
  From a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains and seas below. If we go into space, we see more of the earth. People and man-made satellites have been sent out into space to observe(观察)the earth and people have learned more about the earth in the past few years.

  The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.

  The sea is very vast. It nearly covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. At one place the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place, there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!

  In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants. Some live near the surface of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them.

  The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the water becomes colder and colder. Only some men can go down into the deep sea. But in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.

(1)This passage is _________.

[  ]

Aa short story

Bfor science reading

Ca piece of news

Da report

(2)The sea covers about ________ of the earth.

[  ]

Aone third

Bone fourth

Ctwo quarters

Dthree fourths

(3)_______ are not mentioned (提及) in this passage.




DLiving things

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]

AThe sea is usually beautiful when the sun is shining.

BThe sea is always very terrible when the wind blows hard.

CThe highest mountain is in the deepest place of the sea.

DThe deeper the people go into the sea, the colder they will feel.

(5)The last sentence "But in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days." implies that _________.

[  ]

Awomen like to stay in the deep sea

Bmen can do that if they are allowed

Cit is an easy task to stay in deep water

Dit is very difficult for human beings to stay in deep water

183 Theatre Road,

                                 Sydney, Australia

Sept.27th, 2004

Dear Xiao Ming,

   Do you know how to write an English letter? When we write a letter in Chinese, we always

put the date at the end of the letter. But it is different in English. We have to put it on the top of the right corner. And above the date, we also write the number of our house and the names of our street, city and country. To begin the letter, we always use words like “Dear sir” “Dear Mr./Miss/ Mrs.…”At the end of the letter, we usually use words like “Yours” “Yours ever” or “Truly yours”.                


                                   Wang Lu


1. “We have to put it on the top of the right corner.” The word “it” here means______.    

A. the date   B. the letter    C. the envelope   D. the passage

2. Here is the letter from_______?                           

A.  P.R.C.     B. China      C. Australia      D. Sydney

3. Who writes this letter?                          

A. I       B. You     C. Wang Lu      D. Miss Shute

4. From the passage, we know when we write an English letter, we should put down our address 


A. at the end of the letter on the left

B. at the end of the letter on the right

C. at the top of the letter on the left

D. at the top of the letter on the right

5. How do you begin your letter if you write to Peter White?      

A. Peter.      B. Mr. Peter.     C. Dear Sir Peter.    D. Dear Mr. White.


Read and choose the right answers to complete the passage.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案完成短文。)

SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talkssingsdances and it costs  1  a car.

In Tokyoa human-shaped robot will go on sale  2  this year from Sony Corp. It remembers people’s facesdances disco steps and  3   sings. But it’s an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. “This robot was designed to live with people in  5  ”said Sony only.

“The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6  so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows  7  get back on its feet when it falls”Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two   8  allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9  the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which  10  for 180 000 yenUS $1 400in Japan and US $1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  It knows about 60 000 words.),and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fadand toy makers are coming out with  13 imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with childrenplay simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15 yenUS $105 000bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.A.as many as       B.as much as          C.so many as          D.so much as

2.A.before            B.later              C.ago               D.after

3.A.ever             B.every              C.even             D.never

4.A.continued         B.used              C.forgot             D.refused

5.A.families          B.houses            C.homes             D.offices

6.A.hands             B.feet               C.arms             D.legs

7.A.when to          B.how to            C.what to                D.why to

8.A.umbrellas          B.bands              C.telephones         D.cameras

9.A.talk              B.speak              C.say               D.tell

10.A.sales           B.sells              C.buys             D.borrows

11.A.diaries           B.conversations       C.competitions        D.dialogues

12. A. noises         B.bodies             C.voices             D.entrances

13.A.cheap           B.cheaper           C.dear              D.more expensive

14.A.sold            B.have sold           C.has sold            D.will sell

15.A.hundred          B.thousand           C.million             D.billion


  It was almost 9:00 p. m. when Mia Jameson left her office to go home. It was 1 . She started her car and she  2  down the dark road that led to her house in the country. She  3  the radio and sang songs while she was driving. The heater (暖气机) wasn’t working, and singing helped to keep her 4 .

  The snow was heavy. Then Mia went across a small  5 . The bridge was covered with ice and the car went out of control (失去控制). Mia hit her head on the steering wheel and lost consciousness (知觉).

