


Dear all,

I am Simon, one of the leaders of our Sunshine community centre._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Come on, everybody! We are here waiting for you.



Enriching(使丰富) your life means making an effort to make your life as meaningful and happy as possible. Though you may have difficulty realizing it, there are endless steps you can take to experience new things, gain knowledge, and enjoy what you already have.

Learn to forgive others. If you often hate other people around you, then you won’t live a wonderful life. So learn to move forward and accept nobody and that everyone makes mistakes. If someone has really hurt you and feel it difficult to accept that person’s apology(道歉), then be honest about it. Don’t pretend(假装)that you’re okay and then go on complaining. This won’t get you very far.

Volunteer to help others. It will not only be good for the people around you, but also make you able to connect with different people who can influence your life just as positively(积极地) as you can influence theirs. You can work in a homeless shelter or help do the cleaning in your neighbourhood.

Try to be less wasteful. Trying to be not wasteful can help you become thankful and really enjoy the world around you more. You can use paper instead of plastic whenever you can. Don’t use too many products that can’t be used again. Go to somewhere on foot or by bike instead of driving. All these ideas make you less wasteful.

Get along well with your friends and family. No matter how busy you are, you should develop a habit of spending time with your loved ones and letting them know how much they mean to you. You can write thank-you cards to your friends and family members or call up your parents or grandparents regularly. If you’re not living in the same place, then often tell yourself to call just to say “hi”.

Title: Enrich Your Life

Meaning of a rich life

It means a 1. and happy life.

It helps people to have new 2., gain knowledge and enjoy their present life.

3. to enrich your life

Forgive others.

Accept the fact that nobody is perfect.

Don’t be 4. about it if you really have difficulty accepting others’ apologies.

Volunteer to

help others.

Connect with someone who can have a positive 5. on your life.

Try to be

less wasteful.

Thank and enjoy the world around you.

6. using products that can’t be reused as often as possible. Reduce the use of your car and try to 7.or ride a bike more often.

8.healthy relationships with others.

Stay with your loved ones and let them know how you 9. about them.

Keep in touch with them by writing “thank-you” cards or making 10.calls.

I have tried many ways to be ill. I don’t wear a sweater when I should, and two days ago I walked in the rain without my shoes. But so far nothing has happened. Debbie once told me about a boy in her class who liked being away from school. He would rub (擦) the end of the thermometer (温度计) until it went up to 39℃. Then he’d put it in his mouth and his mother would think he was really ill.

This morning I tried doing that but it never went above 35℃ and I rubbed it for ten minutes. So I held the thermometer next to the light on my desk and it went up to 40℃. I thought I’d put it in my mouth and walk downstairs like that. Then my mother would take it out and she would be worried when she saw that I was rather ill.

The only trouble was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so hot. As soon as I put it into my mouth, it burnt my tongue! I spit the thermometer out. It fell on the floor but it didn’t break.

I will have to think of a better way to get my mother and father back together.

1.Why did the writer walk in the rain without her shoes two days ago?

A.Because she had no money to buy a pair of shoes.

B.Because she thought it interesting to walk without shoes.

C.Because she was ill and forgot to put on her shoes when she left home.

D.Because she hoped she could be ill in this way.

2.According to (根据) the passage, which of the following is true?

A.The boy in Debbie’s class helped the writer a lot.

B.The boy in Debbie’s class knew everything.

C.The boy in Debbie’s class didn’t like going to school.

D.The boy in Debbie’s class was not healthy.

3.After the writer rubbed the thermometer, it went to ____.

A.35℃ B.37℃ C.39℃ D.40℃

4.Why did the writer spit the thermometer out?

A.Because it smelled terrible.

B.Because it was too hot.

C.Because it was too long.

D.Because it was broken.

5.The writer tries to be ill because ____.

A.she wants to stay at home with his family.

B.she wants her father and mother to come back together

C.she wants to ask her father for some money

D.she wants to get away from school.

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