An ice cream sundae(圣代)is a special treat that many enjoy. And in summer it is the perfect dessert to cool down with after a hot day. Of course, ice cream in any form is a dessert no child could miss either. Back in the 1890's there was an old-fashioned ice cream store in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. It was owned by a man named E.C. Berners. One day a boy named George came into the store and ordered a bowl of vanilla ice cream. He looked across the counter and noticed the bottle of chocolate syrup(糖浆)that was used in making ice cream sodas. He asked if the owner would add some to the top of his vanilla ice cream. The owner agreed and George said that it tasted really good. Other customers started to order chocolate syrup over their ice cream too. It very quickly became quite popular to do so.

But in those days ice cream cost five cents and adding the chocolate syrup made it too expensive for Berners to continue serving the ice cream that way for the same price. At last Berners came up with an idea — to sell ice cream with chocolate syrup on Sundays only.

Many years later the new name was invented by an unknown trader who thought the treat should have a name as fancy as its taste. That is how today when we enjoy ice cream with chocolate syrup it is now called a “sundae”.


1.According to the passage, a sundae is in fact ice cream with chocolate syrup on it.

2.Only children liked to eat the sundae at first.

3.To save money, Berners sold ice cream with chocolate syrup on Saturdays only.

4.An unknown trader invented the name of “sundae”.

5.The passage is mainly about the history of ice-cream sundae.

One day a professor(教授)entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a test. The students waited nervously at their desks, the professor began to hand out the papers. To everyone's surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot(点)in the center of the page.

The professor told the students. “I want you to write about what you see there.” The confused students got started on the task. Twenty minutes later, the professor took all the papers. After a quick look, he began to read each one of them aloud. They all described the black dot, trying to explain its position and so on.

“I’m not going to grade you. I just wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone paid more attention to the black dot and the same thing happens in our lives.” the professor said.

“Our life is like a gift. We always have reasons to celebrate being alive and healthy, the beauty of nature, our friends, the job that provides us a way to make a living and so on. However, we keep focusing only on the dark dots, such as the health problems, the family arguments, the disagreements with friends and so on.”

“The dark dots are very small compared to everything else we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds, so just take your eyes off the dark spots in your life”. The professor continued, “Be happy and live a life positively!”


1.How did the students feel when the professor asked them to prepare for a test?

2.How long was the test?

3.Did the students write about the black dot or the white part of the paper?

4.What is our life like in the professor's eyes?

5.What should we do in our life according to the professor?

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