Matt and Kate took a trip to Beijing last August. They went there to visit Kevin. Kevin is a friend from their old neighborhood in Chengdu. He moved to Beijing five years ago. They went there by train because they wanted to see more of the country.

They arrived in Beijing in the evening. Kevin met them at the train station. They were so delighted to see him. He looked the same as before. The next day, they went to see the Great Wall. They had Beijing Duck for lunch. At the restaurant, they saw many foreign friends come in and out. The next day, they visited Peking University. Kevin teaches music there. Matt and Kate liked the university. They thought that it was very big and very beautiful.

They saw all of the interesting places in Beijing before they left. Kevin took them everywhere! They went back to Chengdu by plane because they didn’t have time to go back by train. Kevin was sad to see them go and they were sad to leave.

All in all,Matt and Kate had a wonderful trip. They visited all of Beijing. They had a great visit with Kevin. They both wanted to go there again next summer!

1.Why did Matt and Kate go to Beijing by train?

A.They thought it was cheaper.

B.They thought it was more comfortable.

C.They wanted to see more places on the train trip.

D.They wanted to make more friends on the train trip.

2.What does the underlined word “delighted” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.bored B.happy C.surprised D.sorry

3.According to the passage, what can we know about Kevin?

A.He is a music teacher.

B.He is Matt's old classmate.

C.He moved to Beijing last year.

D.He looked very different from before.

4.How did Matt and Kate go back to Chengdu?

A.By train. B.By boat. C.By car. D.By plane.

5.What's the passage mainly about?

A.A warm hug on the train.

B.A nice trip to Beijing.

C.A delicious dinner with an old friend.

D.A special visit to the Peking University.

I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad to transfer some money (转账). I asked him, “Dad, why not use online banking?”

“Why would I do that? ” he replied.

“Well, then you won’t have to spend an hour here to transfer your money. You can also do your shopping online. Everything will be easier! ” I said excitedly. He asked, “If I do that, I won’t have to go out of the house? ”

“Yes!” I said. I told him how they can deliver the food and clothes to our doors now. And we can buy everything we need by just staying at home.

However, he said, “Since I walked into this bank today, I have met four of my friends. I have much free time, so I like to come to the bank and meet different people. Two years ago, when I was in hospital, the store owner from whom I bought fruit came to see me. And when your mom fell down a few days ago, the bank manager saw her and helped her get to the hospital.”

He went on, “Why would I want to look at my computer all the time? I like to know the person around me. Do Jingdong and Taobao send feelings and relationships between people, too?”

I didn’t know what to say after hearing his words. My dad was right, of course. It's better for us to spend time with real people than computers.

1.What did the writer advise his father to do?

A.He advised his father to meet his friends in the bank.

B.He advised his father to transfer the money online.

C.He advised his father to go out of the house every day.

D.He advised his father to shop in the supermarket with him.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “deliver”?

A.递送 B.扔下 C.通知 D.分布

3.Who helped the writer's mother get to the hospital a few days ago?

A.The doctor. B.The bank manager.

C.The fruit shop keeper. D.The writer’s friends.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A.The father likes to do nothing online.

B.The father liked to go to the bank with his son.

C.The father always felt bored when he went to the bank.

D.The father would like to meet some friends in the real world.

5.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A.Computers can always make our life easier.

B.The son can help his father to do anything in life.

C.We should keep relationships with others in real life.

D.You can transfer your money both in the bank and online.

Scientists will put some robot fish into the sea near Spain this year. These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes they can use the robot fish in rivers, lakes and seas around the world.

The robot fish are about 1. 5 meters long. There is a detector (探测器)in their bodies. It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.

They can “swim” for eight hours in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. After their power(电能) runs down, they will go back to the beach by themselves.

There are five robot fish altogether. Each costs about 29,000 dollars. They are part of a three-year project between the engineering company BMT Group and University of Essex in southeastern England.

1.What can we know from the passage?

A.The robot fish will begin to work next year.

B.The robot fish will work in the sea near England.

C.The robot fish will help to find other fish in the sea.

D.The robot fish will find out the pollution in the water.

2.What will the robot fish do if they swim in the water?

A.They will eat some small fish.

B.They won’t tell people where they are.

C.They will clean some of the polluted things.

D.They will take other fish out to the beach.

3.How long can the robot fish work each time?

A.For five hours. B.For eight hours.

C.For twelve hours. D.For one day.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The robot fish can eat nothing but the water.

B.People have to help the robot fish in the sea.

C.The scientists try to make robot fish look like a fish.

D.The robot fish can go back to the beach without help.

5.What’s the best title(标题) for this passage?

A.The robot fish. B.The pollution in the sea.

C.The pollution near Spain. D.The work by the robots.

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