Dear Jane,

I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news. We have a new flat! How happy I am! There are more rooms in the new flat than in our old flat. And my father says we will also buy a parking garage(车库). He has no place to park his car.

Now I have my own study. And of course, I have my own bedroom. My bedroom is my favourite in our flat. I can stay in it alone enjoying my favourite books or listening to music. I can put up(张贴)my favourite posters on the wall.

My second favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook meals. She teaches me how to make many different kinds of food. She lived in Sichuan when she was young, so she can cook Sichuan food. It’s very spicy(辣的),but nice to eat! I find it is easy to make. Maybe I can cook some for you when you come to see me.

That’s all for now. Send me an e-mail and tell me about your home please.

All good wishes!


1.What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?

A.The rooms in the new flat are big.

B.The new flat is more beautiful.

C.There are more rooms in the new flat.

D.They have a parking garage now.

2.Anna likes ________ best.

A.the living room B.the kitchen C.her bedroom D.her study

3.From the reading, we can know Anna likes ________.

A.drawing B.playing computer games

C.doing sports D.reading books

4.What does Anna think of Sichuan food?

A.She thinks it is too hot to eat. B.She thinks it is hot but nice.

C.She doesn’t like it at all. D.She thinks it’s not easy to make.

5.What does Anna mainly tell Jane about in her e-mail?

A.Her family’s new flat. B.Her hobbies.

C.Her new bedroom. D.Her favourite food.

A new study finds that some new sports such as skateboarding, snowboarding, and mountain biking have caused(造成)more than 4 million injuries(伤害)since 2000. Dr. Vani Sabesan, from the US, did the study with his team.

Sabesan said, “While we’re watching or doing all these new sports, we always talk about the exciting feeling, not about the safety.

Skateboarding caused the greatest number of head and neck injuries – more than 129,000. Snowboarding, the cold-weather cousin of skateboarding, caused more than 97,000 head or neck injuries. Skiing came third with more than 83,000 injuries.

Sabesan thinks that people should do something. “There are many young kids taking part in the sports, and they’re getting younger all the time. They go 60 miles an hour down a ski hill,” Sabesan said. “They are risking their life! So we need to make sure the kids wear helmets(头盔). And we need to make sure there are doctors around to prepare for the dangerous situations.”

1.Where is Dr. Vani Sabesan from?

A.The UK. B.The US. C.Australia. D.China.

2.From the underlined sentence, we can learn ________.

A.people like to watch the sports

B.people feel too excited about the sports

C.people think the sports are becoming popular

D.people think doing the sports is not dangerous

3.Which is the right order of the sports in causing injuries?

① skiing ② snowboarding ③ skateboarding

A.③→②→① B.②→①→③ C.②→③→① D.③→①→②

4.Which of the following is NOT Sabesan’s idea?

A.Kids can’t play dangerous sports.

B.Kids should be careful when playing sports.

C.Doctors should be there when kids are in danger.

D.Helmets should be used when kids are doing skateboarding.

5.In which part of a newspaper can we see the passage?



As we all know, yoga(瑜伽)is a good way to relax. It can make people feel quiet when they’re nervous about something. Many people think yoga is difficult for children. But in fact, it’s not true. Let’s know about a boy who is talented in yoga.

Sun Chuyang is from Zhejiang Province and he teaches more than 100 students yoga. Sun became China’s youngest yoga teacher when he was seven. But at the age of three, Sun was a kid with autism(自闭症).

At that time, his busy parents sent him to a kindergarten. There “Sun didn’t like to talk with other kids and he was easy to be angry. Later Sun’s mom realized that they spent too little time with him. So Sun’s mom gave up her job and became a stay-at-home mom.

One day, his mother took him to a yoga class. She hoped that doing yoga could make him feel relaxed and quiet. In the first class, instead of feeling bored, Sun felt happy. When going back home, he could do all that he learnt in class. During the next two years, yoga helped him become more active.

He’s brave. “He even introduces himself when meeting other people,” his mum said.

1.Yoga can make people ________.

A.excited B.relaxed C.nervous D.bored

2.When did Sun become China’s youngest yoga teacher?

A.At the age of three. B.At the age of four.

C.At the age of six. D.At the age of seven.

3.Why did Sun’s mum give up her job?

A.Because she found a new job.

B.Because she thought her job was boring.

C.Because she thought being a stay-at-home mom was cool.

D.Because she wanted to spend more time with her child.

4.Which of the following sentences can be put in the ?

A.Sun is now a different kid. B.Sun loves yoga very much.

C.Sun’s mother is happy now. D.Sun is good at teaching yoga.

5.What can we know from the passage?

A.Sun changed a lot because of yoga.

B.Sun didn’t like yoga in his first yoga class.

C.About 100 students learn yoga from Sun.

D.Sun got on well with other kids at the kindergarten.

Richard Sears was not known well in China until his story of spending all his money in studying Chinese characters was reported online in 2012. People gave him the nickname “Uncle Hanzi”.

Mr. Sears was once a computer engineer in the USA. When he was young, he developed an interest in Chinese characters. In 1972, when Sears was only 22, he decided to learn Chinese in Taiwan.

After several years of study, Sears still found writing Chinese characters difficult. One piece of advice he received was to learn the evolution(演化)of Chinese characters, because it could help him remember them.

In 1990, Mr. Sears came up with the idea of sharing his studies of Chinese characters on the website. In 2002, Mr. Sears made the website free for anyone who was interested. Just by typing a Chinese character on his website, people can find out the shapes and evolution of the character.

“Many people think I am crazy – spending all my money and time on the website. But for me, it’s just an interest,” Mr.Sears said.

Years of living in China has turned “Uncle Hanzi” into “Grandpa Hanzi’’,but one thing that hasn’t changed is the love Mr. Sears has for Chinese characters.

1.What did Richard Sears do?

A.An IT teacher. B.A Chinese teacher.

C.A computer engineer. D.A programmer(程序员).

2.The underlined word “them” refers to ________ in the passage.

A.Chinese characters

B.studies of Chinese characters

C.the shapes of Chinese characters

D.the pronunciations(发音)of Chinese characters

3.Richard keeps studying Chinese characters because ________. is good for his job B.he loves Chinese characters

C.he wants to earn much money D.he wants to learn about Chinese traditions

4.Which is the right order of the following events?

a. He made the website free.

b. He decided to learn Chinese in Taiwan.

c. He wanted to share his studies of Chinese characters.

A.a-b-c B.b-a-c C.b-c-a D.c-b-a

5.What can we know from the passage?

A.Mr. Sears calls himself “Grandpa Hanzi”.

B.Mr. Sears wants to help more Americans to learn about Chinese culture.

C.It took Mr. Sears lots of time and money to study Chinese characters.

D.People couldn’t find the shapes of Chinese characters on Mr. Sears’ website.

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