
Dear Sigmund Friend
My name is Simon and I am a Grade 9 student. I am crazy   31   football! I love   32   football, reading about football, and of course, playing football. My dream   33  a great football player. However, my love of football has become a big problem, and I would like your   34  .
I have   35  friends, and we always play football together at school or in the park after school. We like staying out late to play football. We often play for three hours or more and forget when to stop. Then I   36   trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m. I really do not understand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry     37  . I believe it is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies. They can help us relax and make our lives    38  .I wish I could have my parents’  39  .
Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I really do not know   40  . Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies? Thanks a lot.
Best wishes
A.watchingB.seeingC.looking atD.looking
A.am to beB.is to beC.is to beingD.are to be
A.muchB.not anyC.fewD.plenty of
A.get inB.get intoC.get onD.get off
A.from time to timeB.from times to times
C.between time and timeD.between times and times
A.much interestingB.more interested
C.more interestingD.the most interesting
小题10:A. why to do       D. when to do        C. what to do         D. where to do

小题1:考查词组be crazy about“对…感到疯狂”。
小题1:watching “观看比赛”;seeing “看电影”;looking at“看着”;looking不及物东西,不能直接加宾语。本句为看足球比赛,故选A。
小题1:dream作主语,系动词用is,be to do,“将要做某事”。
小题1:由文章的倒数第三句“Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies?”可知作者是为了寻求一些建议。
小题1:根据下句可知我有很多的朋友。plenty of“许多大量的”。
小题1:考查词组get into trouble “陷入困境”。  
小题1:考查词组from time to time “不时的;时时的”。
Of course you don’t want to be sick in your vacation. So what can you do while traveling? There are three things you should remember: relax, sleep and eat well.
A vacation is a time for relaxing, but very often it is not. Think about what you do when you are a tourist. There are so many places to visit: shop, parks, churches and temples ( 寺庙). You may spend most of the days walking around these places. This can be very tiring. Do not ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body. A weak body gets dick easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice place. In good weather, look for a quiet park bench.
Sleep is also important. If you want to stay healthy, you need to get enough sleep. Your hotel room may be noisy, or the bed may be too hard. Or you may want to stay out late at night. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. The extra  hour can make a big difference.
Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. Your boday needs fresh fruit, vegetables, mean, milk and cheese.
So, remember this: if you want to enjoy your vacation, take good care of yourself. Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat healthy food.
小题1:You should ____ while traveling.
A.eat wellB.walk all the timeC.do shoppingD.ask your body to do a lot.
小题2:Traveling is usually ____.
小题3:You must ___ to enjoy your traveling.
A.visit parksB.stay healthyC.go to churches and templesD.sit down for a few hours
小题4:The underlined word “ extra” means ___ here.
A.one moreB.more than oneC.usualD.different
小题5: The text tells us ____- in traveling.
A.how to restB.what places to visitC.how to relax and sleepD.how to take good care of ourselves

