When Rebecca was a middle school student, she was often bullied (欺凌) At that time.she didn't want to tell others._________, she now thinks people who are bullied should talk about their_________.Rebecca says that.many people who are bullied suffer (忍受)in silence.She says that although she_________heard a lot about bullying when she was in primary school, she never thought it would happen to her.

Rebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle school.People started making fun of her for being a_________student and knowing all the answers.She went on to say that every time she answered a question correctly in class, everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too_________for them.She told us that by the end of the year, she was very_______about the bullying and became ill.She began to hate school.But_______,she had a friend who she could talk to, and they told their head teacher about her problem.She believed that talking to the teacher_________her a lot.They found ways to deal with the problem, and the bullying finally_______.

Her__________is, don't see yourself as the problem.Nobody should be bullied.But if you don't tell anyone what is going on, nobody will know that you need help.

1.A.So B.Though C.However D.And

2.A.experiences B.jokes C.hobbies D.studies

3.A.seldom B.always  C.never D.suddenly

4.A.bad B.happy C.silent D.good

5.A.clever B.slow C.noisy D.proud

6.A.pleased B.worried C.satisfied D.amazed

7.A.usually B.interestingly C.luckily D.strangely

8.A.surprised B.controlled C.excited D.helped

9.A.started B.stopped C.increased D.continued

10.A.problem B.agreement C.condition D.advice

Tom was a seven— year— old boy.He was sick to death of school because he didn't want to do his homework.He was always looking for excuses not to do it.When he sneezed or had a headache, he told his mom he was seriously ill and he couldn't do his homework.Though Tom's mom was angry, she didn't know how to deal with him.Most of the time, Tom went to school without finishing his homework.Even though he finished his homework, he usually did it very carelessly.

One Thursday evening, Tom told his mom that he couldn't do his homework because he was having a fever.After taking his temperature, Mom realized that Tom didn't tell the truth.So he had to do his homework.To his mom's surprise, the light in Tom's bedroom was still on at midnight .His mom found Tom was already asleep and his homework was only half completed.

The next morning, Tom went to school as usual When he returned home from school, his mom asked, Did your teacher punish you today? No, mom,"Tom answered.What did you say to the teacher? "his mom asked him."I told my teacher that an accident happened to me, and my homework was lost.”


1.Tom was always looking for excuses not to do his homework.

2.At midnight on Thursday, Tom was asleep with the light on.

3.Tom didn't finish his homework most of the time because he was ill.

4.Tom's mom knew how to deal with him when he didn't finish his homework.

5.The next morning, Tom's teacher didn't punish him because he had a fever last night.

There are many kinds of marathons(马拉松)held each year, from the Sahara Desert around the world.here is some information about some of them.

London marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 198I and has been held in spring every year since then.The latest event was the 2019 London Marathon on April 28, 2019.The London Marathon is the best in raising money.Since it started, it has raised over £770 million.

New York City Marathon

The New York City Marathon has grown from a race with 55 finishers to the world's biggest and most popular marathon.50, 229 runners joined in the event in 2015.The race has been organized every year since 1970, with the exception(例外)of 2012.

Boston marathon

This is the oldest annual(一年一度的) marathon in the world.Started in1897, It was inspired(受……启发) by the marathon held at the Summer Olympics in Greece the year before .The Boston Marathon was held in greater Boston in the state of Massachusetts in America.

North Pole Marathon

For anyone who doesn't mind freezing conditions, the North Pole Marathon— known as the world's coolest marathon— takes place on the top of the world, around the North pole.The first official race was held on April 17, 2003.


1.According to the text, the London Marathon may be_________.

A.the biggest. B.the coolest. C.the oldest. D.the richest.

2.How many people ran in 2015.New York City Marathon?

A.About 5,000. B.About 8,000 C.Nearly 10,000 D.Over 50.000

3.The idea of Boston Marathon was born thanks to the marathon in_________.

A.I896 B.1897 C.1898 D.1900

4.How long is the history of the world's coolest marathon?

A.17 years. B.20 years. C.35 years. D.46 years

5.Where does.the text probably come from?

