
Are you interested in magic products from China? Here are some of the best-selling products and the customer reviews(用户评价). For more information, please click www.magicchina.com.

Foot Massager Roller

Price: $18.95


I am in total love with this product. I used to have foot pain because of working. I use it for about 30 minutes every day while I am watching TV. I find that my feet no longer hurt as much after using this. I have bought 5 more as gifts for my friends and family.

Self-heating Instant Hotpot

Price: $15.99


When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. OMG! It really began steaming(蒸汽) when I added a little water. And the taste was just the same as what I had at the restaurant! I told several friends about it and they were crazy, too. We love this amazing food from China.

Rubber Hot Water Bag

Price: $14.99


I bought it 2 months ago, and I must say I am pleased with the quality. It is made in China. As I expected, it works really well! This is all I wanted. With it, I will not feel cold in winter. My husband Bill likes it too because it helps with his back pain.

1.________ likes the product very much and has bought 5 more for friends and family as gifts.

A.Peter B.Ann C.Elle D.Bill

2.If you feel some pain in your stomach and always feel cold in winter, you can choose ________.

A.Foot Massager Roller B.Self-heating Instant Hotpot

C.Rubber Hot Water Bag D.steam food in a Chinese restaurant

3.This passage is probably a(an) ________.

A.news report B.ad. C.notice D.story


Chongqing, a beautiful municipality(直辖市) in Southwest China, is attracting more and more visitors to come. The city is very hot in summer, so the best 1.to visit it are spring and autumn. Chongqing Daily offered a guide for the visitors. Here is a part of it.

Delicious Food to Eat

Have you ever watched Hey Xiaomian—a food documentary of Chongqing noodles? As the documentary shows, there are lots of local people who are noodle fans eating Xiaomian at street-side restaurants. Xiao doesn’t mean it’s very small. It shows how simply to cook it, how much to 2. for it and how deeply people love it. If you want to try, you can search the Internet for Top 50.

For lunch, street snacks can be 3.found on Haochi Street, which is filled with tasty food. Mouthwatering choices include barbecue and spicy-sour rice noodles.

4.than just a popular food, hotpot is a symbol of local culture for Chongqing. If you can stand the spicy(辣的) taste, go to Nanshan Mountain and try an open-air hotpot.

Interesting Places to Visit

Chaotianmen, the biggest port(码头) in Chongqing, is the place where the Jialing River and Yangtze River meets. In the morning, it’s fun to watch boats 5. from it and moving down along the river.

There is a saying that 6. you visit Jiefangbei, your trip to Chongqing is not complete. The landmark(地标) records the history of Chongqing and is also business center of the city.

In the afternoon, you can visit Ciqikou. There you can see many traditional art forms, small shops, local snacks and restaurants on boats. When the night falls, you can relax 7. a cup of tea by the river, quietly and peacefully.

Possible Transportations to Take

The subway in Chongqing is quite different from 8.in other big cities. If you want to experience it, you can take Line 2. At Liziba station, the train runs through a building!

The Yangtze River Cable Car is also a must-go if you want to have a perfect city view from above.

With the development of Internet and the increasing needs for taxis, online car-hailing(网约车) is becoming more and more popular in China. Didi is used by most Chinese people, and Uber, Yidao, Shenzhou are also welcomed by passengers.

It’s easy for us to hail a car through certain apps. Open the app, and it will locate(定位) your address. After entering where you are going, the app will help you find the nearest personal car owners or taxi drivers. You can choose different kinds of services on the app. For example, if you choose tailored taxi(专车) service, the car is usually big and new. The driver will open the door for you and offer free water and Wifi. If it rains, an umbrella is usually provided. If you choose “hitch”(顺风车), the car owner nearby can give you a ride according to his own routes(路线). And you should pay him to share the cost. Of course, it costs less than hailing a taxi. No matter what kinds of service you choose, you don’t have to pay by cash. You can pay by Wechat or Alipay.

Although car-hailing has a lot of advantages, some people are still worried about its safety. Earlier last month, a young girl passenger was killed by a “hitch” driver on her way home in Zhengzhou. It’s not the first time the passenger gets hurt while using Didi. This news quickly became hot and many people discuss it online now. Some people doubt if it is illegal(合法的) for personal cars to work as taxis in China. Others think young girls should think twice while choosing “hitch”, especially at night. But most people think government must make some strict rules for car-hailing services, including restrictions(限制) about drivers’ hukou, age, job experiences and car age. “We need to listen to the suggestions from society, and perfect it in practice.” said some experts, “What is for sure is that the competition in the future lies in safety and service. Whoever can provide better user experience will win.”

1.Is Didi used by most Chinese people?


2.How does the app know where you are after you open it?


3.What is the difference between “tailored taxi” and “hitch”?


4.After the killing, will you still choose online car-hailing service? Why or why not?


When I was a teenager, I got lost in a foreign country. I was in Berlin (柏林), Germany, on my month-long mission trip in Europe. My team and I had one night there to spend however we pleased. Most of my teammates decided to stay indoors and relax. But I did not want to pass up the chance to explore Berlin.

I visited a lot of major attractions around the city that night. When I got tired off, I checked the time on my watch. I was surprised to see that it was two o’clock in the morning! As I walked to a subway station, I realized that it was my dad’s birthday. This would be the first birthday I couldn’t celebrate with him because he passed away a few months earlier. Before I could begin reminiscing (回忆) about my dad, the train was about to leave. I dashed onto the train. At first, I was thankful to have made it onto the train. But it quickly turned to panic (恐慌) when I noticed that the train was headed in the wrong direction!

I looked around the nearly empty train. I saw a young woman sitting quietly by the window and came up to her "Hi. Do you speak English? I’m lost. Can you help me?" I asked.

The woman understood. She told me how to return to where I had first gotten on the train. But I was too nervous to follow her instructions. Without thinking, I asked. Can you come with me? Her face froze at my sudden request (要求). After a long second of hesitation, she agreed to help me.

On the journey back to my train station, she and I chatted. We shared our life stories, our sadness and our hopes for the future. At my stop, she thanked me for sharing so much with her. She also told me how I had encouraged her. I couldn’t believe this stranger with the big heart was thanking me! I gave her a hug and thanked her for her incredible (难以置信的) kindness.

1.Why didn’t the writer stay indoors and relax like most of her teammates?

A.Because one of her teammates encouraged her to explore Berlin.

B.Because she didn’t get along with her teammates very well.

C.Because she had nothing to do and felt pretty bored at that time.

D.Because she thought it would be a pity not to go around the city.

2.Why couldn’t the writer celebrate her dad’s birthday?

A.Because it was two o’clock in the morning.

B.Because she was in a foreign country.

C.Because her dad died a few months ago.

D.Because she forgot her dad’s birthday.

3.Which of the following isn’t true when the writer was in trouble?

A.It was early in the morning and there were few people on the train.

B.The writer didn’t know how to get back to the original (原来的) train station.

C.The young woman on the train didn’t know how to speak English.

D.The writer got on a wrong train and it was headed in the wrong direction.

4.From the sentence "Her face froze at my sudden request." we can know that ________.

A.The woman couldn’t understand the writer very well.

B.The woman felt as cold as the writer at that time.

C.The woman was pleased to come with the writer immediately.

D.The woman was surprised at what the writer had just asked.

5.On the journey back to the train station, the writer probably didn’t share ________ with the young woman.

A.her dream job in the future B.her dads passing

C.her teammates’ secrets D.her mission trip

6.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Making friends on a mission trip B.Lost in a foreign country

C.Travelling around Berlin by train D.Kindness from a stranger

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