One day, our teacher said that he had an exercise for us to try.First we stood, facing away from our classmates.Then we_________backward, depending on another student to catch us.Most of us were not_________with this.We couldn't fall back for more than a few inches(英寸)_________stopping ourselves.

Finally, Judy gave it a try.She is a thin, quiet, dark—haired girl who always wears big white sweaters.Judy _________her arms over her chest(胸膛),her eyes, fell backward, and did not stop.She looked like one of the TV ads (广告)where the model jumps_________the pool.For a moment.I was sure she was going to fall onto the_________.At the last moment, her partner caught her head and shoulders and pulled her_________immediately.

“Wow!”several students yelled.Some clapped their hands.Our teacher finally smiled. “You see,” he said." You closed your eyes.That was the _________Sometimes you cannot believe what you see.You have to believe what you_________.And if you are ever going to have__________trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too —even when you're in the dark.Even when you're falling.”

1.A.fell B.connected C.drove D.laid

2.A.believable B.comfortable C.embarrassed D.painful

3.A.after B.before C.since D.for

4.A.opened B.divided C.lifted D.crossed

5.A.onto B.into C.from D.out

6.A.pool B.water C.public D.floor

7.A.away B.back C.up D.down

8.A.difference C.victory D.secret

9.A.see B.feel C.hear D.smell

10.A.other B.the other C.another D.others

Take a look at some coolest inventions.

Solar - powered plane(太阳能飞机)A plane flew for more than 18 hours over the U. S. on Saturday and didn’t use a drop of oil' How? Solar Impulse is a solar - powered plane, the biggest such plane in the world. It has the same weight as a small car. It carries only one person. It can get solar power from the sun.

Super light camera It weighs only 36g. It's as light as six coins. It' s easy for you to take this small camera with you when travelling. It's small, but it also has many uses. You can take a colourful photo or a black and white one. There are many shapes you can use. You can also use the camera as a key ring.

Google glasses They are the latest technology from Google. People who wear the glasses can record what they see and hear around them, and put them on the Internet for the world to see. There is a GPS system in the glasses, and it will find where you are and tell you where you need to go. Google glasses are a bit like a helpful secretary (秘书).You can tell them what you want to write in an e - mail and they will type it for you.

1.The solar - powered plane can't . without oil B.carry 18 persons

C.get power from the sun for more than 18 hours

2.Which has the same weight as six coins according to the passage?

A.Solar 一 powered plane. B.Super light camera.

C.Google glasses. D.All the above.

3.Google glasses can if you need.

A.record other people' s activities and park your car

C.find a helpful secretary for you D.only take colourful photos

4.From the passage, we can know .

A.what google glasses can do B.who invented the solar - powered plane to make a solar - powered plane D.who invented the super light camera

I got to the house, but no one came out. I got out of the taxi, walked up to the door, and knocked.

“Just a minute,” answered someone. After a long time, the door opened. A small old woman stood before me. I took her bag and let her take my arm. Then we moved slowly to the taxi. She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to be nice to my passengers, because I want others to be nice to my mother, too.”

When we got in the taxi, she asked, “Could you drive through the city?” “It’s not the shortest way,” I answered. “Oh, just do it,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice(安养院). I don’t have any family left.” For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me a building—she and her family once lived there. Sometimes she asked me to drive slowly in front of some buildings, and she would look at them and say nothing.

We got to the hospice. I took her bag to the door. “How much should I pay you?” she asked, “Nothing,” I answered. Without thinking, I gave her a hug. “You make an old woman happy,” she said. “Thank you.”

I didn’t have any more passengers that day. I just thought about that woman. I’m happy that I helped her. It was a small thing, but it was a great moment in life.

1.What is the author?

A.A doctor. B.A policeman. C.A taxi driver. D.A volunteer.

2.Why did the old woman ask the author to go that way?

A.She wanted to visit her family in the city. B.She wanted to run away from the hospice.

C.She wanted to see things about her past life. D.She wanted to have more time with the author.

3.What do we know about the old woman?

A.She had no money. B.She walked slowly.

C.She was the first passenger that day. D.She didn’t want any help.

4.How did the author help the old woman?

A.He took the bag for her. B.He gave her some money.

C.He cared for her family. D.He found her a better home.

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