In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a lady named Atsuko Saeki. When she was a teenager, she dreamed of going to _______.Most of what she knew about American was from the textbooks she had read. "I had a _______ in mind: Daddy is watching TV in the living room, mummy is baking cakes and my _______ goes to the cinema with her friends.

Atsuko planned to go to college in California. When she arrived, however, she found it was not her_______ world. "People tried hard to deal with problems, "she said. “I felt lonely.”

One of her _________ classes was PE. We played volleyball, "She said." The other students were good at it, but I wasn't.

One afternoon, the teacher asked Atsuko to hit the ball to her teammates so they could knock it over the net. It is not difficult for most students, _______ it frightened Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face if she _______.

A young man on her team found that. He _______ her and said in a low voice, "Come on, Atsuko. You can do that.”

“You will _______ understand how those words made me feel at that moment. Four words: You can do that. He encouraged me. I felt like crying with happiness. Finally, she made it through the class.

________six years have passed, Atsuko has never forgotten the words. She said. "When things are not going so well, I think of them.”

1.A.the US B.China C.the UK B.tape C.picture B.classmate C.sister

4.A.imagined B.surprised C.awful

5.A.easiest B.Hardest C.favorite B.but C.and

7.A.failed B.succeeded C.knocked

8.A.thought of B.stayed away from C.walked up to

9.A.often B.never C.seldom

10.A.Though B.If C.Before

Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors (祖先). When I was three, my parents began to teach me Chinese with colorful picture cards, but I pushed them aside, My mom believed I would learn when I was ready. But the time never came

On a Chinese New Year's Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but I just stared at him, confused, shaking my head. "Still can't speak Chinese?” He said, "You can't even buy a fish in Chinatown(唐人街)”.

“Hey, this is America, not China. I'll get some right now with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for permission.

“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu, " she said, giving me a $20 bill. I repeated the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish store soon. It was very crowded. I'd like to buy some fresh fish, I shouted to the man. But he paid no attention to my English words and turned to serve the next customer. People behind laughed at me. I felt angry, “fresh fish. Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated. The crowd laughed even louder. My face turned red and I ran back home empty-handed, except for the $20 bill in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry? They're Chinese. I should feel right at home. Instead, I was the joke, a shame to the language

1.When did the writer's parents begin to teach him Chinese?

A.When he was born B.On a Chinese New Year’s Eve

C.When he was three D.When he went to school

2.Where did the writer go to buy a fish?

A.In a nearby supermarket. B.A store right down stair

C.In the street of Chinatown D.In a market in China

3.Why did the writer go to buy a fish? show that he can buy a fish with people in Chinatown.

B.To show that he can communicate with people in Chinatown

C.Because his mother need a fish to prepare the New Year dinner

D.Because his uncle would be very happy to have a fish for dinner

4.What can we know about the writer from the passage?

A.He couldn't speak Chinese yet. B.He began to learn Chinese then

C.He couldn't spend any money D.He liked to buy fish for his mom.

Window of the World

Window of the World is a fantastic replica(仿真) park located in the western part of Shenzhen City. Inside the park, 118 surprising attractions all over the world can be seen. Replicas include the world-famous Pyramids of Egypt, Paris' Arc de Triomphe and India's Taj Mahal.

Transport: Subway Line 1 or Line 2 to Window of the World Station.


RMB 190 for adults

RMB 100 for children between. 120cm-150cm;

No ticket needed for children under 120cm.

Happy valley

With an area of 350,000 km, Shenzhen Happy valley is another theme park in Shenzhen. There are more than 100 activities in Happy valley alone, covering the fields of sea, land and air. People of all ages can find something to enjoy inside.

Transport: Subway Line I or Line. 2 to Window of the World



RMB 230 for each dult

RMB 120 for children between 120cm-150cm

No ticket needed for children under 120cm

No ticket needed for the elderly aged 70 or older.

Splendid China

Located on the shore of the Shenzhen Bay, Splendid China is a miniature scene park(微缩景区). It draws the history, culture, ancient architecture of ethnic groups(少数民族) in China. In the park, travelers can enjoy many famous places, such as the beautiful

Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑) and the Great Wall.

Transport: Subway Line 1 to OCT Station


RMB 200 for adults

RMB 100 for children between 120cm-150cm

No ticket needed for the elderly aged 70 or older

1.If Andy wants to know more about famous places of interest around the world, which park can we advise him to go?

A.Window of the World B.Happy valley

C.Splendid China D.We don't know 230

2.Tom is going to take his grandma to Happy Valley. He is 160cm and his grandma is 71. How much should they pay for the ticket?

A.RMB 120. B.RMB 230 C.RMB 350 D.RMB 460

3.What can we do in Splendid China?

A.Enjoy surprising attractions all over the world.

B.Enjoy some games or activities covering all topics.

C.Learn about the history and culture of the world.

D.Learn something about the ethnic groups in China.

4.What's the author's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To tell people which park is the most popular B.To tell people how large the three parks are

C.To introduce to tourists how to get to these parks D.To introduce to people three parks in Shenzhen

It is the second-brightest object in our night sky after the moon. It is one of man's the greatest scientific achievements. It's the International Space Station (ISS) that moves around Earth.

Nov 20 is the stations’ 20th birthday. In 1998, the first piece of the ISS was sent into space. Since then, 230 people from 18 countries have visited it. Five space agencies –those of the United States, Russia, Canada, Europe and Japan- worked together to build it. Weighing about 450 tons, it contains many different parts.

