
Mike is English. But he can s__小题1:____ English, Japanese and C_小题2:__. He is studying at a school in Shanghai. He has four c__小题3:__ in the morning and two in the afternoon. He loves sports, b_小题4:___ he doesn’t like Maths. O__小题5:___ Friday afternoon, he often plays football in the playground. He usually stays at h__小题6:__ and does his homework on Saturdays. On S_小题7:___, he sometimes plays games w_小题8:____ his Chinese friends. His father w_小题9:____ in Shanghai. He teaches English. Mike and his father are very h_小题10:___ here.

小题7:Sundays / Sunday

小题2:根据后面的He is studying at a school in Shanghai.可知马克是英国人,在上海读书,所以他应该还会说一些汉语;故答案为Chinese。
小题4:前面一句说He loves sports,但是后面一句又说 he doesn’t like Maths.可知前后两句表示转折,故用转折连词;故答案为but。
小题6:在周末做家庭作业按照常理来推论可知应该是在家里,即stay at home;故答案为home。
小题8:do sth with sb意为“和某人一起做某事”,所以此处用with表示“和他的中国朋友玩游戏”;故答案为with。
小题9:根据后面的He teaches English.一句以及开头说他在上海读书可知,他的爸爸在上海工作;故答案为works。

More and more Chinese people go traveling abroad during these years. But not all tourists behave well in the places of interest. Recently, a story about a 15-year-old Chinese tourist has caused a heated discussion online.
【1】The 15-year-old teenager carved 刻 “Ding Jinhao 丁锦昊was here” in Chinese in the 3,500-year-old Luxor Temple卢克索神庙. A Chinese traveler took a photo and shared it on Sina Weibo on May 24.
Many people were angry about what Ding had done and decided to search the Internet for the boy. 【2】他们只花了一天时间就在南京找到了他的有关信息。After that, Ding’s parents quickly said sorry to the media. “We want to say sorry to the Egyptian people and to people who have paid attention to this matter across China,” Ding’s mother said.
Ding’s parents said they should face it and their son had 【3】a learned his lesson.
  【3】b        to Xinhua, local Egyptians had worked to try and clean the sculpture雕像. 【4】There was some improvement, but the words could not be totally wiped off.
任务三:Guess the Chinese meaning of “learn lesson” in 【3】a:                                    
Two careful and brave children--Benjamin,12, and his sister Emily, 11, found a stolen(被偷的) car in the woods(树丛) yesterday morning. The happy owner, Mrs Judy Roberts,said she would thank them by taking then out to dinner.
Both Benjamin and Emily like hiking. They were walking along a path through the woods near their home. And they noticed a car. They were surprised because very few people parked their cars there. They looked inside the car and there was nobody in it. The children thought something went wrong. They made a note of the type of the car and its colour. Benjamin also wrote down its number. When they went back to their school, they told their teacher about the car. The teacher reported (报告)it to the police.
Soon the police found the owner, Mrs Judy Roberts. “I really have to thank Benjamin and Emily. I’m going to write to the local newspaper and their headmaster(校长) to thank them” she said. Benjamin and Emily’s teachers felt proud(自豪的). “Benjamin and Emily are not only students but also good members of the community” they all said.
Profile (简介)of the children
Benjamin and Emily
12 and 11
Careful and   小题3:  
Finding the car
They found the car when they were 小题4: . They made a note of the type of the car, its colour and   小题5:   .
Finding the   小题6:   
They   小题7:   their teacher about the car and the teacher reported it to the  小题8:   . They found the car was Mrs Judy Roberts’s .
Being praised(表扬) and thanked
Mrs Judy Roberts invited them to a   小题9: . The teachers said they were good   小题10: of the community.

success, luck, friend, none, to, number, look, failure, other, if, nobody, into
What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hardwork,      小题1: suggest knowledge, love and luck. If you arrange (排列) the 26 English letters in order and use  小题2:   to represent each of them, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c… 26 for z, you can change an English word   小题3:  a number. So hardwork becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11="98," meaning 98 is its mark. Knowledge:  11+ 14+ 15+ 23+ 12+ 5+ 4 + 7+ 5="96," love: 12+15+22+5="54," and     小题4:   : 12+21+3+11="47," a small mark.  小题5:   of these words can give one a full mark. What about money? It can’t, either.
Then what else? Don’t be worried. You can always find an answer      小题6:   a problem in your life, when you change your way of    小题7:    at things or doing things, or your attitude(态度). Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself: attitude: 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5="100," a full mark. Different attitudes lead to different courses of life. Most time people hope for a better life. It is possible that they will have a better life 小题8:  they change their attitudes. When you change your manner and become      小题9:   towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you. In the same way, if you take a positive attitude towards      小题10:   , you’ll find it’s also rewarding(有益的) though it has caused you losses(损失).

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