Eileen Gu, a Chinese-American skier (滑雪运动员), is already dreaming of gold medals at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. However, she won't receive her_________ under US flag. Gu will compete for China.

Gu was born to an American father and a Chinese mother. She was_________ in San Francisco. She lived there for over ten years. The girl, however, has always been _________that she has a Chinese root (根). She speaks Chinese well and calls herself a "Beijing girl."

Gu ________ skiing when she was only three. She got her first ________ at the age of nine. Gu competed for the United States in that competition. Hoping to_________ tens of millions of Chinese children to love skiing, last June, the girl joined Team China.

Gu has already brought China medals. In August, she ________ the Australian New Zealand Cup. The young skier won two gold medals in the competition. Her_________ congratulated her online. After the competition, the number of them even increased to 200,000. People called ________ a "born skier."

Gu says she is only getting started. How many gold medals will she win for China at the 2022 Games? The ______may surprise us all! Let's wait and see.

1.A.medals B.bills C.gifts D.mails

2.A.discussed B.hated C.raised D.noticed

3.A.relaxed B.mad C.afraid D.proud

4.A.started B.forgot C.kept D.regretted

5.A.ability B.win C.job D.subject

6.A.encourage B.allow C.invite D.advise

7.A.suffered from B.joined in C.set up D.paid for

8.A.relatives B.classmates C.coaches D.fans

9.A.her B.it C.him D.me

10.A.standard B.policy C.result D.reason

Chewing gum (口香糖) may be one of your favorite sweets. But did you know how it was ____?

The sweet was invented by American scientist Thomas Adams. However, he invented it completely __ .

It was 1869. Earlier that year, one of Adams' friends showed him an interesting kind of sap (树汁). His friend told him_____ people in Central America liked to chew (咀嚼) on it for fun. Hundreds of years passed, people didn't do that any longer. But Adams was interested in the sap. He wanted to use it to create some new ____ .

Adams, however, ________ to create the products he wanted. He felt bored and________ and happened to chew on the sap. _______ , the sap tasted great. Adams then added something else to the sap and started selling it. Later in 1869, he opened a factory to produce this delicious _______ .

In 1888, Adams gave a ________ to the invention: "chewing gum." The sweet can be got from selling machines at underground stations all over New York City. Over the years, new kinds have been _______ . Now, chewing gum is popular among many people. However, few people know this was all started by an American scientist from a mistake.

1.A.eaten B.polluted C.sold D.invented

2.A.in public B.by mistake C.in person D.by hand

3.A.ancient B.single C.famous D.sick

4.A.products B.records C.crops D.fruits

5.A.agreed B.preferred C.failed D.afforded

6.A.angry B.nervous C.lucky D.satisfied

7.A.Usually B.Surprisingly C.Slowly D.Clearly

8.A.dish B.meal C.drink D.treat

9.A.method B.name C.prize D.menu

10.A.divided B.stored C.developed D.repeated

The task of fixing climate (气候) change is important. It needs work from different governments and countries. It seems impossible that the common person can make a difference. Should you just give up? No! Change starts with you. Here are just a few things you can do to save the Earth.

Level 1: Things you can do from your sofa

● Save electricity by turning appliances (电器) off completely when they are not in use.

● Stop paper bank bills and pay your bills online.

● Share; don't just like. If you see something interesting on the Internet about climate change, share it so that circle of your friends can see it, too.

Level 2: Things you can do at home

● Air dry. Let your hair and clothes dry naturally, instead of using a machine.

● Take short showers. Bathtubs (浴缸) need much more water than a ten-minute shower.

● Recycle paper, plastic and glass.

● Replace old appliances with energy-saving models.

Level 3: Things you can do outside your house

● Bike, walk, take a bus or an underground.

● Use a glass or plastic water bottle and china coffee cup. This can cut down on waste and maybe even save your money.

● Bring your own bag when you shop. Pass on the plastic bag.

● Give away what you don't use. Local community will give your used clothes, books and furniture a new life.

1.If you find something interesting on the Internet about climate change, you should ________.

A.write it down B.pay for it online C.share it with others D.store it in your computer

2.It is advised to ________ to make your hair dry in the text.

A.leave it there B.use an old appliance C.use a machine D.put on special clothes

3.The sentence "Local community will give your used clothes, books and furniture a new life." means that ________.

A.things you don't need may be reused by others

B.the used things will be bought by somebody else

C.the community will give you something new in return

D.the community will use the things to save others' lives

4.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?

A.You may spend more money when using a china cup.

B.Things in Level 1 and 2 are those you can do at home.

C.It is advised to replace old appliances with cheaper ones.

D.Common people can hardly do anything to fix the climate change.

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