

  “Teenager” means a person from 13 to 19 years old.Although they’re young, they have to make many important choices by themselves.Often teachers and parents cannot handle them because they don’t understand and know teenagers, especially their wishes, problems or different moods in a short time.They need to think about questions like these:Should we go to college? What kind of job do I want? However, other people also influence their choices.Who influences teenagers?

  It depends on the kind of choice.When teenagers buy things, friends are the most important influence.This is especially true for clothes and music.TV shows, advertisements and parents also influence teenagers.In more serious things, parents are probably the most important influence.Some teenagers say it’s best to regard both parents and friends as influences.James, a seventeen-year-old boy says he’s “just a crazy man”.He also says, “Parents are really important because they can tell you what’s right and wrong.”

  But teenagers also feel they need to make choices-to make their own mistakes.As one teenager girl said, “If our parents don’t let us make our own choices, maybe in the future we don’t know how to do it.” And they feel friends can often be a big help, especially because friends sometimes know more about their situation than their parents.


Why do teenagers sometimes have to make their own choices?

[  ]


Because the teachers want them to do it.


Because their parents want them to do it.


Because teenagers like to make choices by themselves.


Because teachers and parents don’t understand them well.


Who influences most to the teenagers when they buy music?

[  ]


Their teachers.


Theirs parents.


Their friends.


Movie stars.


What does the passage mainly talk about?

[  ]


Everybody needs to make choices.


Teenagers need to make choices by themselves.


Teenagers know more about TV shows and music.


Teachers and parents should help teenagers as much as possible.



  Like most teenagers in the world, Joso Montanaro a teen artist in Brazil, likes reading and drawing cartoons.But he is special-his drawings get published(出版).

  Montanaro is now drawing cartoons for Folha.Folha is Brazil's largest newspaper and is known for its cartoons.Montanaro has already been working at Folha for two years.Each week he draws two, there or four cartoons and sends them to the paper.From those editors choose one for the next day's page.

  Montanaro draws about the news of the day.Recently he worked on The Wave-a drawing of the tsunami(海啸)that hit Japan.Montanaro also likes to draw cartoons about the funny things that happen in Brazilian politics(政治).

  “I like doing political drawings because you can joke about somebody bigger than you.” Montanaro says.

  Folha's art director ,Mario Kanno, says editors saw something new and different in Montanaro's work.“We brought him in with this idea to show that, yes, young people also read newspapers and can show their ideas on politics,”Kanno says.

  Montanaro's love for cartoons began when be was only 7 or 8 year old.His dad bought him comics.Montanaro says these books gave him the ideas that got him drawing.“I think those great works have really helped me,”he says.“They remind me that I should draw something in my book every day.”


What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?

[  ]


He is publishing story books.


He is drawing cartoons.


He is sending newspapers.


He is writing articles.


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Folha is famous for its cartoons.


Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.


Montanaro draws one cartoon for Folha every week.


Montanaro began to work for Folha two years ago.


Why does Montanaro like drawing political cartoons?

[  ]


Because he can show his ideas on politics.


Because he is very interested in political jobs.


Because he thinks it's easier to draw political cartoons.


Because he can make fun of some important people.


What made Montanaro draw and helped him a lot in his drawings?

[  ]


The comics his dad bought him.


His interest in cartoon films.


The fun of drawing cartoons.


His dad's ideas about cartoons.


What's the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Folha's art director.


Brazil's largest newspaper.


Teen artist in Brazil.


Montanaro's great father.


  What’s a blog? A blog is a personal online diary(日记).It’s cool, it’s hot, and everyone is doing it.People talk about it often.Sound like a fashion? In fact, It’s another trend(流行趋势).And the word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online.Are you a blogger?

  Many bloggers are teenagers who log(进入)onto websites to discuss anything in their lives.Many of today’s teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives.Teenagers complain about their parents and homework.They share diaries, post(发布)songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs.They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support.But mostly they just write down what they do every day.

  However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers.Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they don’t like studying.They are using the language that is surprising to their parents.Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers.Most of the time, it’s older men asking to meet teenage girls.“These strange men are dangerous for my kids.They sometimes teach my kids bad words.” said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.

  Many teenagers and young adults know it’s not safe to use blogs on the Internet.They know they are putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone.But teenagers are unwilling to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.


The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means ________.

[  ]


the fashion


the Internet


the blog


Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

[  ]


Teenagers don’t tell about their personal life in their blogs.


Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.


Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.


What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

[  ]


Many parents don’t understand kids’ language in their blogs.


Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.


Many parents can understand why their kids don’t like studying.


Many parents think it’s ________ for their children to get messages from strangers.

[  ]








We can learn from the last paragraph that.

[  ]


It’s easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the Internet


It’s safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the Internet


It’s popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet


  Smoking in indoor public places including public working places, public transport vehicles and some other special outdoor working places has been banned(禁止)in China since January 2011.Let's look at the following advantages of banning smoking.

