We were doing the best to control the fire of the burning garage (车库). Outside, I heard the sounds of cats crying. I couldn’t stop—I would have to look for the cats after the fire was put out.

    It took a long time to finally bring the big fire under control. No one inside was hurt. At that point I was free to find out where the cat noises were from. There was still a lot of smoke and heat coming from the building. I followed the meowing to the sidewalk in front of the garage. There, crying and huddled (挤作一团) together, were five frightened kittens (小猫). They must have been inside the building, as their fur was badly hurt.

    I wanted to find the mother cat. It was clear that she had gone into the burning garage and carried out all her babies, one by one—unbelievable.

    We finally found her. Her paws and face were blackened, and her fur was burned all over. You could even see her reddened skin under the burned fur. She could hardly move. I picked her up, and she relaxed in my arms as much as her pain would allow. I decided to save this brave little cat and her family.

    The vet told me they would watch the kittens and their mother for the night, but they weren’t confident about the mother’s chances.

    About a week later, I found out she was going to live. We named her Scarlet because of her reddened skin.

    I was happy to see Scarlet get together with the kittens again. She touched each of them, nose to nose. She had been in danger for five times and it had paid off. All of her babies had survived.

    As a fireman, I see heroic acts every day. But what Scarlet showed me that day was the kind of bravery that can only come from a mother’s love.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?

A. The writer went to look for the cats as soon as he heard them crying.

B. The firefighters put out the fire quickly and no one was hurt.

C. The writer didn’t find the cats until the smoke and heat were gone.

D. The mother cat moved all her babies out of the fire to a safe place.

2.Why did the writer decide to save the cats?

A. Because he was amazed at the mother cat’s courage.

B. Because the cats attracted many people’s attention.

C. Because he didn’t want to see any living things die.

D. Because it had taken him much time and effort to save them.

3.The writer talks about the cat’s story to show that ________________.

A. animals should be taken good care of

B. mother’s love can be great and brave

C. it is meaningful to help others

D. a cat always has nine lives


Jim Smith was a poor boy. One day he was very cold and __41____. He came to a house and asked a young ____42____ only for a glass of water. But the lady was so __43____ that she gave him a large glass of hot milk.

   Jim drank it and then asked, “ __44_____ should I pay you?”

   “You don’t need to pay.” She replied. Jim __45____ her from the bottom of hi heart.

Years later, Jim became a ___46__. One day, a woman was sent to his hospital. She was seriously ill. He recognized her at once and decided to __47____ to save her life.

The operation was successful, but the cost was high. After looking at the woman’s bill, Jim wrote ___48____ on it. When the woman received the bill, she didn’t dare to look at it. __49___, something on the side of the bill caught her attention. She began to __50___ the following words:

Paid in full with one glass of milk.

1.A. hot         B. hungry       C. cool         D. strong

2.A. woman      B. man         C. husband      D. waiter

3.A. angry       B. beautiful      C. lucky        D. kind

4.A. When       B. Where        C. How much   D. Why

5.A. thanked     B. forgot         C. missed      D. understood

6.A. teacher      B. worker       C. doctor       D. driver

7.A. say hello    B. do his best      C. give away    D. get back

8.A. anything    B. everything     C. nothing       D. something

9.A. However     B. Whenever    C. Especially     D. Hardly

10.A. write        B. remember     C. read         D. guess


Everyone has a dream job and we all hope our dreams can come true. Mr Black works as a reporter at a TV station. He wants to know what jobs teenagers are going to do when they grow up. He went to the Evergreen School to do a survey last Friday.

Mr Black asked the students to discuss with each other and then fill in the form with a pen. He told them to tell the truth. Mr Black thought most students would be teachers. The teacher is one of the best professions(职业) in the world. Maybe some students would be scientists. Rich knowledge would help them. A few students would be soldiers(士兵) because they could keep our country beautiful and peaceful.

Teachers helped Mr Black before school was over. They gave out one thousand eight hundred papers to the students. When the survey’s result came out, Mr Black and the teachers were surprised. Please look at the results.









