The villages of Momai and Bugolyak are next to each other and hidden in the remote (偏远的) high mountains of Tajikistan. Life in the village has been peaceful. There are about 40 families in Momai and 18 in Bugolyak. The villagers live on crops and farm animals. Their connection to the outside world is a hilly road. The villages have no electricity. The villagers use oil for lighting.

It seems that many years ago the power company considered building a power line to the village. However, it was put off or maybe given up because of the high construction(建设) cost and low return for the investment(投资).

Thankfully, Asian Development Bank decided to carry out solar power system projects in Tajikistan at that time. At first, the progress was rather slow. It took them two years to complete studies.The real project started in Jan. 2016 and was finally completed in late 2017. The poor road conditions in the village also made it difficult to bring materials.

The villagers are very happy about the solar power systems. They can watch television at their homes for the first time. Children can now see the outside world without going out. Batteries provide power during the night or when it is raining. In addition, a solar power system has been set up in the school and it can send water to homes.

Mr. Karimov, a volunteer, taught villagers how to keep solar power systems and use electricity safely. Although this project has been a success, there are many people who still have no electricity to use. Finding money for such projects is not easy. However, there are many people like Mr. Karimov who are working hard to create a better and greener future.

1.How many families are there in Momai and Bugolyak?

A.About 18. B.About 40. C.About 58. D.About 98.

2.The company gave up building a power line many years ago because .

A.villagers were so poor that they wouldn't use electricity. didn't think it was worth building the power line.

C.villagers were not used to using electricity in daily life was difficult for the company to get back its investment

3.How long did it take Asian Development Bank to build the real project?

A.For about one year. B.For about two years.

C.For about three years. D.For about five years.

4.We can mainly learn from Paragraph 4 that .

A.great changes have taken place in the village

B.many villagers want to go to the outside world

C.villagers seldom use batteries during the night

D.volunteers help build the solar power systems

5.What does the writer think of Mr. Karimov?

A.He helps create a better and greener future.

B.He helps find money for such great projects.

C.He is a good teacher for kids in the villages.

D.He is one of the greatest scientists in the world.

November 5 is World Tsunami(海啸) Awareness Day. Tsunami is a Japanese word for a long, destructive(摧毁性的) ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. The goal of the anniversary is to learn from disasters(灾害) of the past and to prepare for the future. Two tsunamis in the last 15 years have changed the way people around the world think about these destructive events.

On December26, 2004, a magnitude (震级) 9 earthquake near the coast of Indonesia caused tsunami waves that struck the coasts of four countries. An estimated(估计的) 230,000 people died and costs were in the billions of dollars. Then, on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck northeastern Japan. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in that country. More than18,000 people died. The tsunami also caused serious damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power center on the island of Honshu. Several nuclear reactors(核 反应堆) were severely(严重地) damaged and leaked(泄漏) radiation(辐射).

The two events caused people in the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas to study and improve preparedness for disasters. This led to the SendaiFrameworkfor DisasterRiskReductionin 2015 in Sendai, Japan. The agreement was a UN effort to raise awareness(提高意识) about disaster risks and to urge(催促) countries to assess(评估)how well they were prepared for them.

Willem Rampangilei is head of the Disaster Management Agency in Indonesia. He said Indonesia passed a law on disaster management after the 2004 tsunami. It led in 2008 to the creation of his agency. “Our responsibilities include reduction and preparedness, emergency response, as well as post-disaster recovery and reconstruction(重新建设),” he said. He added that 150 million Indonesians were at risk from earthquakes, 60 million from floods and four million from tsunamis.

Preparedness has spread beyond Asia. There are now early warning systems in place for the Caribbean Sea, the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding(周围的) areas.

1.What does the underlined word mean in the passage?

A.Knowledge. B.Preparation.

C.Day of remembrance. D.Change.

2.What do we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Natural disasters are too powerful for people to survive.

B.Earthquakes and tsunamis often take place on islands.

C.Nuclear reactors can be safe even if damaged in an earthquake.

D.Natural disasters can cause great losses to humans.

3.One of the aims of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is . reduce the damage caused by disasters. make people know more about disaster risks. help people get away from disasters. help with the reconstruction after the disaster.


How will the Internet change the world? Will we enjoy a smarter life in the future? Many of the world’s biggest Internet companies took part in an important meeting. They talked about how to build a future for our online world. The Internet can make our lives easier in many ways. The companies at the meeting showed us some of their latest technology. Here are some examples. Let's take a look.

Lip reading Machines can not only read faces. They can also read your lip movements. The Chinese Internet company Sogou has made lip reading technology. You don’t need to speak aloud. The machine turns your lip movements into voice or text. This could be very useful if you are in a noisy place and people cannot hear you on your phone. Police can also use this technology. Sometimes they see criminals on city-monitoring cameras, but they don’t know what they say. The lip reading technology can help people with this.

Smart shoes Your feet might hurt if your shoes do not fit you. This won’t happen if you wear “smart” custom-made shoes. The Xiemofang company brought a machine to the meeting. The machine scans(扫描) your feet. It records 39 parts of your feet. It even records how long each toe is. It also has a database. The database has more than 10, 000 kinds of shoes. You can choose the color and style. It also gives you suggestions for your choices. The suggestions are based on records of other people’s feet. You can get your new shoes after 10 days.

Unmanned supermarkets You walk into a supermarket, pick out your goods and go to check out. But there is no worker. There is just a tablet that says “Please smile” When you smile, it gives you a discount. Your money goes from your Alipay account to the supermarket. You don't need to do anything. The Alibaba company has made this supermarket. When you go into the supermarket, it knows your face and your Alipay account. It also knows your facial expressions. So it knows how much you like your goods. The supermarket not only makes shopping easier. It also understands you.


1.What did many companies mainly introduce in the meeting?


2.Which technology could be very important to solve crimes?


3.If you have difficulty choosing a pair of suitable shoes, what should you do?


4.How do the unmanned supermarkets get your money saved?


5.What do you think of having a smarter life in the future?(请自拟一句作答)



To help students tell the difference between fact and fiction, a course titled w 1. a Chinese phrase(短语) meaning “obviously right, but actually wrong” has launched in Fudan University in Shanghai this school year.

The course brings disciplines(训练) together, and has a t2.of 17 subjects to be discussed. These topics are centered on m3. of differentiating(区分) science from pseudoscientific(伪科学) beliefs, such as how strong the risk of vaccination(接种疫苗) is and how genes define(定义,影响) destiny.

It has attracted much attention, and been welcomed by students there and across China. Over 1,000 students have c4.the course, and the topic on Weibo has won tens of thousands of thumbs-up among users in a gesture(手势) of s5..

For instance, it’s said that the death toll in famous hospitals is larger than that in a community hospital. Does it necessarily mean we o6. to see a doctor in a community hospital?

Lou Hongwei, the professor of the course, said the data(数据) people collected was just partial(部分的), and doesn’t show the w7. picture----famous hospitals deal with more fatal(致命的) conditions, so more deaths can be expected there. Such fallacies(谬误) in logic s8.widely among people, which are untenable(站不住脚的) but hard to resist.

Last July, the University of Washington debuted a similar course to help its students draw the line between science and pseudoscience via big data.

Lou believes it is necessary to teach such courses, a9.there are many highly-educated people, including experts and scholars, who harbor(为提供庇护) misconceptions(错误想法) and lack necessary judgment. This, he said, will have a negative(消极的) i10.on the next generation.

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