
1.My aunt is 35 years old. My uncle is 35, too. (改为同义句)

My aunt is________ ________ ________my uncle.

2.They enjoy flying kites in this season. (对划线部分提问)

________do they enjoy ________ in this season?

3.I know something special about wild animals. (改为否定句)

I know________special about wild animals.


My 16-year-old niece Jenny started using Facebook about half a year ago. At first, she loved using it very much because she could make so many new friends on it. However, as time went by, she used it___________ . You may wonder why. Well, it's because every time she used it, she became sad. It seemed to her that everyone using Facebook was living a perfect life___________ her. I don't think Jenny is the only one to have such a feeling.

In this day of social media, the whole "comparing thing" has gotten out of ___________. We are influenced daily by all kinds of things on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where we see only the___________ parts of life. We see friends' baby pictures, beautiful new houses and "perfect" lives and we feel like we need to be farther along than ___________ we are. Just take a look at your social media account(账号), and you see pictures of your coworker's "best vacation ever", your friend's "perfect" pictures___________ swimming clothes and a group of good friends all out, smiling, having the most amazing night. And then you compare your life to theirs.

But what you see is just a special second of their lives. Social media only gives us a look at them for a very short time. It ___________be lying and we never truly know the whole story.

We are so good at showing others on social media that everything is "fine", and we can never___________ judge what someone is dealing with just by looking at what they post on social media. Remember that someone who looks very well does not___________ that they are not dealing with something bigger under the surface.

You can never ______________ your inside with someone else's outside. So next time you find someone showing off something on social media, stopping feeling sad about yourself. It is important for us all to stay away from being fooled by such information. Perhaps all you see on it is just internet hoaxes(欺骗).

1.A.much B.more C.less D.fewer

2.A.without B.except C.beyond D.besides

3.A.control B.date C.reach D.fashion

4.A.busy B.important C.true D.happy

5.A.what B.where C.how D.who

6.A.wearing B.buying C.changing D.making

7.A.must B.should C.can D.will

8.A.simply B.luckily C.possibly D.correctly

9.A.know B.mean C.think D.hope

10.A.connect B.complete C.compare D.cover

Silk. The word itself is beautiful. The story of silk starts in China over 4,000 years ago. It is said that a cocoon(茧)fell into a woman’s tea cup. It then opened into a single thread(线). This was an important discovery. The Chinese learned they could use the cocoons of silkworms(蚕)to make clothes, both beautiful to look at and soft to touch.

Making silk was a secret in China for many years. In other countries, silk was hardly seen and valuable. Often it was worth more than gold. By the year 1 A.D., silk was sold as far west as Rome, and all along the Silk Road. It connected China with places in the Middle East and Europe. Thanks to the Silk Road, the communication between China and West was greatly improved. Centuries later, in 1522, the Spanish brought silkworms to Mexico.

Now people around the world still make many beautiful things from silk. But silk isn’t only beautiful. It looks delicate, but it’s very strong. For example, it has been used to make bicycle tires(轮胎). Silk is also light and warm. This makes it great for clothes like winter jackets.

All of this comes from a little silkworm. That is the wonder of silk.

1.What was the important discovery about a silkworm’s cocoon?

A.It could become a thread. B.It could be made into tea cups.

C.It was beautiful to look at. D.It was very soft to touch.

2.What can we learn about silk from Paragraph 2?

A.It was carried to Mexico by Chinese businessman.

B.It was commonly seen in many other countries.

C.It was sold to Rome through the Silk Road.

D.It was used as money along the Silk Road.

3.The underlined word “delicate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______”.

A.漂亮的 B.脆弱的 C.牢固的 D.平静的

4.The passage is mainly about ______.

A.a single thread B.the secret of the Silk Road

C.a beautiful tea cup D.the wonder of silk

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