Daniel has many friends. They look different and they have different personalities, but they are all friendly and helpful. He’d like to introduce some of them to us.
Appearance and hobbies
(volleyball player)
She is very tall (1.87 meters)! She has a baby face. Her fans say she’s very beautiful. She likes listening to pop songs and drawing.
(skiing player)
He is always smiling so people say that he is a “sunshine boy”. He is a “black horse”. He won the first gold medal(金牌) for his city this year. He likes reading and playing games.
People call her “Baby”. She’s a cool girl with black glasses and short hair. She likes wearing men’s clothes, so she looks like a boy. She likes singing, of course. She is good at playing basketball!
【小题1】How many friends does Bob introduce in this passage?
【小题2】What does Amy do?
A.She is a volleyball player.B.She is a skier.
C.She is a pop singer.D.She is a basketball player.
【小题3】Why do people say Tom is a “sunshine boy”?
A.Because he likes reading.B.Because he likes playing games.
C.Because he is always smiling.D.Because he is a skier.
【小题4】Which of the following is not true about Millie?
A.She is very tall.B.She wears black glasses.
C.She likes wearing a dress.D.She has short hair.
【小题5】Which sentence is wrong?
A.“Baby” does well in playing basketball.B.Millie is the youngest of the three.
C.Amy has a baby face.D.Tom likes black horses.

A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a ¥100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this ¥100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.
Then he said, “I am going to give this ¥100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.
“Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.
“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valua-ble lesson today. No matter  what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value (价值)。 It was still worth ¥ l00!”
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crum-pled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn‘t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.
You are special and valuable. Don‘t ever forget it!
【小题1】Even though it was dirty, the money _______.

A.still went up in valueB.was worth nothing
C.didn‘t go down in valueD.was still ours
【小题2】We are always valuable to the people _______.
A.who pay usB.who call us
C.who hate usD.who love us
【小题3】The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_______”。
A.the students put up their hands again
B.the students put down their hands
C.the students put their hands behind their backs again
D.the students put their hands in front of them
【小题4】 Why did the famous teacher use a ¥100 bill at his lesson?
A.Because he wanted to make the bill into a ball.
B.Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it.
C.Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students.
D.Because he wanted to make the students know what value was.

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