Like many kids, Autumn de Forest from the US liked to draw with crayons and markers. One day, when she was 5, she saw her dad painting a piece of_________in their family’s garage. It looked like fun, so she asked him if she could_________ in.

From an extra piece of wood and some paint, she_________ a work of art that surprised her parents. Soon she was wowing (使惊叹)others, winning her first art_________at the age of 6.

“At that time, when I started, I wanted to change the world for the_________.And I knew I wanted to do this through_________,” Forest said.“started and my imagination just let go. .

By the time she was 7, Forest was attracting_________ from paint lovers at home and abroad. Art critics(评论家)think that Forest is creating art work way beyond her years.

The Discovery Channel has called her a “child genius”. Her work has been displayed in galleries (画廊)across the country. Her paintings sell for as_________ as $25,000(169,000 yuan)each.

“My paintings are a lot bigger than me. And I love experimenting with all different kinds of things,” she said. Forest wants to_________ children to be creative and do what they love.“ Art brings joy and imagination, and there are so many different ideas in kids' minds,” she said.

Some people worry that fame(名气) is not good for a teenager. But Forest knows how to__________it“Focus on how much you love what you do, rather than how good you are,” she said.

1.A.picture B.wood C.paint

2.A.take B.give C.join D.put

3.A.created B.discovered C.found D.invented

4.A.match B.competition D.race

5.A.bigger B.better C.faster D.richer

6.A.writing B.farming C.painting D.learning

7.A.influence B.experience C.attention D.information

8.A.much B.high C.large D.tall

9.A.allow B.force C.ask D.encourage

10.A.share with B.compete with with with

Due to a medical error, a 44-year old woman named Safiya became blind, She felt helpless.And all she had to depend on was her husband Meraj. Meraj loved Safiya with all his heart. He wanted to help his wife gain her confidence again.

Finally, Safiya felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but now she was too scared to get around the city by herself. Meraj promised that he would take the bus with her. For two weeks, each morning they made the journey together and Meraj would take a taxi back to his office. Finally, Safiya decided to try the trip herself. Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... each day she went on her own. It went perfectly.

On Friday morning, Safiya took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting off the bus, the driver said: “Lady, I sure, envy you.”“Why do you say that?” she asked the driver. The driver answered:“You know, every morning for the past week, a gentleman stood across the comer watching you. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you enter your office building. Then be blows you a kiss and walks away.”

Tears of happiness poured down Safiya’s face. Her husband had given her a gift more powerful than sight-the gift of love that can bring light.

1.Safiya felt helpless because_______.

A.she couldn’t go to work B.she was blind

C.she couldn’t take the bus by herself D.her husband didn’t love her anymore

2.What did the husband usually do in the morning?

A.Took the bus to his work B.Took a taxi to his work.

C.Made sure his wife got to work safely. D.Stood on the street corner to wait for his wife.

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word“envy”?

A.羡慕 B.欣赏 C.赞扬 D.敬佩

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A.We can overcome difficulties with the help of our family.

B.If we meet problems, we should ask help from our family.

C.Our love is the best gift we can give to others.

D.We should make sure our family members are safe.

We go to school every day to become better people. How can we start to make big changes in our lives? Perhaps we can get tips from former US First Lady Michelle Obama. During a visit to China from March 20 to 26 in 2015, Obama shared her views on education.

The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education. At Chengdu No.7 High School, she told students that having humble roots(出身卑微)doesn’t matter as long as you have perseverance(毅力). Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents’ sacrifices(牺牲)on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud. Persevering was not easy, though.Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 am and study late into the night“But whenever I got tired or discouraged... I would remember something my mother always told me. She said: ‘A good education is something that no one can take away from you.

Mrs. Obama also encouraged Chinese students to study abroad to broaden their horizons(开阔视野)in a speech at Peking University.“ AS the Chinese saying goes:It is better to travel 10.000 miles than to read 10.000 books.” she said. It's not enough to get good grades in school.It’s also important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies that are different from your own, she noted. Studying overseas can also benefit future international relations. It can help young people from different countries work together to solve shared problems like climate change, Obama said.

