The following are some important reasons why you need to set goals for yourself.

1. Having a goal written down with a set date for accomplishment(完成)gives you something to plan and work for.

2. Most of us have big dreams that seem impossible to accomplish. It's easy to feel disappointed when you're staring at a difficult task. Proper goal setting can help break larger aspirations(愿望)into smaller and more achievable stepping stones.

3. Sometimes, looking back on a goal you set for yourself six months, or one year ago, you realize that you were supposed to accomplish a lot more than you actually did. It's a sign that whatever you're doing isn't working. So you need to make real changes if you want to get where you want to be.

4. There are times when we set goals that don't really show what we want. Sometimes we think we need more money, when we really need a change of environment. By asking ourselves what we really want and continually reconsidering our goals, we can find out what we really want in life.

5. Imagine you're on vacation. Wouldn't you want to find out exactly what you want to see with the limited(有限的)time? In many ways, life is like a vacation. We're given a limited amount of time to pursue the experiences we want and then before you know it, it's time to go. Without a clear sense of what you want to do you'll never be able to live life to the fullest.

A. Goals move you forward.

B. Goals help you live life to the fullest.

C. Goals help you make more money.

D. Goals hold you accountable (对……负责) for failure.

E. Goals tell you what you truly want.

F. Goals help to turn difficult tasks into easy ones.

通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

I was eleven years old standing outside in just my underwear while I watched the house that I grew up in rapidly burn to the ground. A few minutes _______ I had been sound asleep in my nice, warm bed when a scream _______ me up. My Nana's _______ was just next to mine and my brother's. A fire had _______ there and woke her up. _______ her, my older brother began to take action. While I stumbled(跌跌撞撞)in the _______ and darkness, he ran from room to room _______ waking everyone in the house. The _______, however was over 50 years old and made of wood. Before we could do anything, the fire took it down.

I stood there shaking while the fire destroyed my books, clothes and toys. I watched _______ while my Mom cried and my Dad swore. I wondered what was going to happen to us now that we had ____________ all of our things. As I looked around, though, I realized something for the ____________ time: The things that ____________ are not things but our life. Everything that was important had survived the fire. Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered.

I still think of that fire in the ____________ that helped me to become who I am today. It showed me for the very first time what is truly ____________ in life. It helped me to learn ____________ love we share is far more important than the things we possess. Love others. Help everyone. Let the love inside of you make this world a warmer place. Let your soul shine brightly.


A.later B.earlier

C.ago D.forward


A.woke B.took

C.lifted D.put

3. B.bedroom D.dining room


A.gone down B.broken down

C.gone out D.broken out


A.Understanding B.Comforting

C.Seeing D.Hearing


A.dirt B.noise



A.nervously B.quickly

C.secretly D.strictly




A.helplessly B.unluckily

C.uselessly D.importantly


A.solved B.lost

C.bought D.owned


A.last B.second

C.first D.third

12. B.own

C.appear D.matter


A.afternoon B.morning

C.night D.noon


A.patient B.convenient

C.important D.interesting


A.what B.which


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