

  Dear Emma,

  Thanks for the great photo of your family.

  Here is my family photo.Look,the tall (高) man in blue is my father.He is a teacher.The woman next to Father is my mother.Her name is Judy Hall.The little girl in red is my sisterMaria.It's a nice photo.I like it very much.

  See you soon.




1.This letter is from Emma to Alice.

(  )

2.There are three people in Alice's family.

(  )

3.Alice's father is a teacher.

(  )

4.Judy Hall is Alice's sister.

(  )

5.Maria is Mr Hall's daughter.

(  )



  Mr Green lives in a village. He has a few farms and is the richest there. And he has pigs, chicks, cows and sheep. He works in the fields with some workers, and his wife has to do all housework at home. So she's very busy and asks her husband to employ a girl to help her, but he doesn't agree.

  “There're so many chicks, dear,” said the woman one day, “I can't look after them at all.”

  “That's easy,” said Mr Green. “There's Mr Black's farm outside our enclosure walls and the chicks. We'd better make a few holes in the walls and chicks will go to his farm through them and eat his vegetables.”

  “That's a good idea!” the woman said happily.

  And soon Mr Black knew about it. He told Mr Green and his wife about it. They promised they would stop their chicks doing it but they didn't keep their promises at all. The man thought for a while and found a way. He put nearly twenty eggs near the holes one afternoon. And that evening, when Mrs Green was counting her chicks, he cried out in his farm, “Oh, I'm lucky today! I've found twenty eggs in my farm.”

  Of course, the woman saw it herself. And the next morning Mr Black found all the holes had been stopped up(堵死).

1.The Greens and the Blacks live ________.

[  ]

A.in the different villages

B.in the same town

C.far from each other

D.next to each other

2.Mrs Green is busy because ________.

[  ]

A.she has a few farms

B.she has to do much housework

C.she has to help her husband

D.she isn't strong enough to do all

3.Mr Green doesn't agree with his wife because ________.

[  ]

A.he has little money to employ a helper for his wife

B.he thinks his wife is very lazy

C.he tries his best to save money

D.he has enough time to help her to do some housework

4.Mr Green made some holes in the walls to ________.

[  ]

A.let his chicks go to Mr Black's farm

B.lay(产) some eggs in Mr Black's fields

C.make Mr Black angry

D.watch his chicks

5.The Greens thought ________, so they stopped up the holes night.

[  ]

A.Mr Black would kill their chicks

B.their hens laid the eggs in Mr Black's fields

C.Mr Black's chicks would go to their farms

D.Mr Black would tell the police about it




  Sent:10∶50 a. m.November 16th

  Subject:My Best Friend

  Dear Alice,

  Thank you for your last letter.I enjoyed reading it.Thank you for telling me about your best friend.In this letter I will tell you a friend of mine.He name is Trudy.Trudy has long, brown hair and green eyes.She is the same age as me, but a little taller.She is always happy.

  We sit together in class, and help each other with our homework.We always go home together after school and play computer games for an hour.Trudy thinks very quickly and usually wins.

  Trudy is learning to play the piano.I am learning to play the flute.We practice together every day.

  Sometimes Trudy stays in my house for a night, or I stay in her house.We always have a good time.Do you ever stay in your best friend’s house for a night?

  Write soon.


Xiao Hong



Who wrote the e-mail?

[  ]


Xiao Hong.






Who sits together with xiao Hong?

[  ]






No one.


When did they play computer games?

[  ]


Before go to sleep.


On Sundays.


After school.


What did Trudy and Xiao Hong practice every day?

[  ]


Playing the flute and piano.




Playing games.


Which of these sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Alice wrote a letter to Xiao Hong.


Trudy is older than Xiao Hong.


Xiao Hong sometimes stays in Trudy’s house.

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