One day a teacher entered the classroom and told the students to prepare for a test. He______ the test papers with the text facing down. Then he asked_______to turn over the papers and begin.

To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions_______a black dot(小圆点)in the center of the paper.”I want you to write about what you were, ”said the teacher. At the end of the class, the teacher collected all the papers and started reading each of them aloud. All of them_______the black dot, trying to explain its position.

_______all had been read. the classroom was silent and the teacher started to explain,” I am not going to give you a mark. I just wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the______part of the paper. Everyone only saw the black dot. The same happens in our lives. Our life is a gift given to us with love and care, and we always have_______to celebrate the beautiful nature, our friends around us and the miracles(奇迹)we see every day. ______, we only pay attention to the black dots---the health problems that make us worried, having no money and the disappointment with a friend. The black dots are very ______ compared to everything we have in our lives. They are the ones that ______our minds. Take your eyes away from the black dots in your life. Enjoy each moment that life gives you.”

1.A.handed back B.handed out C.handed in B.her C.them

3.A.but B.against C.behind

4.A.drew B.described C.divided

5.A.After B.Whenever C.Until C.white

7.A.ways B.parties C.reasons

8.A.However B.Recently C.Especially

9.A.big B.small C.helpful

10.A.create B.improve C.pollute


Technology makes our world more colorful

A. A big step in exploring the moon

B. Meet China’s super sea-crossing project

C. An eye-catching building appearing in Guizhou

D. Baidu tests driverless cars on expressway in Shanxi

E. Have you thought of who is reporting behind the screen?

F. Ready to take a ride on the dragon-shaped “ Eye of Bohai Sea”?

A man-made waterfall has been built onto the side of a 121-meter-tall office building in the city center of Guiyang. Getting the 108-meter-tall waterfall ready isn’t an easy job. It should come as no surprise that Guiyang is now home to one of the world’s largest man-made waterfalls.

About 420,000 tons of steel---enough to build 60 Eiffel Towers were used in building such a great project. It took nine years to building the world’s longest sea bridge that is 55-kilometer long connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai with Macao.

Chang’e-4 successfully entered the lunar orbit(月球轨道)on December12,2018 and made a soft landing on the moon’s far side in January for the first time in human history. China’s lunar rover, Yutu-2, or Jade Rabbit-2, left the first ever ”footprint” on January 3rd, 2019.

Standing 142.52 meters tall---nearly 10 meters taller than London Eye, this surprising project towering above the Bailang River set the record of the world’s tallest spokeless Ferris wheel(无轴摩天轮).The wheel is designed to look like a dragon.

Face, voice, expressions and actions of the world’s first AI news reporters are taken from human reporters, “He” can read texts as naturally as a human reporter. According to Xinhua, “He” has become a member of its reporting team and can work 24 hours a day.






Are you happy most of the time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament(脾气). It’s usually believed that both genes(基因)and environment may influence people’s temperament in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.

Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, studied 400 university students. In the study, the students needed to finish some questions to know which of four kinds of temperament they most had. From the questions, scientists found that the students always answered something like “my mood often changes for no reason” and “I love to deal with new projects. even if it is risky”. These answers were then connected with their birthdays.

They discovered that people born in summer easily change between sad and happy moods compared to people born in winter. Those who always feel positive are mostly born in spring or summer.

The study also found that those born in fall less probably had a mood of depression which may easily drive them to cry, while those in winter were not easier to be angry.

Scientists said that this was probably because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. And the chemicals are important to control people’s moods even in adult life. “It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your change of developing certain mood, disorders, ” scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph.

1.What do not influence a person’s temperament?

A.Interests. B.Genes. C.Birthdays.

2.What is CORRECT about the study?

A.They did the study in 400 universities.

B.There are 4 kinds of temperament in the study.

C.The answers are not related to the season of birth.

3.If a person always gets angry easily, with whom should he make friends most?

A.A person born in fall.

B.A person born in summer.

C.A person born in winter.

