Film Festival Cinema Guide at Grand Cinema

Better Days

Chinese Film

Director: Zeng Guoqiang

Stars: Zhou Dongyu Yi Yangqianxi

Plot: The film Better days is bringing attention to school bullying(欺凌).It is based on the Web novel Young and Beautiful. It tells the story of high school student Chen Nian, who is bullied at school and later has something to do with a murder case. The movie shows how complex social situations can be for teenagers. Schools, teachers, parents, police and the government must work together to stop bullying.

Time: From Monday to Wednesday. At 6:00 p.m.

Ticket Price: $ 30

The Terminal

American film

Director: Steven Allan Spielberg

Stars: Tom Hanks.

Plot: It tells the story of Viktor Navorski from a European country. Unluckily, on his way to the US, his country's government is overthrown. Navorski isn't allowed to enter the US. He has to stay at the airport for nine months. There he becomes a hero because he helps many people. This story shows how honest and kind people can be.

Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p.m.

Ticket Price: $ 27

My People,My Country

Chinese film

General Director: Chen Kaige

Stars: Huang Bo, Zhang Yi Wu Jing...and so on.

Plot: The film is made up of seven stories, which are directed by different directors. It tells the story of common people and the People's Republic of China during the past 70 years.

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p.m.

Ticket Price: $ 34 ( Half on Sunday for children)

Fast and Furious 7

American film

Director: James Wan

Stars: Vin Diesel, Jason Statham...

Plot: It tells the story between Dornin Toretto and Deckard Shaw. Deckard Shaw wants to revenge for the murder of his younger brother. The film is full of fights and wild car racings.

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 p.m.

Ticket Price: $30

1.The film Better Days wants to show us .

A.teenagers' wonderful school life people can be honest and kind

C.a student has something to do with a murder

D.we should pay attention to school bullying and act to stop bullying

2.If a man with a child goes to see the film My People, My Country on Sunday, they will pay for the film.

A.$68 B.$34 C.$51 D.$ 52

3.If you are free on Tuesday evening, you can see the film .

A.Better Days or Fast and Furious 7

B.The Terminal or Fast and Furious 7

C.Better Days or My People, My Country

D.My People, My Country or The Terminal

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful bird, which was very curious about Hell (地狱). When she was little, her mother always told her that if she didn't master the flying skills, she would go to Hell. She was so curious about Hell that she always asked others what Hell looked like, but no one was sure, because none of them had ever been there. Some said Hell was a place full of water, and others told her that Hell was full of burning fire. However, the bird knew they were lying. She wanted to find out what Hell was.

When other birds were learning flying skills, she always hid herself and watched them. She thought in this way she could go to Hell and see what Hell looked like. However, she spent so little time learning flying skills that one day she was caught by a little boy. The little boy gave her to his grandpa in the countryside as a gift. The old man liked her very much. He made a delicate cage and put her in it. The bird was very worried because she thought she couldn't find out what Hell was like staying in this small cage. However, she couldn't escape. Day after day, she just stayed in the cage, watching other birds flying. She lost her freedom and she became sadder and sadder. At last, she became ill. The old man finally opened the cage, but she was too weak to fly. Lying on the ground, she thought of the question that she ever asked all the time.

“What does Hell look like?”

“Hell is a small well-decorated cage." Before she closed her eyes forever, she finally answered that question herself.

1.What does the underlined word “master" in the first paragraph mean?

A.Miss. B.Finish. C.Follow. D.Learn well.

2.Why did the bird hide herself when other birds were learning flying skills?

A.Because she was lazy.

B.Because she didn't like learning flying skills.

C.Because she thought she could go to Hell by doing this.

D.Because she thought it was of no use to learn flying skills.

3.According to the passage, the bird at last found out that .

A.there was no Hell

B.Hell was full of burning fire

C.Hell was a place full of water

D.Hell was a small well-decorated cage

“Many people died in their thirties or forties when I was a child", Chen Zhixiang, an 82-year-old teacher who grew up in Xi'an, told Xinhua. At that time, living to be 60 was a long life.

But that is no longer the case. According to the National Bureau of statistics(国家统计局), the life expectancy for Chinese people rose from 35 in 1949 to 77 in 2019.

Chen told Xinhua that he rarely ate meat when he was a child. People didn't have enough food and clothing at that time. And anyone who became ill may die.

Now Chinese people are enjoying healthier and more nutritious diets. The grain, meat, peanut and fruit has topped the world for many years, according to the State Council. In 1949, China's per capita disposable income(人均可支配收入)was 49.7 Yuan. This same income reached 28,228 Yuan in 2019. It refers to the amount of money that each person has for spending and saving after paying taxes.

China is also paying more attention to improving people's health. China's medical insurance system covers more than 95 percent of the people.