1.Who did Michelle Obama share her views with?

A.Students in the US. B.Students in China.

C.Her family members. D.Students who visited the White House.

2.What can we learn from her experience?

A.She studied abroad before. B.She was born into a rich family.

C.She studied long into the night. D.She always felt tired and discouraged.

3.What does the Chinese saying underlined in the last paragraph mean?

A.Getting good grades in school is good enough.

B.Real life experience is important.

C.Traveling is not as beneficial as studying at home.

D.Studying far away from home is necessary for success.

In your dreams, you may clearly see something or hear someone talking. But what about smells? Can you ever remember smells from your dreams?

A study published in 1896 looked at different sensory experiences in dreams. It found that visual(视觉的)experience mainly controls one's dreams. It takes up about 85 percent, while auditory(听觉的)experience makes up 69 percent and smell only 7 percent.

But why? Scientists from the University of Illinois, US, have a theory based on what is know about the brain.

In our brain, there is a special part called the cerebral cortex(大脑皮层). It is linked to our feelings. As much as two-thirds of the cerebral cortex works in vision(视觉). So vision appears often in dreams. Auditory experience is closely tied to , language, and language is processed entirely in the cerebral cortex.

Smell, on the other hand, has little to do with the cerebral cortex. It connects directly to the memory and emotional systems. That is why a smell can sometimes bring back a distant memory.

Another possibility is that perhaps smell is not easily affected by our imagination. For example, close your eyes and imagine your favorite dish. What do you get? It is easy to think about what it looks like. But it is not as easy to imagine its smell.

The vision and auditory senses arc part of a complex process inside the brain. But smell is a direct measurement of chemicals in the air. There is less imagination involved in smell. Therefore,smell might be less influenced by the brain activity that happens while dreaming. It is similar to taste and touch. That is why you don’t usually have the experience of taste and touch in your dreams.

1.Which experience mainly controls one's dreams, according to the 1896 study?

A.Smell. B.Vision. C.Hearing. D.Taste and touch.

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the US scientists’ brain theory?

A.Less than half of the cerebral cortex works in vision.

B.Auditory experience is not tied to language.

C.Smell has almost nothing to do with the cerebral cortex.

D.It’s difficult to imagine what things in your dreams look like.

3.According to paragraph 6 and 7, it’s easier to imagine a dish’s______.

A.look than its smell B.smell than its look C.taste than its smell D.smell than its taste

4.Why can we hear someone talking in our dreams?

A.Because auditory experience is closely tied to language which is processed entirely in the cerebral cortex.

B.Because auditory experience makes up 85 percent in controlling one’s dream.

C.Because auditory experience has little to do with the cerebral cortex.

D.Because auditory is not part of a complex process inside the brain.

5.What is the best tile for the story?

A.How does the cerebral cortex work B.Why can’t you smell in your dreams.

C.What experience happens most often in dreams. D.Why can’t you remember smells from your dreams.


A road is a bridge between two places. The Silk Road has been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years.

But did you know that the Silk Road is not a single route? It is actually a series of trade and cultural transmission(传送)routes. It started to take shape during the Western Han Dynasty. The trade route started from the city of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province and ended in eastern Europe, near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea(地中海). The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of the planet.

The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. In addition to silk, jade (玉), tea and iron also went west to Rome. From the West came glass, gems(宝石), and foods like carrots and sesame.

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. In addition trade, knowledge about science, arts and literature, as well as craftsmanship and technology, was shared across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.

Today, various historical sites along the Silk Road are popular travel destinations, such as the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes(莫高窟) in Dunhuang, Gansu .A new train line, the New Orient Express, is running from Beijing across the Silk Road.

1.完成句子The Silk Road covered about_______________ kilometers.

2.完成句子In addition to silk,___________________________also went west to Rome.

3.简略回答问题What things can Chinese people get from the West?




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