Jim,Tom and Jack are three little birds. One day, their mother says to them,“Boys,it’s time for you to fly down and eat sand (沙子).” Jim and Tom do, but Jack says, " I can't fly, and I don't like sand. " "But you have to, " the mother says. "Birds have no teeth. We must eat sand because it can help us grind up (研磨) some hard food." But Jack is disobedient (不服从的). He just cries, "I can't fly, and I don't like sand." Day by day, the birds get older. One summer morning, the mother takes them to a place to play. Jim and Tom fly well, but Jack doesn't. He flies behind them. He just cries, "Wait! Wait!' Soon Jim, Tom and the mother get to the place. There they have fun eating, drinking, singing and playing. When it is late, they fly back to their home. What do you think they see when they get home? Yes! Jack is eating sand.

1.Why does the mother ask the birds to eat sand?

A.Because the sand is delicious.

B.Because she doesn't want to look for food for them.

C.Because she wants the baby birds to know their teeth are good.

D.Because eating sand can help them eat some hard food.

2.Is Jack happy to eat the sand (沙子) at first?

A.Yes. B.No. C.We don't know. D.Perhaps(也许).

3.When the other birds go back home, they find Jack___________.

A.eating sand B.sleeping C.practising flying D.having delicious food

4.What do we know from the story?

A.Jack is a healthy bird. B.Jack knows he is wrong.

C.The mother doesn't like the three birds. D.The four birds are from different places.

5.What can be the best title (标题) of the story?

A.A Big Family B.A disobedient Bird C.How to eat sand D.How to Take a Trip

Bob is always very busy. From Monday to Friday he works in his office. Sometimes he meets his friends there. At weekends he still has no time to have a rest, he goes to some parties.One Sunday evening he goes to a birthday party. He takes a bus because there is something wrong with his hands. There are some people at the bus stop. When the bus comes, each of the people wants to get on it first and has a seat (座位). Bob is a polite man. He is the last. On the bus, there are still two seats left. He goes up to one of the seats and finds there is an apple on it.He looks at the other seat. An orange is also on it. He is surprised (惊奇) and asks, “Whose are the apple and orange?” “ They are my parents',sir” A boy answers.” Your parents'?“ Where are they?” They go to buy some juice for me. Look, they are coming. ” The boy says happily.

1.Bob usually__________ from Monday to Friday.

A.works in his office B.meets his friends C.goes to parties. D.works at home.

2.The underlined word (划线的) left means_______ in the passage (文章).

A.剩下的 B.坐满的 C.预定的 D.坏的

3.According to the passage, which of the following is right?

A.Bob often meets his friends at his home.

B.Bob is the first one to get on the bus when the bus comes.

C.All the seats are taken (被人坐) on the bus when Bob gets on it.

D.The boy's parents aren't on the bus.

4.Who put(s) the fruit on the seats?

A.Bob. B.The boy's friend. C.The boy’s parents. D.The boy.

5.What is the best title (标题) for this passage?

A.How to take a bus. B.Fruit’s seats

C.The boy’s parents D.Bob’s work

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