At night, you fall asleep while listening to beautiful music.1.You can enjoy all of these things because of one important organ (器官) — the ears. March 3 is Ear Care Day. It helps us remember the importance of our ears and encourages us to take good care of them.

You may wonder: how do the ears work? The ear has three different parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear, The outer ear is the part you can see.2.The sound then travels down to middle ear, the inner ear and then to your brain.

3.Your ears keep on hearing sounds, but your brain just ignores them. That’s why you may sometimes wake up suddenly in the middle of the night — your brain heard something, but you don’t know what it was, since you were asleep.

But ears do more than hear.4.In the inner ear, there are organs that are filled with liquid and covered in small hairs. When you move your head, the liquid and hairs move, too. They send messages to your brain about the position (位置) of your head.

More surprisingly, ears even help with tasting food.5.But there are nerves ( 神经) running through the middle ear that connect the tongue to the brain.

The ears are truly important organs with many functions (功能). Everyone should make sure to protect their own ears as well as they can.

A. Of course, you don’t actually taste food with your ears.

B. Your ears never stop working, even when you are asleep!

C. In the morning, you are woken up by the singing of birds outside.

D. They help you keep your balance, too.

E. It collects sound around you.

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