4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word depression?

A.开心 B.消沉 C.冷静

5.What’s the title of the passage?

A.Birthdays Influence Temperament.

B.How to Make Different Friends.

C.We Should Keep Good Temper.


To forgive(原谅)is a great quality ,but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible. 1.A recent research says that people who forgive others show less anger and are less likely to be ill. How should you start to forgive? Try the following steps.

First, calm yourself down when you are in a bad mood. 2.You can take a couple of deep breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure. Remembering a beautiful scene in nature or someone you love will always help a lot.

Then, never wait for the person who upset you to say sorry. They may not have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way as you do. 3.In that case, it may be easier for you to be less nervous. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the offender(冒犯者).You are choosing to forgive when you try to see things on the offender’s side.

4.Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you to be painful. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. 5.If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from you offender’s point of view.

Finally, don’t forget to forgive yourself. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge. But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

A. Try to see things on your offender’s side.

B. It’s important to keep the friendship with the offender.

C. The next thing to do is to take the control away from your offender.

D. And it can be surprisingly good for your physical and mental health.

E. We should never be hurt by the offenders if we choose to forgive them.

F. To make your anger die away, try some simple skills in dealing

G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting for a awfully long time.

Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal attention between you and another person, we should face it. Is there a better way to learn how to communicate successfully? Yes, there is. please follow the basic steps below.

Relax and breathe.

Whether it's a business meeting or a first date, the first thing you must do in order to communicate is to relax.

When you relax, you are in control. You control your reactions(反应)and your reactions do not control you. Breathing is central to relaxation. Take a few deep breaths and your body will begin to be more relaxed, which will help you use what you have already known about how to communicate well.

Think and you will be prepared.

Have you heard the old saying, “Think before you speak.”? Well, it rings true. By thinking ahead about how the conversation might flow(流畅),you will be better prepared, more relaxed and more confident.

Follow the flow of the conversation.

If you are uncomfortable, being silent will only make it worse and make the other person uncomfortable as well. so when all else fails, you should follow through with small talks until a common topic appears.

A good way to keep a conversation going is to ask the other person questions. People love to talk about themselves and if you do this, they will keep the conversation going, thinking very highly of you. Learning good communication is not something out of reach. If you make an effort, you will succeed.

请阅读短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最符合的内容, 1-4题每空一词,5题所填内容不超过5个汉字。

Relax and breathe.

When you relax, you are better at1.your reactions. Your body will become more relaxed if you breathe 2.


You'll make better preparations and get3., if you think ahead about how the conversation might flow. And you will also feel more relaxed.

Follow the flow.

Small talks can be used to get through the situations in which you feel uncomfortable.

If you keep4..Just because you feel uncomfortable,the other person will feel uncomfortable as well.

Please translate the underlined phrase“out of reach”5.(不超过5个汉字)


“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better,” Mason, a volunteer said.

National Volunteer Week is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step to become volunteers.

Making the decision to take the first step can be difficult, because people often wonder if they will be able to meet the organization’s expectations. Some people are afraid of knowing nobody in the group. Not having enough time, the cost of traveling and training or being short of experience may also prevent someone from showing their abilities.

Here are some suggestions that can help you if you have some of these worries.

★Start out slowly. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.

★Choose an organization with the same interest.

★Work with an experienced volunteer. The person who volunteered a lot can help you understand the organization’s expectations.

★Invite a friend or family member to join you. It is a good experience to volunteer with them.

★Enjoy the volunteer experience and remember that not all results are perfect. Don’t give up and you’ll finally help someone.

Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives, as Mason discovered during his volunteer experience. Little things can change a person’s life for the better.”

1.According to the first chart, what is the main reason why people volunteer?


2.What is the National Volunteer Week for?


3.The second chart shows the difficulties people meet in volunteering. What percentage of people fear knowing nobody in the group?


4.Why should we work with an experienced volunteer?


5.After reading the passage, what do you think of volunteering? Why do you think so?


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