Sports player







1.From the first paragraph, we know this passage may talk about__________.

A.teenagers’ dream jobs

B.Mr Black and his job

C.how dreams come true

D.how to make a survey

2.What does Mr Black do?

A.He is a teacher.                         B.He is a reporter.

C.He is a soldier.                          D.He is an actor.

3.Why did Mr Black do a survey last Friday?

A.Because he wanted to find a job for himself.

B.Because he wanted to know about students’dream jobs.

C.Because he was always interested in doing a survey.

D.Because he wanted to know how much money teenagers got a week.

4.How many teenagers want to be teachers in the future?

A.90.              B.360.              C.900.             D.1800.


When you read an article you will understand and remember it better if you can work out how the writer has put the ideas together.Sometimes a writer puts ideas together by asking questions and then answering them.For example,if the article is about groundhogs(土拨鼠),the set of questions in the writer’s head might be:

What does a groundhog look like?

Where do groundhogs live?

What do they eat?…

In the article,the author might answer those questions.

Sometimes an author writes out her questions in the article.These questions give you signals.They tell you what the author is going to write next.Often an author has a question in her head but she doesn’t write it out for you.You have to work out her question for yourself.Here’s a sample reading for you to practice this method.


Do you know how many kinds of earthworms there are?There are about 1800 kinds in the world! They can be brown,purple,green.They can be as small as 3 cm long and as large as 3 m long.

The best time to see earthworms is at night,especially a cool,damp night.That’s when they come up from their burrows(地洞)to hunt for food.Earthworms don’t like to be in the sun.That’s because they breathe through their skin,and they can’t breathe if their skin gets too dry.Earthworms must come out of the earth if it rains a lot,because they can't breathe in their flooded burrows.What a dangerous life!

Earthworms don't have eyes,so how can they tell when it's dark? They have special places on their skin that are sensitive to light.These spots tell whether it’s light or dark.If you shine a flashlight on an earthworm at night,it will quickly disappear into the ground.

Earthworms don't have ears either,but they can hear by feeling movements in the earth.If you want to hear like an earthworm,lie on the ground with your fingers in your ears.Then have a friend stamp his or her feet near you.This is how earthworms feel birds and people walking,and moles digging,near them.

Earthworms are useful.Farmers and gardeners like having lots of earthworms in their land because the worms help to make better soil when they dig.That digging keeps the soil loose and airy(通风的).In one year earthworms can pile up as much as 23,000 kg of castings in an area about the size of a football field.

1.What’s the purpose of reading Earthworms?

A.To show the special life facts of earthworms.

B.To explain the differences from the groundhogs.

C.To put the writer’s idea into real use.

D.To make the readers think more clearly.

2.Which question CANNOT be answered in the passage?

A.How do earthworms help with gardeners?

B.What life are earthworms living with?

C.When may people observe earthworms?

D.Why can human listen like earthworms?

3.How can you understand Earthworms better according to this passage?

A.Read, ask and answer questions in your own head while reading.

B.Read to work out all the questions in the writer’s head while reading.

C.Read and check all the things that are not clear to you again and again.

D.Read for general ideas and discuss or compare with other similar topics.

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.One way to help with understanding

B.One way to practice with a new idea

C.One way to learn to be a wise writer

D.One way to be clearer about worms


Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?

The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They don’t like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard—working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.

In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.

The French’s holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.

Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans’ eyes, success is an important part in their life.

1.According to the passage, ______are very quiet.

A.only the Germans

B.only the Englishmen

C.only the Frenchmen

D.both the Germans and the Englishmen

2.In the writer’s eyes, the gentlemen are______.

A.the Germans

B.the Frenchmen

C.the Englishmen

D.the Americans

3.What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?

A.They are more outgoing than the Americans.

B.It is very easy to make friends with them.

C.They like traveling in their own country.

D.They look serious and are always hard-working.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Foreigners’ hobbies.

B.Who are more outgoing?

C.Characteristics of the foreigners.

D.Success is an important part in Americans’ life.


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