Following a Dream

Lewis was born in Britain in 1985, and his parents named him after the famous American sportsman Carl Lewis. Did they know that _______ fame (名望) was waiting for their son, too?

When Lewis was six, his father gave him a radio-controlled (无线电遥控的) car and he began to enter and _______ matches. From this very _______ age, Lewis’ dream was to become a Formula 1 driver, so his father bought him a go-kart and he started go-kart racing in 1993 when he was only eight years old. He won some races (比赛) , and he knew that he had to win more.

One day, when he was ten years old, Lewis met a man called Ron Dennis. Dennis was the manager of McLaren Formula 1 _______ . Lewis asked Dennis for his autograph(亲笔签名), saying, “My name’s Lewis and one day I want to _______ your cars.” Ron Dennis wrote in his autograph book, “Phone me nine years from now, we’ll talk about it again.” In fact, when Lewis won his first go-kart championship (冠军) a few years later, Ron Dennis _______ him, and in 1999 Lewis joined McLaren’s “Young Drivers” programme. He was the youngest person ever to do this.

In 2001, world Formula 1 champion Mike said, “He’s a fantastic driver, very strong and _________ sixteen years old. If he keeps this up, I’m sure he will reach F1.”

Mike was right. Lewis started as a driver in F1 races in 2007. He finished the season in second place. Then in 2008, at the age of twenty-three, Lewis became the youngest world champion in F1 history. Lewis had a dream, and he _______ it and found what he wanted. And that’s success!

1.A.sporting B.dancing C.painting D.singing

2.A.leave B.lose D.change

3.A.nice B.young D.famous

5.A.push C.wash D.sell

6.A.saved B.told C.phoned D.asked

7.A.only B.also C.even D.really

8.A.collected B.checked C.noticed D.followed

Look at the following notice from the Students’ Union (学生会) . It's a plan about Students’ activities in the coming summer holiday.

The Cool Kids will come to our school on July 20th, 2019. They are going to give a concert at the school hall at 2:00 pm. Please come to Students’ Union to get a free ticket to the concert before this Friday.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could join us to go hiking (去远足) around the West Hills for two days? We’ll start at 7:00 am on July 30th. Please come to Students’ Union to sign your name and pay fifty yuan for it.

Who wants to be a volunteer (志愿者) ? We’ll go to a mountain village to give away books to the children there and work and study with them for a whole day. Please come to the school gate at 6:00 am on August 15th, 2019. Free of charge.

We’ll hold a party for the students who come from poor families and have to stay at school during the summer holiday. Would you like to join us? Please come to the reading room at 5:00 pm on August 20th.

1.The plan is about . tickets B.students’ activities

C.poor families D.village children

2.Betty likes the Cool Kids, so she’ll go to the concert at on July 20th, 2019.

A.6:00 am B.7:00 am C.2:00 pm D.5:00 pm

3.You can on July 30th.

A.get a free ticket B.go hiking

C.give away books D.hold a party

4.If you want to see the students who will stay at school during the summer holiday, you will go to on August 20th.

A.the school hall B.the West Hills

C.a mountain village D.the reading room

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