
【题目】Dale, please remind me _____ the windows after school.

A. to closing B. closing C. close D. to close



试题分析:句意:Dale, 请提醒我放学后关上窗户。remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事因此选D


【题目】Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty old clothes and no stockings (长袜) and her hair was not tidy. She looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said “Is this what I come home to see after a hard day’s work?”

Mr Jones neighbour Mrs Smith was there. When she heard Mr Jones words she quickly said goodbye and ran back to her house. Then she washed and combed (梳理) her hair carefully put on her best dress and her most beautiful stockings painted her face and waited for her husband to come home.

When he arrived he was tired. He walked slowly into the house saw his wife and stopped. Then he shouted angrily And where are you going this evening ?”

【1】What was Mrs Jones doing when her husband came back from work?

A. She was cleaning the house.

B. She was making some cakes.

C. She was putting on her old clothes.

D. She was talking off her stockings.

2】What did Mr Jones feel when he saw his wife?

A. He felt very happy.

B. He felt nothing.

C. He was pleased to see his wife.

D. He felt unhappy.

3Why did Mrs Smith run back quickly to her house when she heard Mr Jones’ words?

A. She was afraid of Mr Jones.

B. She didn’t like Mr Jones so she didn’t want to see him any more.

C. She thought she should do something before her husband went back.

D. She wanted to watch TV.

4What did Mr Smith think when he saw his wife?

A. He thought his wife was beautiful.

B. He thought his wife was waiting for him.

C. He thought his wife was not beautiful.

D. He thought his wife would go out that evening.

5From the passage we know that .

A. Mrs Jones doesnt like beautiful clothes

B. Mr Jones loved her wife so much

C. Mrs Smith dressed up herself before her husband came back

D. Mr Smith was angry because her wife didnt look beautiful

【题目】Nowadays, lots of students in Shenzhen complain that they have too much homework. Because of this, they feel unhappy about learning at school. According to a survey, a pupil has to spend two hours finishing the homework every day. It usually takes three hours for a middle school student and four hours for a high school student to finish the homework every day. Students in Grade Nine often do their homework until midnight. And all of them have to get up at as early as six o’clock the next morning.

Mr. Li, a doctor in a hospital, told me yesterday, “Half of the students in Shenzhen are sub-healthy(亚健康的). The lack (缺乏) of sleep makes them tired and their health is becoming poorer and poorer.” Many parents worry about this.

【1】Too much homework makes the students feel _____.

A. unhappy B. unhealthy

C. tired D. all of the above

【2】Mr. Li said _____ of the students in Shenzhen were sub-healthy.

A. all B. half C. few D. none

【3】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. A pupil usually has no homework in Shenzhen.

B. Many students in Shenzhen want much homework.

C. Students in Shenzhen have enough time to sleep.

D. Students in Grade Nine often do their homework until 12:00 at night.

【4】The underlined word “this” means “______”.

A. that the students’ health is becoming poorer and poorer

B. that the students have too little homework

C. that the students complain too much

D. that the students have too much sleep

【5】What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Many children are seriously ill.

B. Children in Shenzhen study well.

C. Too much homework keeps the students in poor health.

D. How long students spend on their homework

【题目】There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have traveled to the places, you can go and see a colour film about them, or you can read a travel book.

It seems that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective(主观的) idea of travels which their writer has got himself. These books can be useful if the writers share their traveling experiences with others. The second kind are those books which give objective(客观的) information of things to be done and seen. If a cultured person has written such a book about the facts of a place, then it is more useful. The third kind are those books which are called “a guide” to some place or other. If they are good, they will describe and explain the place in detail. Like the first kind , they can be interesting and exciting, but their main purpose is to help the reader plan his travel in the most practical way.

Whatever kind of travel book you choose, you must make sure that the book does not describe everything as interesting, exciting or fantastic. You must also keep an open eyes on its date of publication(出版) because travel is very practical matter and many things change quickly in the 21st century. Finally, you should make sure that it’s easy to find the useful information for you travel.

1The passage was written to introduce_______.

A. travel maps B. travelspan> books

C. travel films D. travel places

2 The writer of the first kind of travel books gave his ideas after he _______.

A. travelled B. read books

C. a lot of experience D. surfed the Internet

3The date of publication must be noticed because ________.

A. the prices of travel books may be different

B. the writers of travel books may be different

C. the information in travel books is always the same

D. the information in travel books is always changing

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