

  Two sisters are playing games on the bank of a river.They are playing happily.One of them is Jenny, and the other is Rose.While they are running to the foot of a hill, they see a big brown bear standing before them.They are much frightened, and they run away at once.

  “Please don't run! I won't eat you.I am a man, not a bear.I'm friendly,”the bear says.The two girls are looking at the bear.The bear stands up, his hair all falls there, a young man stands, he is tall, and has good looks.“It's lucky for me to meet you, you can save me,”says he.

  “Who are you? How can we save you?”

  “I'm Scoff.My father and mother don't know I'm a bear now.They are looking for me all the time.They don't know where I am.I see them often, but I cannot talk to them.Let me tell you something about me.”

  “I was a prince,”the young man says.“One day, I played on the bank of the river, and old woman came, she said something and threw a brown coat at me.The old woman turned me into a brown bear.She said, ‘Only when you meet two girls on the bank of the river, and one of them is willing to be your wife, you can be a man again.’Today, it's my luck to meet you here.If one of you is willing to be my wife, you can save me.”The two sisters' faces turn red.The younger sister says,“I think I can save you, I would like to be your wife.”The prince says,“Thank goodness! Thank you very much.From now on, we are brother and sisters, the old woman cannot do anything to me.Let's go home, my father and mother will be very happy to see us.”

  The prince takes the two sisters to his home.The prince becomes the king, they are very happy.


The two sisters see ________ in front of them at the foot of a hill.

[  ]


a brown bear


a nice prince


a young man


an old woman


The old woman makes ________ into a brown bear.

[  ]






the young man


all of them


________ will be happy to see his son.

[  ]


The young man


The young man's parents


The young man's mother


The prince


Which is NOT true?

[  ]


The two girls and the brown bear are good friends.


The prince and the young man are the same person.


The prince married to one of the two sisters.


The young man became the king at last.


Which is the best title do you think?

[  ]


A prince and Two Sisters.


A Love Story Between a Prince and a Girl.


The Story of the Prince.


The Bear and the Sisters.



 When Mike and Kate were coming home from school yesterday afternoon, they saw a crowd of people.

 Mike and Kate joined the crowd. They were surprised to see two thieves in the street. The thieves were running out of the bank. They were holding bags full of money. The bank manager was running after them.

 A policeman was standing among the crowd, but he didn't do anything.

 “Quick! Mike shouted to the policeman, Can't you see those thieves?

 The policeman smiled. He pointed at a big camera. We're making a film, he said. Those men aren't real thieves. They're actors. And I'm not a real policeman, either. I'm an actor, too.

1Mike and Kate saw a crowd of people on their way     .    

[  ]

A to the school         B. to the cinema

C home           D. to the shop

2 Why were the children surprised? Because they saw     .    ]

A a policeman        B. two thieves

C a bank manager       D. an actor

3 The thieves were running away     .    

[  ]

A with much money      B. in a car

C with bags of books       D. with cameras

4 The policeman saw the thieves,     .    

[  ]

A and he did something      B. but he did anything

C and caught them       D. but he did nothing

5 What were the policeman and the thieves doing? They were     .

[  ]

A taking photos        B. putting on the play

C making a film        D. playing a game


  The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. It can be very frightening when there is a strong wind.

  The sea is very big. Seven-tenths of the earth's surface is water. The sea is very deep in some places. There is one place, the sea is about eleven kilometres deep there. The highest mountain in the world is about nine kilometres high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place, there would be still two kilometres of water above it.

  In most parts of the sea, there are plenty of(大量的)fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things--lots of fishes live by eating them.

  The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.


1. The sea is stormy ____.          

[  ]

A. all the time         B. when it is raining

C. when there is a strong wind  D. when the sun is shining

2. There is one place, the sea is as deep as  ____ there.


[  ]

A. 11 kilometres         B. the highest mountain

C. 9 kilometres          D. 2 kilometres

3. There are a lot of small things in the sea, and ____.


[  ]

A. they live by eating fishes  B. they are good food for fishes

C. they live by eating plants  D. they live with fishes

4. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder because ____.                   

[  ]

A. people are very tired

B. people go down too fast

C. the temperature of the deep sea is lower than that of the top of the sea

D. the temperature of the top sea is lower than that of the deep sea.

5. In 1970, five women lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.

This showed ______.                 

[  ]

A. women liked living in the sea

B. women could go to the sea

C. women wanted to swim in the sea

D. women could do the same work as men


  You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year.You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.

  Perhaps you have been told about some habits (习惯) which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.

  Do you still have any of these bad habits?Check yourself by answering“yes”or“no”to these questions.

  (1) Do you move your lips (嘴唇) when reading silently?

  (2) Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

  (3)Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

  (4)Do you read one word at a time?

  If you answer“yes”to any of these questions,start at once to break the habit.If you move your tips,hold your fingers over them,or hold a piece of paper be-tween your lips while you are reading.Then if your lips move,your will know it and can stop them.

  If you point to words,hold the two sides of your book,one side with your left hand,the other side with your right hand.Then you won't have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.If you move your head,place your chin (下巴) in one hand and hold your head still (静止不动的).

  If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time,you need to work very hard in learning to take in (吸收) more words at each glance (一瞥) as your eyes travel across the lines of words.

  Even if you do rather fast now,you can learn to read even faster.As you probably have been told,the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words as each glance.Read in through groups and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can to make them go.Anyone who practices doing these things will he able to read faster.


You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as ______.

  A.to tell others to be silent

  B.to feel whether your lips move or not

  C.to hold a piece of paper between them

  D.to keep yourself from talking to others

[  ]


When you read,______.

  A.don't keep your head still

  B.don't hold your books with your hands

  C.don't stand up near a desk

  D.don't use your finger to point to words

[  ]


If you learn to read fast,______.

  A.you can read more in less time

  B.you can write faster

  C.you can understand better

  D.you can read less in more time

[  ]


You must _______ those habits that we are talking about in this reading.

  A.remember  B.have C.get rid of D.keep

[  ]


This reading is mainly about ______.

  A.the way of reading fast

  B.the importance of fast reading

  C.the bad habits in reading

  D.how to speak quickly

[  ]

  One day, Mr and Mrs White received two theatre tickets for a wonderful concert. They were very pleased because the tickets were hard to get. But they couldn't know who sent the tickets. The person didn't write his name and address in the letter.

  The Whites called all their friends in order to find out who sent the tickets, but none of them did so. And nobody knew who itwas. They couldn't help(情不自禁)wondering who sent the tickets.

  That evening, husband and wife attended the concert. It was nice performances, but they couldn't enjoy it properly because they were still worrying about where the tickets came from.

  When they returned home from the theatre, they found most of their things stolen(偷). On the table was a note. It said, "Now,you know who sent you the tickets."


  1. One day, the Whites got two tickets from a friend of theirs.

                        (  )

  2. Mr and Mrs White made telephone calls to all their friends to find out who it was.

                        (    )

  3. The concert was not at all interesting.

                        (    )

  4. Their things were taken away while they were out.

                        (    )

  5. Mr and Mrs White were quite clever and careful.

                        (    )

  6. This story is a lesson(教训)we should remember.

                        (    )

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