Generally, the ISS holds three to six people at one time. Astronauts living there work on a variety of different science projects. The ISS has hosted over 1, 500 such projects, according to NASA(美国航空航天局) But the station's hardware is aging. In 2011, Russia announced that the ISS will be retired (退役) in 2020 in order to prevent it from becoming dangerous "space junk". However, the US later said it would use repairs to make its service life longer to 2025.

The ISS costs 21-28 billion yuan to operate each year. Many believed that this money could be better spent improving conditions on Earth. In February, US President Donald Trump announced plans to end support for the ISS by 2025. The US will use its money for other projects, like next-generation rockets and deep-space missions.

Although China is not part of the ISS program, it has helped with some of the station's experiments. China will soon have its own space station, becoming the third country after Russia and the US to do so. The station is set to be finished around 2020.

1.How many people have already visited the ISS since 1998?

A.18 B.230 C.450. D.1500

2.According to the US, if it is repaired, how many more years will the ISS serve before it retires?____

A.5 years B.20 years C.22 years D.27 years

3.What do we know about the ISS from this article?

A.The US built the ISS all by itself.

B.The ISS can be used for 20 years

C.China is part of the ISS program and has its space station

D.21-28 billion yuan is spent operating the ISS every year.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?____

A.Opinions on the ISS B.Brightest Object in Space

C.Facts about the ISS D.How much to Run the ISS

Parents are probably the closest people in the world to us. However, parent-child relationships are not always easy to deal with. What's worse, now that we live in an information age, the internet is bringing new challenges to family relations.

The China Youth Children Research Center did a survey about such relationships in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China. According to the survey, the use of the Internet has become one of the main reasons for fights between parents and children in China and South Korea. “This shows that some parents consider the internet being a toy instead of a tool," China Youth Daily said. "In addition, they don't have enough trust in their children, so it leads to conflicts sometimes.”

However, the internet can actually improve parent-child relationships if both sides use it the right way. Kim Se-Yeon, a 20-year-old South Korean who goes to college in Beijing, says that she believes the internet has brought her closer to her parents. She taught her parents how to use chat apps and post pictures on social media. Her parents trust her when they found that she can control herself well. These days, she and her parents often chat with each other and make video calls through the internet.

Experts suggest that to reduce your parents' concern about your internet usage, you should show them that you can manage your time well. Children are just as responsible for creating healthy family relationships as their parents are.

1.Which of the following countries DID NOT take part in the survey about parent-child relationship mentioned in the passage?

A.The United State B.South Korea

C.The United Kingdom D.Japan

2.What does the underlined word conflicts mean in the second paragraph?

A.Decisions B.Fights C.Agreement D.Progress

3.Why does the writer mention Kim Se-Yeon as an example

A.Because she goes to college in Beijing

B.Because her parents learn to use chat apps

C.Because the internet didn't play an important role in her daily life

D.Because the internet improves her relationship with her parents

4.According to the passage which statement is NOT true?

A.Children should tell parents that they can manage their time well

B.Children can do nothing to create healthy family relationships

C.If parents have not enough trust in children, problems may appear

D.Parent-child relationships are sometimes difficult to deal with






缺点: 1.只能看到图片,看不到商品本身









参考词汇:消费者 consumer密码 password(s)

Dear classmates

With the rapid development of Internet, shopping online has already become a fashion, especially among young people. Comparing with the traditional shopping. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Let 's stop buying blindly but be a smart consumer. Thank you

“Hi,John!” Mary ran towards me with a bright smile, saying, “I'm going to have a dance performance tonight. I hope you'll come. Here is the ticket. Don't forget!” Then she _______ in a hurry.

“What? Dance? Is that _______?” I asked myself. Mary was not such kind of girl. She was quite a _______ one. I had never seen her wearing colorful clothes. In fact,she really did not know _______ to dress up. What a terrible thing!

“I should go there, and I must go there,” I thought.

I arrived at the hall with the ticket, found my _______ and sat down. Her performance was the seventh one. I knew I would have a _______ time before her turn, for I had no sense of art._______ her performance was worth watching, no matter how long I would wait.

Time went _______.I tried my best not to fall asleep.

Just then, came the _______,“Let's welcome the next exciting dance—Latin!”

Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible, hoping not to ________anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared. She ________ with a sweet smile, looking like a pretty butterfly flying…I could ________ believe my eyes.

After the performance ended, I ________ her at the gate.

“Hi!”She stood in front of me with her crystal(水晶)shoes.“________ do you feel?”

“Fantastic!” I answered.

“Ha,ha.” She could not hide her excitement, laughing ________ a child.

At that time, I realized that every girl had a pair of special shoes which were like the crystal shoes of Cinderella(灰姑娘).

1.A.came B.jumped C.left D.moved

2.A.possible B.lucky C.funny D.simple

3.A.modern B.common C.perfect D.careful

4.A.why B.where C.when C.gate D.way

6.A.great B.short C.hard D.relaxing

7.A.Or B.So C.But D.And

8.A.quickly B.slowly C.safely D.easily

9.A.words B.sentences C.sounds D.noise

10.A.hear B.lose C.look D.see

11.A.walked B.skated, C.danced D.stood

12.A.seriously B.hardly C.nearly D.certainly

13.A.waited for B.looked for C.paid for D.cared for

14.A.When B.How C.Why D.What C.for

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