  First, banning smoking will not only help in saving smokers from health problems and diseases, but will also be good for passive(被动)smokers.When the smoker is smoking in a restaurant, the people around him are sure to breathe in the smoke and suffer from the diseases an active smoker gets.If smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be controlled.

  Next, banning smoking will put stress on smokers to give up.Since a smoker is prevented from smoking, he will learn how to live without smoking for long hours.When a smoker doesn't smell or see anybody around him smoking, it might reduce his wish to smoke too.As a result, people have to give up smoking.

  Smoking in public places influences non-smokers to start smoking, especially adolescents.When teens see people around them smoking, they will follow them easily.Thus the number of teen smokers will increase.Also asthma(哮喘)and other problems are often seen in children living around smokers.So if it is banned, these places will become safe for children and teenagers.

  Looking from the economic point of view, smoking should be banned to increase work productivity(生产率).Employees(雇员)who smoke usually take breaks to smoke while working.So the number of hours they put in their work is smaller.

  If you see from the environment point of view, smoking should be banned.Smoking causes air pollution.If it is banned, it will help keep the environment from getting worse.


_________ doesn't belong to a non-smoking place.

[  ]


A field


A hospital


A library


A restaurant


The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us _________.

[  ]


banning smoking is good for restaurants


banning smoking is good for non-smokers


banning smoking is good for spread of diseases


banning smoking is good for active smokers and passive smokers


How many advantages of banning smoking are mentioned in this passage?

[  ]










According to the text, the underlined word “adolescents” means _________.

[  ]










Which of the following statements in NOT true?

[  ]


If smoking is banned, work productivity will increase.


If smoking is banned, the number of teen smokers will be larger.


If smoking is banned, it will make the environment become better.


If smoking is banned, smokers will learn how to live without smoking.


  Smoking in indoor public places including public working places, public transport vehicles and some other special outdoor working places has been banned(禁止)in China since January 2011.Let's look at the following advantages of banning smoking.

  First, banning smoking will not only help in saving smokers from health problems and diseases, but will also be good for passive(被动)smokers.When the smoker is smoking in a restaurant, the people around him are sure to breathe in the smoke and suffer from the diseases an active smoker gets.If smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be controlled.

  Next, banning smoking will put stress on smokers to give up.Since a smoker is prevented from smoking, he will learn how to live without smoking for long hours.When a smoker doesn't smell or see anybody around him smoking, it might reduce his wish to smoke too.As a result, people have to give up smoking.

  Smoking in public places influences non-smokers to start smoking, especially adolescents.When teens see people around them smoking, they will follow them easily.Thus the number of teen smokers will increase.Also asthma(哮喘)and other problems are often seen in children living around smokers.So if it is banned, these places will become safe for children and teenagers.

  Looking from the economic point of view, smoking should be banned to increase work productivity(生产率).Employees(雇员)who smoke usually take breaks to smoke while working.So the number of hours they put in their work is smaller.

  If you see from the environment point of view, smoking should be banned.Smoking causes air pollution.If it is banned, it will help keep the environment from getting worse.


________ doesn't belong to a non-smoking place.

[  ]


A field


A hospital


A library


A restaurant


The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us ________.

[  ]


banning smoking is good for restaurants


banning smoking is good for non-smokers


banning smoking is good for spread of diseases


banning smoking is good for active smokers and passive smokers


How many advantages of banning smoking are mentioned in this passage?

[  ]










According to the text, the underlined word “adolescents” means ________.

[  ]










Which of the following statements in NOT true?

[  ]


If smoking is banned, the number of teen smokers will be larger.


If smoking is banned, work productivity will increase.


If smoking is banned, it will make the environment become better.


If smoking is banned, smokers will learn how to live without smoking.

    What's a blog? A blog is a personal online diary (日记). It's cool, it's hot, and everyone is doing it. People
talk about it often. Sound like a fashion? In fact, It's another trend (流行趋势). And the word "blogger" means
a person who writes diaries online. Are you a blogger?  
     Many bloggers are teenagers who log (进入) onto websites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of
today's teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teenagers complain about their
parents and homework. They share diaries, post (发布) songs from the latest bands and show pictures of
theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each
other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.  
     However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how
they got drunk last weekend and how they don't like studying. They are using the language that is surprising
to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers. Most of
the time, it's older men asking to meet teenage girls. "These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They
sometimes teach my kids bad words." said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.  
     Many teenagers and young adults know it's not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are
putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone. But teenagers are unwilling
to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.   
1. The underlined word "it" in the first paragraph means _____.  
A. the fashion
B. the Internet
C. the blog
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?  
A. Teenagers don't tell about their personal life in their blogs.  
B. Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.  
C. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.  
3. What's the main idea of the third paragraph?  
A. Many parents don't understand kids' language in their blogs.  
B. Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.   
C. Many parents can understand why their kids don't like studying. 
4. Many parents think it's _____ for their children to get messages from strangers.  
A. dangerous
B. interesting
C. surprising   
5. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.  
A. It's easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the Internet   
B. It's safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the Internet  
C. It's popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet 

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