
1. 杨老师说这个星期轮到我们搞卫生了。
    Miss Yang said that _____________________ to do the cleaning this week.
2. 你听说过关于三峽水坝的报道吗? 
    _____________________ the reports about The Dam of Three Gorges?
3. 别担心,他会尽快把地图还给你的。
     Don't worry. He will _____________________ as soon as possible.
4. 醒来时,她看见爸爸在伏案读书。
     She woke up to _____________________ at his desk.
5. 趁你还记得清楚的时候,应该把你的想法写下来。
    Ideas _____________________ while they are clear in your mind.
1. it was our turn
2. Have you heard of/heard about; Did you hear of / hear about
3. return the map to you / return you the map / give the back to you /
    give back the map to you / give you the map back
4. see / find her father reading; see / find (that) her father was reading
5. should be written down / taken down

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