Roy’s parents were worried about him. “He shouldn’t go through life making excuses, and he always says that he forgets something only because he is so busy all the time.” His father said, “No one will trust him to do anything. He won't be able to keep a job. No smart girl will marry him.”

“I don’t know what we can do.” his mother said.

“I have an idea," his father said, “If this doesn't work, nothing will.”

The next day was Roy’s birthday. He was really looking forward to getting exciting presents. He woke up, expecting his parents to wish him a happy birthday. But all day what they said was “Good morning, Roy. Hurry up, or you will be late for school.” There were no presents, not even a card. He was really disappointed.

“Never mind,” he thought, “There will be a surprise for me after school.” But there wasn’t. Sadly, he said to his parents at dinner, "Today’s my birthday.”

“Oh,” his father said. “So it is. I forgot.” “So did I.” his mother said.

“How could you forget?” Roy asked. "There must be a reason.”

“Well, yes.” his father said, “We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday, Roy. We didn’t remember your birthday because we were too busy.”

Poor Roy! He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again, because every time he showed excuses, he thought he was so clever that everyone could believe in him. But this time, his parents taught him a good lesson.

根据短文内容判断正、误。(正确的涂 A,错误的涂 B)

1.Roy always made excuses because he not only was so busy all the time but also had a poor memory.

2.Roy’s parents were worried about him because they knew he would meet a lot of difficulties in the future unless he corrected his mistakes.

3.Roy’s parents were really very busy so they didn’t buy him anything for his birthday.

4.After school on Roy’s birthday his parents gave him a surprise.

5.From the story, we know that people don’t like anyone who always makes excuses.

One Friday night, a poor young man stood at a gate of the railway station, playing his violin. Many people put money into the hat ______ in front of him.

The next day, ______ young man came to the gate of the railway station again, and put his hat on the ground. But ______ what he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. It said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come soon, Mr. Sand." After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran to the young man ______ and said "It's you! You do come here. I know that you're an honest man and will certainly ______ here. "The young man asked "Are you Mr. George Sang? Did you lose anything?" "A lottery (奖券) ticket answered the middle-aged man. The young man took out a lottery ticket and gave it to the man.

The prize of the lottery ticket was $ 500, 000. Yesterday when the middle-aged man knew he______, he was very happy. He took out 50 dollars and put it in the hat. However, the lottery ticket was also ______ in.

Later, someone asked the young man, "You ______ the violin in the railway station every day to make money. Why didn't you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for yourself?" The young man said, "Although I don't have much money, I live ______. But I lose ______. I won't be happy forever."

1.A.lying B.sleeping C.bowing D.dropping

2.A.不填 B.a D.the

3.A.far from B.similar to C.different from D.same as

4.A.slowly a hurry C.strongly D.sleepily

5.A.hide B.come C.flee D.leave

6.A.lost B.won C.fell D.chased

7.A.filled B.pulled C.kicked D.thrown B.sell

9.A.sadly B.happily C.normally D.lively

10.A.job B.pleasure C.honesty D.purse

Huawei is fighting back against the US-led campaign (运动, 战役) to push it out of major markets, insisting it's still on track to lead the world in the introduction of 5G technology.

Despite efforts in markets creating fear about Huawei, using politics to interfere (干预) with growth, customers continue to trust us and continue to work with us and build networks with our technologies, Deputy Chairman (副董事长) Ken Hu told reporters in the Chinese city of Dongguan on Tuesday.

Hu was speaking during a turbulent period for the Chinese company, one of the world's biggest makers of smartphones and telecommunications equipment. Its chief financial officer Ms. Wanzhou Meng is under irrational arrest (不合理的逮捕) in Canada, facing possible extradition (引渡) to the United States, and its products are coming under increasing scrutiny from businesses and governments over security (安全) concerns.

Despite decisions this year by Australia and New Zealand to block wireless operators (无线设备) from using Huawei to build their 5G networks, Hu expressed confidence that the company's technology is "significantly more advanced" than that of its rivals (对手) , giving it a head start of 12 to 18 months and the ability to attract new customers.

1.Huawei is good at ________according to the passage.

A.producing computers negotiations

C.designing earphones D.5G technology development

2.Ms. Wanzhou Meng's case will be possible transferred (转移) to _________.

A.China B.the US C.Canada D.the United Nations

3.The meaning of the underlined word "scrutiny "in the passage is "________"

A.introduction B.sales C.admiring D.examination

4.From the passage, we can know that Huawei faces big trouble mainly because_______.

A.Huawei is a leader company in the world

B.Huawei commits a crime against other foreign countries

C.some countries are worried Huawei's products are not completely secure

D.many countries build networks using Huawei's technologies

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