

1.Where can Lucy listen to pop music?

A.In Area E.

B.Next to Area E.

C.In Fantastic House.

2.How long does the film last?

A.110 minutes.

B.120 minutes.

C.130 minutes.

3.What will the woman do?

A.Make a phone call.

B.Have dinner.

C.Use the table.

4.Who saw the accident?


B.A strong man.

C.A little girl.

5.Which is the cheapest?

A.The pork.

B.The beef.

C.The chicken.

6.What was Alex doing last night?

A.Repairing his robot.

B.Playing with his robot.

C.Cleaning his robot.

7.What do you think of Simon?

A.He's outgoing.

B.He's silly.

C.He's imaginative.

8.What will Sophia do?

A.She'll help the boy.

B.She won't help the boy.

C.She'll ask the boy for help.

9.What is the girl going to do?

A.Ask for the boy's picture.

B.See the boy's smile.

C.Take a picture of the boy.

10.What did the girl mean?

A.The novel was too difficult.

B.She couldn't remember the writer's name.

C.The novel was very interesting.



11.What does the man want to know about the trip?

A.Where to go.

B.When to leave.

C.How much to pay.

12.What will the man probably do?

A.Visit countryside.

B.Go to France.

C.Stay here for three weeks.


13.When does the dialogue happen?

A.On Friday.

B.On Sunday.

C.On Saturday.

14.How will they get there?

A.By bike.

B.On foot.

C.By bus.


15.Where does the dialogue take place?

A.In a shop.

B.At a restaurant.

C.In a parking place.

16.What will the woman do?

A.She'll wait for the man at the place where she gets out of the car.

B.She'll go into the cinema first.

C.She'll buy the tickets.

17.How does the man know it will take him a little time to park the car?

A.Because all the parking places seem to be taken.

B.Because the parking place is far away.

C.Because he doesn't know where the parking place is.


18.What's the number of the plane?

A.CA 3504.

B.BA 3405,

C.CA 3054.

19.When does the plane leave?




20.Which gate do the passengers(乘客)who fly to Moscow have to go to?

A.Gate 4.

B.Gate 8.

C.Gate 6.


21.What was Henry?

A.A driver.

B.A teacher.

C.An assistant doctor.

22.How old was the boy?

A.4 years old.

B.5 years old.

C.6 years old.

23.Who took the boy to the hospital?

A.His mother.

B.His father.

C.His uncle.

24.Why did the boy hold his mother's hand?

A.Because he was hungry.

B.Because he felt afraid.

C.Because he wanted to play with her.

25.Was Henry successful at last in the story?

A.I don't know.

B.Yes, he was.

C.No, he wasn't.

A                               B
A. It’s Sunday today.
B. Well done! Congratulations to you.
C. Thanks for saying so.
D. Fine, thank you.
E. Of course.
1. How are you?
2. What day is it today?
3. Could you please do me a favor?
4. How well you dance!
5. We won the basketball match.
 A. What’s your plan for the future?    B. How will you keep in touch with them?
C. I feel excited and sad.       D. May I ask you some questions?
E. What else would you like to say to your teachers and classmates?
A.  Hello, Long Yulin. I know you’re one of the best graduates.    1   
B.  Yes, please.
A.  How do you feel now?
B.     2   .
A.  What are you going to do before leaving school?
B.  I’m going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates, give gifts to my teachers and write best wishes to my classmates
A.  Will you miss your teachers and classmates?
B.  Sure, and I’ll remember the past three years of my school life for ever.
A.    3       
B.  By sending e-mails, making telephone calls or writing letters.
A.  When are you going to have a get-together with your classmates?
B.  We’ll be back for our school’s 20th anniversary ceremony.
A.   4  
B.  I’m going to be a scientist, so I’ll keep on working hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.
A.    5   .
B.  First, I want to say “Thanks” to my teachers for teaching me so well. Second, I wish my teachers and classmates health, happiness and good luck. At last, I hope our school will continue to be the top in Tongren.

A                               B

A. It’s Sunday today.
B. Well done! Congratulations to you.
C. Thanks for saying so.
D. Fine, thank you.
E. Of course.
1. How are you?
2. What day is it today?
3. Could you please do me a favor?
4. How well you dance!
5. We won the basketball match.
 A. What’s your plan for the future?    B. How will you keep in touch with them?
C. I feel excited and sad.       D. May I ask you some questions?
E. What else would you like to say to your teachers and classmates?
A.  Hello, Long Yulin. I know you’re one of the best graduates.    1   
B.  Yes, please.
A.  How do you feel now?
B.     2   .
A.  What are you going to do before leaving school?
B.  I’m going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates, give gifts to my teachers and write best wishes to my classmates
A.  Will you miss your teachers and classmates?
B.  Sure, and I’ll remember the past three years of my school life for ever.
A.    3       
B.  By sending e-mails, making telephone calls or writing letters.
A.  When are you going to have a get-together with your classmates?
B.  We’ll be back for our school’s 20th anniversary ceremony.
A.   4  
B.  I’m going to be a scientist, so I’ll keep on working hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.
A.    5   .
B.  First, I want to say “Thanks” to my teachers for teaching me so well. Second, I wish my teachers and classmates health, happiness and good luck. At last, I hope our school will continue to be the top in Tongren.

      A man was sitting in his doctor's office. He was teUing tlle doctor about his problem.
      "I like football,you know,doctor,"he said."And my wife has never been good to me since(自从)I
became interested in it.She often hear me shouting in my dreams. Night after night,when I close my
eyes,I'm out tllere on the field and mnning after the flying baU.When I wake up,I always feel tired.I'm
getting thinner aIld thinner.So,what am I going to do?"
      The doctor sat back and said,"First,you wm have to  try your.best not to dream about footbal1.
When you close your eyes,try to tllink bout something else.Try to think,for example,that you are at a
party or someone is going to glve you several million dollars." "Are you crazy,(疯的; 疯狂的),
doctor?" The man shouted. "I'll miss(错过)my baⅡthen!"
1. The man went to his doctor because        ____.           
A. he couldn't get to sleep at night.
B. he wanted to get some ideas about his problem
C. the doctor asked him to talk about football
D. he wanted to say sometlling bad about his wife
2. The man always felt tired when he woke up because         ____. 
A. he tIlougllt of his footbaU even in his dreams
B. he had a 10t of housework to do at night
C. he often got up during the night to play football
D. he played football at night
3. The doctor to1d me man          ____.    
A. not to dream in his sleep    
B. to close his eyes after he was1 lying in bed
C. not to think of football when he was sleeping  
D. not to think anything
4. From the passage we and that          ____.   
A. football is one of the most popular games
B. tlhe man,s wife was also a football fan
C. football made the man's 1ife trrible
D. the doctor didn't say anything at last
5.The best title for this story would be_________.  
A. A Crazy Doctor      
B. A Man Crazy About Football
C. Exciting  football Games    
D. A Man And His Wife

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