Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mum, dad and other giraffe friends. As Alex grew, he__________his neck was much shorter than the others’. He began to get________. But his mother told him that he was special. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.

Alex tried not to think about his short_________ But as his friends grew taller and taller, his neck__________short. Sometimes the other giraffes_________ him, but his parents told him not to worry. They said that he should be happy with himself the way he was. He tried, but he could not even play in some girafre sports. He was just too________.

One day, one of the zoo workers came and took Alex away. Alex was frightened. Would he have to leave the zoo just______he didn’t have a long neck? The zoo worker calmed Alex down and gave him some food. He felt better. Then he led Alex into another area of the zoo. There was a small__________between the two areas. Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.

Soon Alex’s parents came to see him. “I told you that you were special,” his mother said. “The zoo has made a place just for _________ because so many people want to see how special you are!” She was right. Visitors pointed to him and screamed________. They looked happy to see something so special at the zoo.

1.A. wondered B. found C. hoped D. agreed

2.A. powerful B. interested C. energetic D. worried

3.A. leg B. tail C. neck D. nose

4.A. stayed B. became C. turned D. felt

5.A. looked after B. fell behind C. laughed at D. heard of

6.A. tall B. short C. fat D. thin

7.A. after B. unless C. because D. before

8.A. cage B. hole C. window D. door

9.A. him B. you C. us D. me

10.A. excitedly B. angrily C. sadly D. heavily

If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometres.These great forests are the seas of trees.They are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time.We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland as well.Some people say that there will not be any forests like these left in 20 to 30 years.What will happen if they disappear? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world, in a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts, for example, crops will not grow there.What's worse, it will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot.Perhaps the climate of the world will change, which will be dangerous for everyone in the world.That is why we must take care of our forests.

1.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word "deserts" in this passage?

A. Farmland.

B. Sands.

C. Green fields.

D. Villages.

2.The passage mainly tells us about ________.

A. the importance of taking care of our forests

B. why a lot of animals disappear

C. where the forests are

D. the reasons for forming the deserts

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Only Africa and South America are the oceans of trees.

B. Different plants can't be found in the same forest.

C. Forests are usually several square kilometres large.

D. Forests are homes to different kinds of animals.

Miguel gathered his guitar and all the Ernesto de la Cruz albums he could carry and rushed down from the rooftop. His family surrounded him when he reached the yard.

Abuelita’s eyes darted from the guitar to the albums. “What is all this?” she said. “You keep secrets from your own family?”

“It’s all that time he spends in the plaza,” Tio Berto said.

“Fills his head with crazy fantasies,” Tia Gloria added.

“It’s not a fantasy (幻想)!” Miguel protested. He handed his father the old photograph of Mama Imelda, Coco, and the unidentified (未知身份的) man and pointed to the guitar. “That man was Ernesto de la Cruz! The greatest musician of all time!”

“We’ve never known anything about this man. But whoever he was, he still left his family,” Miguel’s father said. “This is no future for my son.”

“But, Papa, you told me to look to the ofrenda (灵坛). You said my family would guide me! Well, Ernesto de la Cruz is my family! I’m supposed to play music!”

“Never! That man’s music was a curse (诅咒)! I will not allow it!” Abuelita said, raising her voice.

“You will listen to your family. No more music,” added Miguel’s father.

“Just listen to me play – ” “End of argument,” Papa said.

Miguel thought they’d change their minds if they heard him play. He lifted his guitar and prepared to strum, but Abuelita snatched it from his hands. She pointed to the photo. “You want to end up like that man? Forgotten? Left off your family’s ofrenda?”

“I don’t care if I’m on some stupid ofrenda!” The words burst out before Miguel could stop them. He couldn’t take them back, even though he wanted to.

The family gasped. Abuelita’s brow hardened. She raised the guitar in the air.

“No!” Miguel cried.

“Mama,” Miguel’s dad said just as Abuelita smashed (撞击) the guitar against the ground.

“There! No guitar, no music,” she said.

The whole family was silent as Miguel stared at his guitar, shattered into a hundred pieces on the ground. Miguel couldn’t move — he felt like someone had smashed him to pieces.

1.Where would this passage most likely be found?

A.In a book of travel. B.In a history book.

C.In a book of nature. D.In a novel.

2.What does “it” in the passage refer to?

A.photograph B.guitar D.curse

3.How did Miguel’s feelings change in the passage?

