
     I have a brother. His name is Ed. He likes (喜欢) sports very much. He likes soccer, baseball, volleyball,
basketball and more. He plays baseball and basketball well. He often (经常) watches sports on TV. He
plays sports every day. He often says (说), "Let's play. He joins (加入) two clubs: the basketball club and
the baseball club. He has a sports collection:nine tennis rackets, three volleyballs, two basketballs and one
soccer ball.
Name Ed
What he likes sports
What he often does __1__ on TV
What he does every day Plays sports
The balls he can play well baseball and basketball
The clubs he joins The basketball club and the __2__
His sports collection Nine tennis rackets __3__, two basketballs and one __4__ 

1. watches sports      2. the baseball club    3. three volleyballs   4. soccer ball
     I've got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you'll be staying with
a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash (现金)
and about £200 in traveler cheques (支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you'll be met by our host
family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I've told them to look out
for the red shirts. You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of your-self and, of course, it's very important
that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent (代理人).
I'll give you her office phone number now: It's 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that's
B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She's in the office from 9 a.m-5 p.m. every day. OK! That's everything. Have a good trip.
Where to go Britain
Money (cash) £30
Traveler cheques 1.                                                
What to wear 2.                                                
What to take 3.                                                
Office phone number 4.                                                
The person to ask for 5.                                                

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