
“When it comes to Earth, there’s no time to waste,” the Earth Day Network says. And that is true. 1. (protect) our environment is very important. World Earth Day was created in 1970 to raise people’s e2. awareness.3. April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day.

Every year there is a special theme. The theme was “Trees for Earth” in 2016. Their goal is to 4. 7.8 billion trees by 2020.

That’s a big goal, and you might wonder5. trees are so important. Well for one, they can help stop climate change. Carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) is a chemical in our atmosphere, but humans make too much of it. Each person makes about 2.3 tons a year, which is b6. for the environment.

Well guess what! Trees take in carbon dioxide and improve air quality. Planting new trees is important because people cut down countless t7..

According to Time, the total number of trees in the world has been almost cut in half since human civilization (文明) 8. (begin). So we need to plant more to replenish (补充) the ones we’ve lost. One tree can take in 48 pounds (21.8kg) of carbon dioxide per year. And it’s still one of the9. (cheap) and best ways to get rid of carbon dioxide.

But don’t forget that you can also help the environment by cutting down on how much energy or w10. you use every day. Every little bit helps!


A letter with some photos came from Uncle Max. In the letter, he said “I am going to explore again. Please look after my little pet.”

“What kind of pet?” said Dad Mum read on: “She’s called Cucumber, and she will be easy to feed.” But what kind of pet is it? Biff thinks it is a kitten. Chip thinks it is a gerbil. Kipper thinks it is a puppy. And Dad thinks it is a gorilla.

Just then, Uncle Max arrived, He put a bag down gently. “Meet Cucumber,” he said “A snake!” shouted Dad. “She eats crickets, flies and worm,” said Uncle Max. “Don’t let her escape and spray her tank with water. I will be back in a few weeks’ time,” After he left, the family all looked at Cucumber and didn’t know what to do.

Anneena came to play and saw Cucumber. “What a beautiful snake!” she said “She is quite harmless. But don’t handle her too much at first. Let her settle in.” But the family were still very afraid of the little pet .Every day, Ameena came to help look after Cucumber. She also told them how to feed her, how to pick her up, how to clean out the tank. Days later, Mum held Cucumber and began to like her. But the rest of fee family were not sure about liking keeping a snake in the house.

Mrs. May let fee children bring fee snake to school. Anneena gave a talk to the class and told that snakes were amazing creatures. A message from Uncle Max arrived, “I won’t be back for a year,” he said, “Why don’t you keep Cucumber?” Bills thought up a good idea. They gave Cucumber to Anneena. “Have a real cucumber in return!” she said happily.

1.Uncle Max kept a ________ as a pet.

A.kitten B.puppy C.snake.

2.To look after Cucumber well, they should ________.

A.let her escape B.keep her tank wet C.feed her with fish

3.________ told fee family to how to look after Cucumber.

A.Biff B.Anneena C.Mrs. May

4.Which offer following is True?

A.Anneena gave a real cucumber to fee family,

B.Mum wasn’t afraid of Cucumber at all at first

C.Bill knew much about taking good care of Cucumber.

5.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A.not all snakes are scary

B.Bill and his family are very strict people

C.if you go out for a vacation, you should give others your pet

Summer vacation is coming. The Parkers are taking a trip to Sanya. How will they ________the place?

The son Dale says, “Let’s take the________ Taking a journey by train is really relaxing. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery(风景) from the ________.”The daughter Alice says, “But the train station is far from our home. If we go there by train, we have to

________early. So let’s drive a car.”“Why?” Asks Dale.

“Because we can stop at any time we ________,” answers Alice.

“But I think taking a journey by car is ________. Sometimes, we may even________. What about taking a bus?” Asks Dale.

“Oh, I don’t like that. There are always ________people on the bus. And it ________a long time.” Alice________no interest in the bus trip.

Then they go to ask for their parents’ ________. But they like________ways. Mr. Parker wants to take the plane because it’s the fastest (最快的) way. He says that they shouldn’t spend too much time________,because they won’t have enough time to visit the city. But Mrs. Parker wants to go by ship, because it is cheap and they can save some ________.

Everyone thinks ________. Which do you think is the best way?

1.A.get in B.arrive C.reach to D.get to

2.A.bus B.plane C.train D.car

3.A.top B.way C.window D.door

4.A.exercise B.leave C.sleep D.eat

5.A.want B.go C.walk D.stop

6.A.interesting B.interested C.boring D.bored

7.A.get dangerous B.get hungry C.get dressed D.get lost

8.A.too many B.many too C.much too D.too much

9.A.spends B.costs C.uses D.takes

10.A.draws B.shows C.joins D.follows

11.A.ideas B.help C.messages D.questions

12.A.others B.another C.other D.the other

13.A.by the way B.on the way C.in the way D.in that way

14.A.time B.money C.food D.luck

15.A.happily B.quickly C.fast D.differently

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