I love it at night. It’s peaceful. And when it cools down I sometimes do some ironing. I don’t really care for it. I work full-time and I am too busy for most housework. I remember the old woman who taught me to iron. I was about 15 and I had to get a job taking care of a woman to make a living. She had been an able-bodied, healthy woman until the accident that caused her to be paralyzed.
The woman sat in an electric wheelchair all day. She could only move her head and arms. She would tell me how to do things. She would teach me in great detail on the correct ways to do things. Her home was perfect and beautiful. She would follow me around in her electric wheelchair to make sure I did everything exactly right. I’m sure she had been a perfect homemaker. She would have me fold(折叠) everything, including socks. I would complain silently and wish terrible things on her. She taught me the right way to make the bed. I know sometimes she’d get frustrated(沮丧) and impatient with me. I knew she wanted to do it herself. But she never shouted or scolded. She only insisted I do it right. I didn’t like it much, but I did it.
Today I can iron pretty well. I know where to start on a shirt and the right way to do the trousers. Now when I think about it, I don’t think she is an old lady. I think she might have been about my age now. Anyway, when I iron, I think of her and silently thank her for all the things I learned.
小题1:The writer used to take care of the lady because ________.
A.she wanted to learn to do housework
B.she was a friend of the lady’s
C.she had to earn some money
D.she couldn’t find a room to live in
小题2:The underlined word ‘paralyzed’ in the first paragraph may mean ‘______’.
A.destroyedB.deafC.seriously illD.unable to walk
小题3:The little girl was ______ when the lady taught her how to do housework.
A.encouraged to learnB.unwilling to learn
C.delighted to learnD.recommended to learn
小题4:Now the writer ______.
A.is still afraid of the ladyB.hates the strict lady
C.admires the disabled ladyD.is very grateful to the lady
Hearing the front door open, I ran down to the kitchen and waited. I saw my dad come in, with the white envelope in his hand. I had waited all day for this, so I reached over him for it as soon as he set foot into the house. Angrily, he      41    the envelope on the table and said that it was nothing to get excited about, and that it was just a piece of paper. I grabbed (抓取) it and ran upstairs. I wondered why my dad did not understand how      42  I was to see my mid-year report card for my first year in middle school. I was really      43     by how he refused to consider all my hard work.
I saw my class rank (等级): 1/139. I did not behave what I saw. I felt my lips (嘴唇) form a smile and wanted to run downstairs to tell everyone. Then I      44    what my dad had said--- it was nothing to get excited about. I wanted to share my happiness with someone, but felt lonely.
I realized that I had become distant (远隔的) from my family. We used to ___45______late watching Disney movies, and my brothers, sisters and I would play tennis in the backyard all the time. I wondered when all that had    46    . I just no longer took part in them. My school work     47    all my time and energy.
While I had been busy with my study, I had also built a   48   between me and my family. I was only trying to become a person everyone could be     49      of.
I wanted to go downstairs, say sorry for my rude behavior and for every refused movie and tennis game, and be    50 of my family again, I knew I had to do something--because without their support, my achievement meant nothing.
小题1:A, caught            B. cleaned up         C. pinked up        D. threw
A.rememberedB.realizedC.forgotD.listened to
A.come backB.go downC.stay upD.keep out
A.set upB.gave upC.used upD.put up
Traveling by train is usually not easy in China. It can be hard to get a ticket. When you’re traveling to the railway station you look at your watch, afraid you will miss your train.
But there is good news for people traveling between Beijing and Shanghai. Construction (建设) on the express railway (高速铁路) between the two cities started just before the Spring Festival of 2008. When it is finished by 2013, taking a train will be as easy as taking a bus.
“There will be trains every several minutes. Buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint (检查站) and taking your seat, will take just 10 minutes,” said an engineer.
There may be high-speed trains running at 350 kilometers an hour. The travel time between the two cities will decease from 10 to about 5 hours. The trains will carry twice the present number of passengers.
The new line will be 1,318 kilometers long and go across specially built bridges. It will run along side the present line. There will be 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu.
“The cost of traveling by the express railway may be around 800 yuan. That will be more expensive than an ordinary train, but cheaper than by air.” Said Zhang Xiaoling, a Jiangsu government official.
According to Zhang, the higher price is caused by the large cost of the railway project. At about 200 billion yuan, the project may be even more expensive than the Three Gorges Project (三峡工程).
小题1:The express railway between Beijing and Shanghai will be finished _______.
A.at the end of this yearB.before the Spring Festival of 2008
C.after 2013D.in about 5 years
小题2:Before taking your seat, you should _____ with your ticket.
A.buy a ticketB.get through the checkpoint
C.pack your thingsD.make some friends
小题3:The word “decrease” in the passage possibly means ______ in Chinese.
A. 延长             B. 缩短         D. 提速             D. 限速
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Traveling by train is usually difficult in China because tickets are too expensive.
B. The high-speed trains will have 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu.
C. Tickets for the high-speed trains will be cheaper than those for planes.
D. The cost of the express railway project is as high as that of the Three Gorges Project.
小题5:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.An enormous project.B.Train tickets will get more expensive
C.Specially built bridgesD.Beijing—Shanghai express railway

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