阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

Have you ever got angry when facing problems? As we know, everyone has problems that may make our life in a mess. So how can we deal with them? Here are some ways.

By learning to forget

Most of us have probably been ________with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years because of a small problem. As time goes by, good friendships may ______________. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide __________________ to each other any more. However, this usually does not last long. This is an important ________________ for us: we can solve a problem by learning to forget.

By regarding problems as challenges

Many students often complain about homework. They might feel they have ________________to do sometimes, or think the school rules are too__________________ . We must learn how to change these "problems" into "challenges". Education is an important part of our development. ______________ students, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.

By thinking of something worse

By comparing our problems with other people’s, we will find ________________ not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist, ________________ regards his many physical problems as unimportant. He can't walk or even speak, but he has become very famous and successful through hard work.

Don’t worry about problems. Let's face the challenges ________.

1.A.satisfied B.interested C.excited D.angry

2.A.be founded B.find C.be lost D.lost

3.A.not to talk B.to talk C.to play D.not to play

4.A.book B.lesson C.subject D.magazine

5.A.too much B.much too C.many too D.too many

6.A.relaxing B.strict C.boring D.interesting

7.A.Unlike B.Like C.As D.So

8.A.our B.ours C.us D.we

9.A.what B.who C.which D.whose

10.A.yet B.however C.again D.instead

Major Rivers

A river is naturally flowing water which slows between two water sources.

Amazon, South America 4,345 mi (6,992 km) Nile, Africa 4,258 mi (6,853 km)

Chang Jiang (Yangtze), Asia 3,915 mi (6,300 km)

Mississippi/Missouri, North America 3,710 mi

(5,970 km)

Major Deserts

Deserts are lands that are generally covered with sand.

Sahara, North Africa 3,552,140 sq mi

(9,200,000 sq km)

Arabian, Middle East 899,618 sq mi

(2,330,000 sq km)

Kalahari, Southern Africa 359,075 sq mi

(930,000 sq km)

Syrian, Syria, Jordan, Iraq 200,000 sq mi

(500,000 sq km)


Mountains are formed by the eruption of volcanoes, which themselves were formed by the movement of tectonic plates(地壳板块).

Mount Everest 29,035 ft (8,850 m) Nepal/China Qogir (K2) 28,250 ft (8,611 m) Pakistan Kangchenjunga 28,169 ft (8,586 m) Nepal Lhotse 27,920 ft (8,501 m) Nepal

Note: The dormant( 休眠的)volcano Mauna Kea (on the Big Island of Hawaii) could be considered the tallest mountain in the world. If you measure it from its base in the Hawaiian

Trough (3,300 fathoms deep) to its summit of 13,796 feet, it reaches a height of 33,476 feet.

1.According to the information in the boxes, we can learn all the facts EXCEPT .

A.The second longest river is in Africa. B.The biggest desert is in Africa.

C.Mount Everest is only located in Nepal. D.Kalahari Desert is not as big as Arabian Desert.

2.According to the passage, what do you know about the mountains?

A.K2 in Pakistan is the fourth tallest mountain in the world.

B.Mauna Kea in Hawaii is an active volcano.

C.Mauna Kea is higher than Mount Everest if it is measured from its base.

D.The movement of tectonic plates has nothing to do with the forming of volcanoes.

3.Where is the article probably seen?

A.A history book B.A tour guide book

C.A novel D.A website listing geography facts

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