
1. Millie plans______________(visit) the Eiffel Tower with her parents next month.

2. I hope_________________(get) better grades in the next test.

3. Do you agree____________(meet) me at the school gate?

4. Sandy finished________________(read) the book yesterday.

5. David forgot______________(close) the door when he left the classroom.

6. I can’t draw at the _______________(begin) but I draw very well now.

7. Nobody likes___________________(bore) films.

8. Send my ___________________(greet) to your parents.

9. When autumn comes, ______________(leaf) turn yellow.

10. We are preparing__________________(hold) a party.

11. Would you mind__________________(give) your seat to the old man?

12. Didn’t you tell him______________(not forget)___________(lock) the door?

13. He always makes all of us _________________(anger).

14. Who will you have__________________(go) with us tomorrow?

15. I remember______________(buy) a book like this, but I can’t remember where I put it.

16. Thank you for_______________(let) us_______________(have) a rest.

17. It’s two_________________(hour) coach ride from here.

18. Everything got much_____________________(well).

19. Mr. Wu went to the city with Kitty and _______________(I ).

20. Please write an _________________(invite) letter to Sandy.

21. He passed the exam. How __________________(amaze) he is!

22. I want to go to some places of___________________(interest).

23. He showed his great______________________(interesting) in match.

24. He felt English____________________(bore) at first.

25. He felt___________________(bore) with English at first.

After a study showed that one in every ten meals in the

country may be cooked with dirty oil, the State Fool and Drug

                       Administrations(SFDA)on Thursday issues an emergency notice(发

布紧急通知)to restaurant nationwide,warning them against

recycling oil.

The swill-oil is cooking oil refined from kitchen waste that has been recycled.Although it looks clean and clear, it's actually so dangerous to people's health that it may cause cancer.

   According to a reporter, the swill-oil business is extremely profitable.Recycling one ton of kitchen waste will produce130 kg of swill oil. With its price being half that of normal cooking oil, a profit(利润)of 1.5 to 2 billion yuan is produced in the whole swill-oil business in the country every year.The profit is almost 200%,so it's easy to understand why the business is so hot.s

   He Dongping, a professor from Wuhan Polytechnic University(WHPU)said:"To stop the use of dirty oil should start at its source,kitchen waste.And the first step is to find a good way of collecting kitchen waste." "However,it might take about 10 years before China could solve the problem completely."he added.

66. According to the study,______of us may have eaten the food cooked by dirty oil.

A. few           B.nobody      C.many

67. It's ______to tell the difference between swill-oil and normal cooking oil just by looking..

A. fast           B.easy        C.hard

68. The underlined sentence"The swill-oil business is extremely profitable" means that the swill-oil business is really a _____.

A.big money-maker     B.common situation   C.terrible thing

69.We can infer(推断)from this passage that______.

A. the biggest problem is that restaurants produces too much kitchen waste

B. the way of dealing with kitchen waste isn't good enough now

C.we can stop the use of swill-oil in a short time if we take it serious

70. The main topic of this passage is about______.

A.restaurant service     B.food safety    C.eating habits

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