you are, not for what you can be. —Jane, 21

(Jane has hit the nail on the head, do you think so?)

My friends and I love sharing a beer each weekend. Everything in the world can change but not our dates with our beers. For me, the importance of friendship lies in enjoying the time we spend together with nothing to worry about. —a policeman (who was on duty at the corner of the street)

1.James and Mark __________.

A.have the same hobby B.became friends recently

C.only meet when playing basketball D.studied at the same middle school and college

2.Using Tom’s lesson, the write wants to tell us to __________.

A.remember our friendship forever B.always be there for our friends

C.value our friendship right now D.meet our friends as often as possible

3.What does the writer want to express by saying “hit the nail on the head”?

A.Friendship is important to everyone.

B.We should make as many friends as we can.

C.We should make friends with people like Jane.

D.Friends are those who accept us for who we are.

4.What do the five people have in common?

A.They think friends are important. B.They spend much time with friends.

C.They have gone through hard times in life. D.They have made a lot of friends in their lives.

With China’s large population and increasing urban(城市的)space, the cost of electricity is rising in cities. So the Chinese government is preparing to send the world’s first artificial(人造的)moon to space.

The man-made moon is, in fact, a satellite. It carries a huge space mirror so that it can throw back sunlight to the Earth. The moon will fly about 500 kilometres above Chengdu, a south-western city of China, and work like the Moon at night. Since it runs much closer to the Earth than the Moon, it’s much brighter and there will be no need to use street lights in the city. According to scientists, Chengdu can save around 174 million dollars in electricity if the man-made moon brightens 50 square kilometres of the city.

For now, the artificial moon is still going through testing. Although it has many advantages, quite a lot of people think that creating more artificial light is harmful to the environment, as light pollution is a growing problem in our modern world. Actually, there is no need to worry. Chinese scientists say the mirror on the moon can be controlled, so they can decide its direction, brightness and so on. They can even turn it off when needed. Moreover, when the man-made moon works, people will see only a bright star above. It won’t be a giant moon as imagined.

Several countries, including China, are all looking to use energy from space, and artificial moons have been under discussion for some time. In 1999, Russia tried sending a space mirror into space, but it failed. And later the project was cancelled, according to the New York Times. And now, it seems that space light has come closer.

1.China will send the man-made moon to space to __________.

A.study the Moon B.explore space C.save energy D.protect the Earth

2.What is the second paragraph mainly talking about?

A.How the man-made moon works. B.How the man-made moon was created.

C.How scientists control the man-made moon. D.How the man-made moon throws back sunlight.

3.What can we learn about the man-made moon from the passage?

A.It looks huge from the Earth. B.Three will be sent to space in 2020.

C.It is designed to work at night only. D.China is the first country to send it to space.

4.In which column(专栏)of a newspaper can we probably find the passage?


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