The country has also made efforts to keep its people healthy with a national health program. As of 2019, China had more than 3.2 million sports venues across the country. Over 400 million people take part in daily exercise.

1.Chinese people's life expectancy rose by years from 1949 to 2019.

A.30 B.35 C.42 D.77

2.According to Chen, Chinese people's life expectancy used to be short because .

a. there was not enough food b. they didn't have enough clothes

c. they were overworked d. if they got sick, they would probably die B.abd C.acd D.bed

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A.Chinese people's income has risen.

B.Chinese people are good at saving money.

C.China bought food from other countries.

D.Chinese people eat lots of unhealthy food

4.What's the main idea of this passage?

A.Chinese people are living longer now.

B.Chinese people have the world's best medicine care.

C.Chinese people live longer than anyone in the world.

D.Chinese people pay little attention to their life expectancy.

A few months ago I was at a bus stop in town in the evening. The bus came on time and I took the window seat. The bus route was by the seashore and I was enjoying the breeze(微风)while watching the sea waves. After a fewminutes the bus made its next stop. A young boy and a girl got on. They were standing on my left. I looked at them curiously and realized that all the window seats were occupied(占据). They could sit but not together. Suddenly a different wave passed through my body and my inner mind gave me the advice to get up. I got up and offered them my seat. The young lady smiled kindly and said thanks. I occupied another seat. I don't remember whether 1 got off the bus before them or not.

Months passed by. Suddenly one day while I was standing at the same bus stop waiting some time for the bus to arrive, I heard a voice?

“Excuse me, Uncle.” I looked in the direction of the voice. It was a beautiful young lady.

Puzzled, I said, “I do not know you.”

She said, "Do you remember you gave us your window seat?"

Puzzled, I said, “Maybe, but what is so great in that?”

She said, "If you had not given your seat that day, perhaps I would have not sat with my friend. By sitting together it helped us bridge a misunderstanding(误会)that had been between us forever. Do you know we will get married next month?"

“Good! God bless both of you,” I replied.

The young lady again said thank you and went on her journey. I realized the importance of giving that day.

1.Why were the young boy and the girl standing on the bus?

A.Because they couldn't sit together.

B.Because there were no empty seats.

C.Because they always preferred to stand.

D.Because they were enjoying the sea view.

2.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means that the writer had a feeling that .

A.the sea wave made him upset

B.a wave from the sea flooded him

C.he wanted to do something special

D.he wanted to make a sea wave in his heart

3.The writer’s act of kindness helped the young boy and the girl .

A.know each other and get married

B.sit together and become friends very soon

C.clear up a misunderstanding between them

D.begin to talk to each other again after a quarrel

4.From the story, we can know that .

A.offering one’s seat to others may win respect is giving rather than receiving that matters

C.small things can create great happenings in life

D.we sometimes forget what happened in the past

5.The best title for the passage would be “ ”.

A.The people on the bus B.The bus ride

C.The empty seat on the bus D.The pleasant travel

Enriching(使丰富) your life means making an effort to make your life meaningful and happy. Though you may have difficulty realizing it, there are many steps you can take to experience new things, gain knowledge, and enjoy what you already have.

Learn to forgive others. If you often hate other people around you, then you won't live a wonderful life. So learn to move forward and accept that everyone makes mistakes. If someone has really hurt you and feel it difficult to accept that person's apology(道歉),then be honest about it. Don’t pretend(假装)that you're okay and then go on complaining. This won’t get you very far.

Volunteer to help others. It will not only be good for the people around you, but also make you able to communicate with different people who can influence your life just as positively(积极地)as you can influence theirs. You can work in a homeless shelter or help do the cleaning in your neighborhood.

Try to be less wasteful. Trying not to be wasteful can help you become thankful and really enjoy the world around you more. You can use paper instead of plastic whenever you can. Don't use too many products that can't be used again. Go to somewhere on foot or by bike instead of driving. All these ideas make you less wasteful.

Get along well with your friends and family. No matter how busy you are, you should develop a habit of spending time with your loved ones and letting them know how you care about them. You can write thank-you cards to your friends and family members or call up your parents or grandparents regularly. If you're not living in the same place, then often tell yourself to call just to say “hi”.

Meaning of a rich life

It means a 1.and happy life.

It helps people to experience new 2.,gain knowledge and enjoy their present life. enrich your life

Forgive others.

Accept the fact that nobody is 4..

Be 5.about it if you really have difficulty accepting others’ apologies.

Volunteer to help others.

Communicate with someone who can have a positive 6.on your life.

Try to be less wasteful.

Thank and enjoy the world around you.

7.use products that can’t be reused as often as possible.

Try to walk or ride a bike more often 8.of driving a car.

Get 9.well with others.

Stay with your loved ones and let them know how you care about them.

Keep in 10.with them by writing “thank-you” cards or making regular phone calls.

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