
Santi's big brother Len had told him never to push all the remote control buttons at the same time. He said that something terrible would happen if he did. Santi didn't really believe this. While Len was out of the room, Santi jumped down on the sofa with the remote control in his hand. For a while, he changed from channel to channel, looking for something interesting to watch. Bored, Santi decided to see what Len could have meant.
With a quick glance(扫视) over his shoulder to make sure Len hadn't come back,he pushed all the buttons at once. Santi saw a bright flash,and he dropped the remote control. "I've broken it,"he thought. "Now I'm in trouble!" As he looked around for the remote control,he realized he was in more trouble than he'd thought. He was suddenly only the size of a mouse.
"Oh,no!"Santi shouted. He had to find his parents quickly. Carefully, he climbed down the side of the huge sofa and hurried across the floor. In the kitchen, Santi could see that the sliding door(滑门) had been left open. “If the door is open, then the cat might be in here,” tiny Santi said.
Just then, Santi and the cat saw each other. Santi ran for the door, the cat closing in quickly behind him. Just as the cat reached out to attack Santi, it slipped(打滑) on some water and slid across the kitchen floor. Out of breath, Santi hid behind a flowerpot in the corridor. He could see his mum far away in the garden. “How will I ever get there?” he wondered. As he looked out from behind the flowerpot, there was the huge cat looking right at him! Santi rushed for the garden and then…, he woke up. “It was only a dream!” he said with a relieved smile. “Thank goodness!”
小题1:Len told Santi something terrible would happen if he _________.
A.changed from channel to channel
B.tried to pretend(假装)to be a mouse
C.pushed the buttons at the same time
D.stayed alone in the living room
小题2:Santi thought the cat might be in the kitchen because ________
A.he heard a moving sound
B.the cat liked the kitchen
C.the sliding door was open
D.he saw the cat came into it
小题3:The word “relieved” can be used to describe Santi’s feeling ______
A.when he was playing with the remote control
B.when his big brother warned him something
C.when he was no longer worried about the cat
D.when he saw his mum far away from him
小题4:The story probably tries to tell that ________
A.what happens if you break a rule
B.it’s dangerous to stay alone at home
C.people don’t want to get smaller
D.sometimes pets are not friendly


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Santi's big brother Len had told him never to push all the remote control buttons at the same time. He said that something terrible would happen if he did.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In the kitchen, Santi could see that the sliding door(滑门) had been left open. “If the door is open, then the cat might be in here,” tiny Santi said.
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“he woke up. “It was only a dream!” he said with a relieved smile. “Thank goodness!””理解可知。
Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the play ground. There are many different kinds of kites. Some look like birds; Some look like planes and some look like butterflies. People often fly kites on a sunny and windy day. And the best month for flying kites is March. How can we fly our kites in the sky. First, we run with our kites against the wind. Then when the kite can fly in the sky, you can just stay there with your string reel(线轴) in your hand. When the kite doesn’t fly in the sky, just adjust(调整) the string reel. The string on the reel must be very strong. If you want to fly kites very well, you should practice it more with your friends. Maybe you feel a little difficult at first, but if you fly kites often you will find it very easy and interesting. Flying kites is a very good activity in spring, and a lot of people like it.
小题1:Where can’t you fly your kites?
A.In the park.B.In the field.
C.In the street.D.On the playground.
小题2:When do people often fly kites?
A.On a cold day.B.On a rainy day.
C.On a cloudy day.D.On a sunny and windy day.
小题3:If the kite can’t fly well in the sky, what should we do?
A.Run quickly.
B.Adjust the string reel
C.Run against the wind.
D.Stay where you are.
小题4:What does the underlined word “against” mean?
小题5:Flying kites is a good sports in         .
If you usually take the school bus or sometimes need to take public buses to school, there are some important rules you should know.
·When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait at the bus stop, and stand well back.
·When you get off the bus, make sure you and the driver can see each other, and wait for the driver to signal you before you cross the road in front of the bus.
·Never go back for anything you may leave on the bus when it is starting.
·Never bend down near the bus when you walk to or from the bus stop.
·You should cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner, and wait for the light to turn green or for the WALK crossing signal.
·It is important to look carefully to the left, the right and the left again when you cross the street.
·Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the areas around buses where the driver can’t see you. Don’t run between parked cars or buses.
·Do not run across the street or through parking areas to catch up with your friends.
小题1:When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait   .
A.at the bus stop B.on the street C.at a crosswalkD.a street corner
小题2:It is important to     when you cross the street.
A.run quickly     
B.wait for the light to turn green
C.look carefully to the left
D.look carefully to the right
小题3:If you walk to or from the bus stop, you mustn’t        .
A.bend down on the bus
B.cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner
C.bend down near the bus
D.look carefully to the left, the right and the left again
小题4:This passage is mainly about       .
A.safety rules for students by bus
B.safety rules for drivers
C.safety rules for children by train
D.how to cross the street

My name is Toby. I’m eighty-three years old now. I once knew the greatest man in England. William Shakespeare was his name. I first met William near a big field of apple trees in the town named Stratford in October, 1579. He told me he was 15 years old. He was two years older than me. He had a sister, Joan, and two younger brothers, Gilbert and Richard. And the next year he had another brother, Edmund. After William’s parents died, he and his sister lived with his mother’s brother. I became his friend from that day until he died. We met nearly every day. We were friends for thirty years.
I once worked with him in the theatre, through the good times and the bad times. William was good at acting. He could make all kinds of people pleased. By 1592, he became very famous. He was always busy day and night. I don’t know when he slept. He not only acted in plays, but also wrote his own plays. In his whole life, William wrote 37 plays in all. He was the best playwright in England.
He wrote a play about love in 1595. It was Romeo and Juliet. He once used my name, Toby, in his play—Twelfth Night. In this play, Sir Toby Belch was a big fat man, who liked drinking too much and having a good time. Queen Elizabeth the First watched this play on the 6th of January, 1601. She liked it.
William Shakespeare is dead now, of course. He has been dead for more than thirty years. There’s no singing, no dancing, no plays. It isn’t like that in my young days. But I can still think—and remember when William and I were young, we had a good time in London, William and I…
小题1:Toby and William first met in ______.
小题2:Who was William’s youngest brother?
小题3:In the second paragraph, the underlined word “playwright” means “a person who ______”.
A.writes playsB.performs in plays
C.watches playsD.works in a theatre
小题4:Romeo and Juliet is a play about _______.

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