
1.  The class meeting will l_______ from 8:00 to 10: 00.
2.  The classroom is big e_______ to hold these people.
3.  I like this seat,  it is very c_______     to sit on.
4,  Changchun is in Jinlin P_______.
5.  The best _______ ( 表演者) is Mr Chen.
6.  I'm very t_______,  please give me something to drink.
7.  If you want to keep fit, you should take more _______.
8.  There are a few d_______between the twins.
9.  Take the m_______three times a day and you'll feel better.
10.  One h_______ years is a century (世纪).
1. last 2. enough 3. comfortable 4. Province 5. performer
6. thirsty 7. exercise 8. differences 9. medicine 10. hundred

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