A.hopeful → hopeless B.excited → hopeful

C.hopeless → hopeful D.hopeful→ excited

4.Why did Miguel’s father say “This is no future for my son.”?

A.Because he thought his son Miguel was crazy about fantasies because of a curse.

B.Because he thought it impossible for Miguel to be a great musician like his hero.

C.Because he thought Miguel shouldn’t only dream for music after leaving his family.

D.Because he thought music couldn’t guide Miguel to a bright future instead of family.


We all experience disappointments in life, and they are never easy. When you get disappointed, what do you do? Keep silent? Get angry? Feel depressed? These are natural reactions when you face disappointment. But there are better ways to deal with it.

Coping with disappointment

Disappointment is a real emotion. Take a certain amount of time to feel hurt, sad or upset. Find a parent, friend or mentor and share your disappointment with them. Or write your thoughts and feelings of frustration down on paper.

Look at the Big Picture

A disappointment can seem huge at first, but after you’ve expressed your hurt, look at the big picture. How much will this disappointment really affect you tomorrow, next week or next year? Look for positive activities that will help you get over your disappointment. Perhaps you may enjoy writing in your journal, playing games or running in the park. Do one or more of those things. This will help you overcome the disappointment. Also, write down everything that you’re grateful for. This will help you see the positive things rather than the negative things.

Moving ahead

You’ve been disappointed. That’s in the past. It’s time to move forward, so don’t think about your disappointment. Remember not all disappointments are bad. In fact, you may eventually realize what you wanted is not what you really needed. You may discover you are better off because things didn’t work out as you’d planned. There may be a silver lining in your disappointment. Use the disappointment to reexamine your priorities. Then you may want to make major or minor changes in your life and focus on new goals. That can help you work through your disappointment. Remember, the only true failure is to give up.

1.According to the writer, what is NOT the right way to deal with disappointment?

A.Take all your time to feel hurt, sad or upset.

B.Write your thoughts and feelings down on paper.

C.Write in your journal, play games or run in the park.

D.Move forward, don’t think about your disappointment.

2.When you’ve been disappointed, how can you look at the big picture?

A.Overcome the disappointment. B.Just forget your disappointment.

C.Look for some positive activities. D.Focus on its real effect on your future.

3.Why can moving ahead work when you are disappointed?

A.Because things work out as you’ve planned.

B.Because it makes you reexamine your priorities.

C.Because it helps you realize what you wanted is what you needed.

D.Because it makes no changes in your life and help you focus on new goals.

4.What does the underlined word “negative” mean?

A.积极的 B.消极的 C.低级的 D.乐观的

5.The text is mainly written to explain __________.

A.disappointment is a real emotion

B.the only true failure is to give up

C.the ways to deal with disappointment

D.people all experience disappointment in life

A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第1~10小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。


One of the most powerful tools you can use to improve your reading comprehension is mind mapping. It is possible to create maps by simply using a pen and paper.

The first step is to draw a circle or box at the center of the page. Inside your shape write down the main idea that your mind map will focus upon. For example, if you were creating a mind map about the geography of the United States, then you would write down “the geography of the United States” in the middle of your page inside your circle.

Next you draw branches from your central idea. Much like a tree grows branches. Simply draw a line moving away from the central theme. In the case of the geography of the United States, you would probably draw 50 lines. Each line represents one of 50 states. These are the main categories(分类) with your primary concept(概念).

Each of lines can then have branches off of each. These would represent the main example under each category. For example, under the line titled, “Texas,” you would find lines called Austin, Houston, and Dallas, you might draw a series of lines to represent some of its main sections like “South Dallas” and “Highland Park”. You continue to draw your mind map much like the structure of branches on a tree.

Mind map helps improve your comprehension because they enable you to quickly see relationships between main ideas, categories, examples, and details that might otherwise be missed if you use more traditional note taking strategies(策略).

The most 1. tool to improve reading comprehension

  2. of the tool

Mind map

3. of making mind maps

★ Draw a circle or box in the middle of the page.

★ Write the theme 4. the circle that you want to focus on.

★ Draw branches from the central idea, for 5., if you write down “the geography of America” in the central circle or the box, the branches can be 50 lines which 6. states of the USA.

7. to draw lines from each of the 50 lines with the details under each state.

8. of making mind map

9. your comprehension.

★Enable you more quickly to find the 10. between main idea and other details.

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