
---Could you tell us ______?

---In two days.

A.how long will he come back

B.how long he will come back

C.how soon will he come back

D.how soon he will come back





试题分析:根据答语in two days可知询问的是多久以后,故用how soon来提问,又因宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故选D。


点评:以how引导的短语很多并且是考查的重点,常用的有:how often”多长时间一次”对在某一特定的时间内进行的动作次数进行提问,其答语一般为“never  sometimes  usually”等频率副词。  how long“多长时间”是询问动作持续的时间,答语通常是表示时间的状语(two weeks等)前面一般跟介词for;有时也可以表示长度。how far “多远” 一般指的是一地到另一地的距离how many 和how much 均可表示“多少”how many 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而how much 修饰不可数名词,还可以用来询问价格。



My dad used to say he knew I would be a singer. When I was a baby, I was always singing loudly. Dad was a big sports fan, but he was happy I loved music.

After dinner, Dad would often ask me to sing. He always said I sang I Will Always Love You much better than Whitney Houston!

At every school concert he cheered me on. The look of pride on his face made me happy.

My life was full of concerts, singing lessons and laughter. Though my mum and brothers helped me, they did not share our love for music.

Our lives changed when Dad was told that he had cancer. We always hoped that something would happen and he would get better, but the doctors told us that they could not save him.

About a week before my dad died, he fell into a coma (昏迷). The nurses said even though Dad did not reply, he could still hear me.

The nurses said I should sing him a song. I sang one of our favorites. As I sang, my dad gave a big smile, and clapped (鼓掌).

I will always remember that smile. I was so pleased to know that Dad had heard me sing one more song.

My dad died on May 14, 2000. It was hard to believe: he was so full of life. I don’t know how to say how much I miss him.

Now I have all the memories of him and his beautiful smile deep inside my heart. I will always know that he is listening from his front row seat in heaven.

He used to say: “Sing from your heart.”

My dad has been and will always be my hero.

1.According to the story, Whitney Houston is probably ______.

A. a famous singer?????????????????? B. a famous actress

C. the writer’s friend???????????????? D. a sports star

2.Who did the writer think make her confident?

A. Whitney Houston.???????????????? B. Her father.

C. Her mother.????????????????????? D. Her brothers.

3.According to the story, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Their lives didn’t change though her father had cancer.

B. when the writer’s father fell into a coma, he couldn’t hear her song.

C. The writer’s mum and brothers never helped or shared love for music.

D. The writer misses her father very much.

4.What does the underline word “heaven” mean in paragraph10?

A. 剧院???????????? B. 影院???????????? C. 天堂?????????????????? D. 舞台

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. My hero.?????????? B. M y favorite song.?????? C. My dream.????????? D. My family.


2014年马上就要到了,网上就“是否该恢复7天长假”的问题讨论得如火如荼,你(Jason)和你的网友 Peter 也展开了讨论。请你根据正文和反方观点,并结合自己的看法,给 Peter 写一封E-mail,开头和结尾部分已给出(字数80左右,不包括已给开头和结尾)

  Agree:The long holiday should be canceled(取消)


We need a 7-day holiday

  too crowded

  too many cars on the highway/ cause accidents 

  be bad for environment


  have a good rest

  family can get together

  go traveling

. . …

Y my opinion:

Dear Peter,

   How is everything going? 2014 is coming. It seems that every one is talking about whether we should have the 7-day holiday these days. Some people think that                                   













    What’s your idea? Could you write to tell me about it?




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