My Understanding of Money

I used to walk around the store with my parents constantly begging for something. I remember the sight of all the colorful bags of chips and candy that I asked my parents to buy for me. I cannot remember a time when I didn't beg for something at the store.

When I was about twelve years old, my dad always _________my begging and told me with a frustrated(使人挫败的)face, "You can waste all the money as you want when you have a job." I listened, but I never really heard the _______he was trying to get across to me. Since I wanted so many things and my parents were not going to buy them for me, I decided to make money as a _________myself. I remember the feeling of getting new money in my pocket, then throwing it out within the next week.

A few years later, I was a freshman in high school and did not feel like looking for a new job. One day, I saw people handing out flyers(传单)at school. I wasn't_________at first because I thought I was fine making money by babysitting. But once I_________thought about the money I could make, I applied to work as a lifeguard advertised on the flyer.

After a few months' training, I could finally start the job. But the more money I made, the less I wanted to spend. As the work and pay increased, so did my responsibility with money. Instead of _________my money on useless things, I started saving up. I finally realized that money meant so much more to me because I was the one_________for it. Now, I have 5,000 dollars in my bank account, and I limit myself to what I buy. My life has permanently(持久地)been influenced because I know the _________of money. It is more than what I can spend.

1.A.met B.changed C.forgot D.refused

2.A.reply B.story C.message

3.A.babysitter B.advertiser C.safeguard D.salesgirl

4.A.involved B.interested C.accepted D.pleased

5.A.proudly B.slowly C.seriously D.secretly

6.A.cutting B.raising C.receiving D.wasting

7.A.working B.saving C.longing D.begging

8.A.limit B.value C.power

Can you imagine a five-year-old boy writing and playing music on a child-sized violin? This was true of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a gifted boy who grew up to be one of the most creative composers (作曲家) of all time. Then you might think that the life of this child was easy all the time. Read on. Decide for yourself.

Mozart was born in January of 1756 into a musical family. His father, Leopold Mozart, recognized the talent of his child and devoted himself to teaching him. Later, Mozart toured Europe, putting on concerts for the people of high social positions. He could listen to any piece of music once and then play it from memory. He could play the piano or the violin with his eyes covered. What's more, music that Mozart wrote at the age of five was as good as works by many adult composers.

Mozart earned a living by selling his compositions, giving concerts and providing music lessons for the wealthy. Some of the operas Mozart wrote, such as The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, are still performed today. He composed 41 symphonies(交响乐). However, none of them earned him much money, and he spent far more than he was able to earn. Mozart often waited until the last moment to work on pieces that had been asked for.

By the spring of 1791, Mozart was ill and sad. He was deeply in debt(债务). His health, which had never been good, was becoming even worse. A stranger asked Mozart to write a musical piece for a funeral( 葬 礼 ). Mozart agreed, but then began to fear that it was being written for his own death. His fears turned out to be true. Mozart died in December of 1791, at the age of 35.

1.What is the purpose of the writer by saying "Read on. Decide for yourself "in paragraph1?

A.To increase your reading interest.

B.To tell you it is your business to read it or not

C.To introduce that the child always led an easy life

2.Which of the following can't show that Mozart was a born musician?

A.He could play any music wonderfully

B.He could write good works at an early age.

C.He held concerts for the people of high social positions

3.We can infer from the paragraph 3 that________.

A.Mozart could support himself by working so hard

B.Mozart led a poor life although he wrote many pieces

C.Mozart's compositions sold well and he made a lot of money

4.According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A.Mozart was still poor before his death

B.Mozart's fame gave him a hard life and he felt unhappy

C.Mozart was in poor health so he wanted to wrote a piece for his own funeral

5.What's the passage about?

A.Mozart's lifetime B.Mozart's talent C.Mozart's works

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