Chantek was a special orangutan (红毛大猩猩). In 1979, when Chantek was 9 months old, a scientist (科学家) called Lyn Miles took him to the University of Tennessee (田纳西大学) in the USA. She wanted to teach Chantek like teaching a human child. She and some other scientists taught him sign language (手语). Chantek learned at least 150 words in American sign language. They also taught him other human skills like using a bathroom and cleaning his room.

Chantek stayed at the university for 8 years. He sometimes even walked to classes with students. But in 1986, Chantek ran away from his place and scared a student. The student cried in fear and said that Chantek wanted to hurt her. So people had to send him to an animal center. He spent 11 years there, living in a cage and becoming fat and unhappy.

In 1997, Chantek moved into Zoo Atlanta. There, he could finally go outside and jump from tree to tree. The zoo said Chantek often used sign language to “talk” with his caretakers (看护员). But he was too shy to do it with visitors.

Lyn Miles often visited Chantek in the zoo. She said that Chantek still saw himself as half human, and he called the other orangutans in the zoo “orange dogs”.

On August 7, 2017, Chantek died in the zoo at the age of 39.

1.Chantek is ________.

A.a scientist orange dog C.a special orangutan D.a human child

2.The underlined word “scared” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A.left...alone C.called...back D.made ... afraid

3.Chantek lived in Zoo Atlanta for ________ years.

A.8 B.11 C.20 D.39

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Chantek is still alive now.

B.Chantek was fat and unhappy in the animal center.

C.Chantek learned sign language and human skills from scientists.

D.Chantek couldn’t use sign language to “talk” with visitors because he was too shy.

5.The passage is mainly about ________. to teach orangutans B.a scientist called Lyn Miles

C.the story of Chantek D.different places in the USA

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