
     A poor girl was selling flowers in the street  21  Christmas Eve. Her parents were ill, so she  22  get money for food. It was very cold. The girl felt cold and hungry. She stopped  23  a beautiful house. The girl knocked  24   the door and a man came out. She asked  25  he needed some flowers. The man said he didn't want  26  . She left the house and felt tired. She sat down at the  27  of a tall wall. She looked  28  the flowers. 'Ihe flowers  29  very nice. She suddenly had an unusual feeling. She felt she became light,   30  slowly she began to fly into the sky. She  31  higher and higher and at last she found herself on the clouds. A group of people were coming to meet her. At the head of them  32  her granny. She welcomed her and asked her why she didn't  33  .The girl told her that she had to  34  to get money became her parents were badly ill. Granny told her  35  and gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed  36  .   
     It snowed  37  that night. The girl died  38  a smile on her face.   39  , people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and   40  .
21. A.  in              
22. A. could            
23. A. in front of      
24. A. at                
25. A. what             
26. A. some              
27. A. head              
28. A. for              
29. A. feels            
30. A. and              
31. A. went              
32. A. has              
33. A. get money        
34. A. fly into the sky  
35. A. didn't worry      
36. A. happy            
37. A. heavily          
38. A. had              
39. A. By the way 
40. A. looked after the girl 
B. on              
B. had better      
B. in the front of
B. to              
B. why            
B. any            
B. foot            
B. up              
B. felt            
B. but            
B. got            
B. was            
B. go out          
B. come here      
B. not to worry    
B. happier        
B. heavy          
B. has            
B. At the same time
B. talked about the girl
C. at            
C. would like    
C. behind        
C. in            
C. if            
C.  nothing      
C. top            
C. (不填)        
C. smelt          
C. so            
C. looked        
C. had            
C. come to see her
C. sell flowers  
C. to not worry  
C. happiest      
C. largely        
C. with          
C. except the girl
C. enjoyed themselves
D. had to      
D. beside      
D. for          
D. when        
D. something    
D. middle      
D. at          
D. smells      
D. or          
D. flew        
D. were        
D. stay at home
D. help others  
D. to worry not
D. happily      
D. strongly    
D. without      
D. By way 
D. watched themselves     


  "Depend on yourself" is what nature says to every man.Parents can help you.Teachers can help you.Others still can help you.But all these only help you to help yourself.

  There have been many great men in history.But many of them were very poor in childhood, and had no uncles, aunts or friends to help them.They couldn't depend on them for education.They saw how it was, and began to work with their efforts.To know something, they worked their own way up to fame(荣誉).

  One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, "I can't make worthy men of you, but I can help you make men of yourselves."

  Some young men think they are the best in anything, but in fact they are to be pitied(值得同情的).They can never do things successfully if they don't see their weak points and change their courses(做法).They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live if they don't follow the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.


The underline phrase "Depend on yourself" in this passage means ________.

[  ]


depend on nature


wait for others to help


depend on your own efforts


depend on your parents


Many of the great men in history succeeded because ________.

[  ]


they were very poor in childhood


they made great efforts to learn and work


they wanted very much to become famous


they could not depend on schools for an education


According to the famous teacher in England, a teacher can ________.

[  ]


make his pupils worthy men


teach his pupils everything he knows


help his pupils make themselves useful men


make his pupils men of strength and courage


The passage tells us that ________.

[  ]


we can depend on our friends and relatives


we should depend on our parents and teachers


all great men in history were poor when they were young


we can't depend on our parents or teachers, but we can get advice from them


  The United States is mainly an English-speaking country.A great number of population speaks English as their native language.Business, education and most public aspects(方面)of life are conducted in English.Across the country, people pronounce English sounds in several different ways and some regional(地区的)differences in words spelling exist(存在), but for the most parts, Americans speak one common language.This language is sometimes called American English.

  However, not everyone in the US is a native speaker of English.Most of the persons coming into the country are speakers of other languages.There are hundreds of communities(社区)around the US where English is not the most commonly used language.Chinese, Italian, German, Greek, Vietnamese and French are all spoken in a great number of communities in the United States.Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after English in the US.It is widely spoken in New York and across the southern part of the country.

  For speakers of other languages, learning English is important, but traditionally, teaching people to speak English as a second language was given little attention.Non-English speakers were expected to "pick up" the language through getting in touch with people in public.Recently, this has changed.Today, most large public schools and community colleges have ESL(English as a Second Language)programs.American English teachers feel that English students should learn the language in the way they will be using it.Therefore, ESL programs teach different English lessons to different students.Some programs teach students to be able to express their thoughts in English in public.


The most commonly spoken two language in the US are ________.

[  ]


English and Italian


English and Chinese


American English and French


English and Spanish


The underline phrase "pick up" in the third paragraph means ________.

[  ]


know a little about


collect materials






The underline phrase "English students" in the third paragraph means ________.

[  ]


the students who wish to learn English


the students who come from England


the students who know nothing about English


the students who know English very well


We can learn from this passage that ________.

[  ]


none of the people in the US is a native of English.


most of the persons coming into the US are non-English speakers.


Americans speak one common language without any difference.


nobody pays attention to teaching people to speak English as a second language today.

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