A very big Lost and Found Office is at Baker Street in London. Do you know how many things there are in the office now? About 250,000!

You can see many things there. Most of them are common (普通的) things like books, bags, clothes and keys. But some are expensive things like phones, laptops (笔记本电脑), and watches.

Where do so many things come from? People often find them on trains, on buses and in taxis. The office marks (做标记) them with different colors. Red is for the things from a taxi, white is for the things from a bus and yellow is for the things from a train.

How many of the things can go to their owners? Many of the things are there for a long time, but no one comes to get them. If the office can’t find the owner of a thing for three months, they will give it to a charity (慈善机构) to help more people.


1.How many things are there in the Lost and Found Office?

A.About 2,500.000 B.About 25,000

C.About 25,000.00 D.About 250,000

2.What does the underlined word “expensive” mean in Chinese?

A.丑陋的 B.便宜的 C.漂亮的 D.昂贵的

3.If you find a pen in a taxi, what color will the office mark it?

A.Red. B.White. C.Yellow. D.Black.

4.How long will the office keep the things if they can’t find the owners?

A.For two marks. B.For three months.

C.For four months D.For five months

5.Which is Not True (不正确) about the lost and Found Office?

A.You can see many things there.

B.The Lost and Found Office is very big.

C.The office uses four colors to mark the things there.

D.The office gives many of the things there to a charity to help people.

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