  When she  6 , her head was bleeding (流血), and she was shaking from the cold. She didn’t know  7  she was. Mia opened the car door and looked around. She was under the bridge, and her car was sitting on the  8  river! She felt very  9 . She knew the ice wouldn’t  10  her car for very long. She  11  to walk up the hill several times, but she kept falling in the snow. Mia tried  12  time. She fell again, but this time she couldn’t get up. She knew that  13  could see her car under the bridge. She was lying in the snow, and she couldn’t  14 . Mia closed her eyes and  15  die.

  Then she heard a voice. Mia opened her eyes. There was an old man standing over her. She stood up and walked up with the help of the old man. “That’s my truck,” said the old man. “Get in and I’ll take you home.”

(1)  A. raining       B. cool            C. snowing       D. late

(2)  A. ran          B. drove      C. walked       D. rode

(3)  A. turned on     B. turned over      C. turned off      D. turned down

(4)  A. happy           B. not alone      C. warm       D. not lonely

(5)  A. bridge       B. village       C. town       D. farm

(6)  A. got up       B. came back    C. looked up     D. woke up

(7)  A. how         B. what        C. why        D. where

(8)  A. deep           B. frozen          C. wide        D. cold

(9)  A. angry      B. sad           C. surprised     D. afraid

(10) A. keep         B. pull        C. take        D. hold

(11) A. tried          B. wanted      C. would like     D. seemed

(12) A. one          B. one more      C. other        D. the other

(13) A. someone        B. anyone       C. everyone      D. no one

(14) A. feel         B. hear        C. move            D. go

(15) A. waited to          B. had to       C. was able to         D. decided to

Live music

    Come and enjoy the songs by Qi Qin, one of the most famous singers in the past 20 years.

    Place: The Stadium            Date: June 26th

    Price: ¥588-¥1,288       Time: 7:00 p.m.

Tel: 6935094    

Spanish Dancing

    Spanish Dancing is fun and easy to learn.Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.

    Place: John Black's         Date: June 15th-July 14th

    Price: ¥500          Time: 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

    Tel: 2711399

Titanic (3D)

  To know more about the big ship that sank in the Atlantic 100 years ago, come and see Titanic (3D).

  Place: Wanda Plaza           Date: June 1st-23rd

  Price: ¥80            Time: 8:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

  Tel: 3102768

Country Music

  Enjoy true American country music.

  Place: Rainbow Music Club         Date: July 2nd

  Price: ¥300           Time: 7:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

  Tel: 8115608


(  )1.If you want to enjoy country music, you should call ________.

   A.8115608         B.3102768     

C.2711399 D.6935094

(  )2.You can enjoy Qi Qin's music at ________.

   A.Wanda Plaza                    B.John Black's

C.the Stadium D.Rainbow Music Club

(  )3.If you want to learn Spanish dancing with one of your friends, how much do you and your friend need to pay?

   A.¥500 B.¥1,000 C.¥600 D.¥588

(  )4.In which year did Titanic sink in the Atlantic?

   A.2012. B.1992. C.1942. D.1912.

(  )5.You can watch Titanic (3D) at________.

   A.7:50 a.m., June 2nd   B.9:00 p.m., June 28th

C.9:50 p.m., June 2nd   D.7:50 a.m., June 30th

Here is the bulletin board of Class 3. Some of the students put their notes on it. Please read them and answer the following questions.

I want to say thanks to Miss Li, our dear teacher. We couldn’t have a wonderful class without you.


Dear Mr Chen,

Please accept my best thanks. I have a lot of fun in your P.E. class.


Many thanks to John for helping me with Maths homework.


I am thankful to Bill for lending me books. I’ll remember to bring mine next time.


A thousand thanks to Alex. He always helps me clean the windows when I’m busy.


I’m thankful to know that I have so many kind students. I love you all.

             Miss Li

56. The Chinese meaning of "bulletin board" is _______.

  A. 电影广告           B.寻人启事         C. 公告栏           D. 通缉令

57. According to the notes on the bulletin board, what holiday might be coming?

  A. Christmas                            B. Halloween   

C. Thanksgiving                          D. New Year's Day

58. When Julia is busy, what does Alex always help her do?

A. To do math homework.                  B. To clean the windows.

  C. To have P. E. class together. D. To take books to school.

59. From the bulletin board, we know that Mr Chen is a ___________.

  A. repeater           B. P.E. teacher    C. doctor      D. pilot

60. Why does Bill lend books to Mario?

A. They are classmates.         

  B. Miss Li wants him to do so.

  C. Bill has too many books.

  D. Mario forgot to bring his books to school.

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