A.A geography book. B.A sports magazine. C.A news report.. D.A school notice

The relationship between students and teachers is very important.Why is getting along with teachers important? Every day, we spend more hours with our teachers at school than with our parents at home.We learn many things from them and they teach us to be good people.

In China, many students think that teachers care mainly about our studies and school lives.We believe that they know everything, especially about the subjects they teach.They also have the right to decide who should be the new class leaders, give a speech or take part in some important activities.

Many students want to be the teacher's “pet”.Just like a pet to its owner, we show great respect to our teachers, For example, in class we follow the rules and keep quiet unless the teacher asks us to speak.We seldom argue with our teachers and believe everything teachers say.When they make a mistake, we seldom point it out.Some of us even wouldn't like to contact(接触)teachers after class, because we don't want to bother them.

However at American schools.teachers and students are more like friends.In class, students express their opinions freely and challenge teachers when they don't agree.If a teacher makes a mistake, the teacher will say sorry in front of the whole class.They talk about studies and life experiences.

In my opinion, it's good to show respect for our dear teachers in China, but we'd better think more about how to build a better relationship with teachers.


1.In Paragraph 3, the writer uses the word “pet”to_________.

A.show how teachers love students B.show how students try to respect their teachers

C.explain why teachers are powerful D.explain why students don't want to bother teachers

2.What does the underlined word"bother"in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?

A.提高 B.拒绝 C.鼓励 D.打扰

3.From the passage we know that American teachers_________.

A.often argue with students. B.wouldn't say sorry even if they are wrong.

C.are more like friends to students. D.are very powerful in school.

4.When teachers make mistakes in class,_________.

A.American students usually challenge them. B.Chinese students always point them out.

C.American students think it is not a big problem. D.Chinese students think the teachers are not good.

5.Which of the following is the writer's idea according to the last paragraph?

A.Students don't have to show great respect to their teachers.

B.The relationship between Chinese students and teachers needs improving.

C.Chinese students shouldn't learn from American students.

D.Chinese schools should give teachers less power to decide students' life.

Are you interested in intelligent robots?Now let's get to know three kinds of robots which have different skills.

Fish— like Robot This orange fish is not a real fish.Its name is Smart Tuna.It's a robot that looks like a fish and swims in the water.It can help people find where a pipeline(管道)is broken When it finds holes, it makes a loud noise to tell workers about it.Sometimes the pipeline is very narrow. People cannot get into it to look for the problem, but Smart Tuna can.

Hot Pepper Pepper can understand your feelings by studying your face's emotions, voice and body languages.It has a strong computing “brain”, camera and recording device(装置).It can “feel”whether you are happy or sad and interact(互动) with you like a man.For example, when you laugh, Pepper will laugh and cheer with you.Pepper can work as a receptionist(接待员)in hospitals, banks and companies.It can also help people to choose and buy things, just like a salesperson.

You You You You is from China.It is 28 m tall, 60 kg, with two big blue eyes.In fact, its eyes are touch screens.You You can talk to people.It will track(跟踪 )where you are and turn its head towards you.You You can move fast on its wheels.It can also sing and dance well.You you doesn't need people to introduce it, because the robot can introduce itself!


1.What is Smart Tuna used for?

A.It is used for testing if the pipeline is narrow. B.It is used for searching holes in the pipeline.

C.It is used for connecting between the workers. D.It is used for making strange noise in the pipeline.

2.According to the passage, what can't Pepper do?

A.Laugh and cheer with you. B.Work like a salesperson.

C.Look over your body. D.Understand your feelings.

3.What do these three robots have in common?

A.They all look like humans. B.They all have their own names.

C.They all solve problems. D.They all sing a few songs.

4.Which of the following is TRUE about You You?

A.You You can move quickly on its two feet. B.You You likes to be introduced by others.

C.You You has two blue eyes made of lights. D.You you can not only sing but also dance.

5.The writer wrote the passage mainly to_________.

A.tell people what intelligent robots can do. B.introduce how many kinds of intelligent robots.

C.ask people to play with intelligent robots. D.call for scientists to invent more intelligent robots.

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