


It was Christmas DayTina was alone in the great city houseHer parents went to the hospital because their oldest boy was ill

"What a boring Christmas!" Tina thought to herselfAt that momentshe?? 1.?? music in the streetShe ran to the window and saw a little boy?? 2. He was singing and beating a drumTina saw that he wore no? 3.?

"Are you cold?" asked Tina

The little boy smiledbut she couldn't hear?? 4.?? he saidSo she told him to come inHe was a little nervousbut the carpet (地毯) felt warm to? 5.?? poor feetHe told Tina that his name was GuidoAnd he was very poor? 6.? poor that he had to go singing from house to house for some money to buy his dinner

???? "My mama is awayand I am ? 7.?? a sad ChristmasBut I'll try to make it nice?? 8.? you" said TinaThey played games and Guido sang to herThen they had a big dinnerGuido was very happy

That nightTina told her mother" Now I know somethingWhenever you?? 9.?? sad and lonelyfind somebody?? 10.?? and lonelier than yourself and cheer them upIt will make you feel all right"















1.heard?? 考查动词。句意:这时,她听到街上的音乐。根据下方提到She ran to the window and saw a little boy?? ? He was singing and beating a drum从窗外看一个小孩在敲鼓,可见听到音乐。

2.outside? 考查副词。句意:她跑到窗户那,看到外面有一个小男孩。根据语境可知男孩在外面。

3.shoes??? 考查名词。句意:蒂娜看到他没有穿鞋。根据下方提到He was a little nervousbut the carpet (地毯) felt warm to?? ?? poor feet可见小男孩没有穿鞋。

4.what??? 考查宾语从句。句意:小男孩笑了笑,但她听不到男孩所说的。根据下方提到So she told him to come in她告诉他进来,可见听不到男孩所说的话。


6.so考查连词。句意:他十分穷,如此穷以致于不得不唱歌乞求钱来买晚餐。考查so ..that 如此以致于。


8.for考查介词。句意:但是我会为你把这个圣诞节变得好起来。For sb 为了某人。

9.feel考查动词。句意:当你感到悲伤和孤独时。与下方提到It will make you feel all right.想呼应。

10.sadder? 考查形容词比较级。句意:当你感到悲伤与孤独时,发现别人比你更悲伤更孤独时,会让你振奋,让你感觉更好。



阅读短文,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。请将答案填写在题后的横线上。 方框中每词限用一次,有两个词是多余的。

sad       it       quiet        in        join       late     this     to       keep       be         one        give

     During the Second World War , John’s family didn’t have a washing machine. Therefore ,  66    clothes clean became a problem for them.

     Before long , a family friend decided  67  the army and his wife was going with him. John’s family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were  away.  68  the family’s surprise, the friend suggested they should use his Bendix washing machine. “   69  would be better for it to be used , rather than sitting  70  ,” He said.

     Young John helped with the washing , and he developed a deep love of the old , green Benxid machine.   71  , the war ended and the family’s friend returned. When he came to take the machine away. John became very sad. His mother saw this and said to him, “ Son, you must remember that machine didn’t belong to us at  72  . It was a gift for us to be able to use it for such a long time. So , instead of  73  sad about the loss , let’s be grateful that we were able to use it at that time.”

     We have all experienced loss : loss of people and things. However , if we see the thing we have lost as a gift that we were  74  for a time, maybe the   75    memories will change into thankful one.

66.___   67. ___ 68.____  69.____  70.___

71.___   72.___  73. ____ 74. ____ 75. ____


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