
One day, I picked my daughter Eloise from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out _____.

I found a short line with just one person in front of me. It was an elderly woman and she was ______ for her things with change(零钱).After a long day at work, I was a bit angry with this woman.

But then I watched the young clerk. He helped her count her_____ ,ever so politely taking it from her shaking hands.

I _____ him repeatedly say to her: “Yes, ma’am.” When she asked if she had _____ to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he went two lines over to get one for her. Never once did this clerk get _____ or roll his eyes. He was patient and kind.

As I was watching him, I saw Eloise was too. I realized my daughter was _____ an important lesson from a complete stranger.

When the woman was finished, the clerk began ringing up my things and_____ me for my patience(耐心).I thanked him too.

I found the store manager(经理)and told him about the _____ kindness and patience. Then we left the supermarket with a full cart(购物车),but also with a heart _____ thankfulness for such an important lesson.

1.A.quickly B.freely C.completely D.easily

2.A.spending B.buying C.taking D.paying

3.A.papers B.change C.bags D.things

4.A.watched out B.listened to C.found out D.spoke with

5.A.time B.chance C.enough D.rest

6.A.tired B.happy C.sick D.angry

7.A.making B.watching C.learning D.missing

8.A.thanked B.tested C.counted D.asked

9.A.clerk’s B.woman’s C.manager’s D.daughter’s

10.A.instead of B.full of C.because of D.made of


Recently, HUAWEI, one of China's best high-tech companies, has launched(发布) an app called StorySign, that will make it easier for deaf children to read stories.

Some AI skills from HUAWEI are used in the app. They help deaf children read by turning written text into sign language. A character called Star in the app makes it easier to use the app.

Users can also choose a book from the app's library that is then shown in sign language using cartoon characters. The first book on the StorySign platform(平台) is the popular children's book Spot the Dog.

The developers tried to make the app's main character Star popular with both boys and girls. Star also wears a hearing aid(助听器).

“We created StorySign to make it possible for families with deaf children to enjoy an exciting story time,” said Andrew Garrihy, Huawei's CMO for Western Europe. “We hope that by reminding people to understand deaf children better, they'll be encouraged to support one of the charity partners we are working with across Europe.”

There are about 32 million deaf children around the world. Many of them have trouble learning to read, this might because of no good way to turn written text into sign language. Now the app gives deaf children a great tool.

1.Who should the app StorySign be created for?

A.The children who can't see.

B.The children who can't talk.

C.The children who can't hear.

D.The children who can't walk.

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the app StorySign?

A.It's created by a foreign company.

B.It has lots of high technology in it.

C.The sign language in the app is shown by real people.

D.It can't be used without a hearing aid.

3.What does Star mainly help to do in the app?

A.Encourage deaf children to read stories.

B.Choose stories for deaf children.

C.Make friends with deaf children.

D.Help deaf children use the app more easily.

4.According to Andrew Garrihy, what can we know?

A.European countries have the most deaf children in the world.

B.Many people in Europe care for deaf children.

C.The app StorySign has got successful in Europe.

D.HUAWEI is helping deaf children by working with many charities.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Deaf Children's Problem in Reading

B.Deaf Children Around the World

C.A Special App for Deaf Children

D.The Importance of Helping Deaf Children


次北固山下(唐 王湾)





Passing by the Northern Mountains

My boat goes by green mountains high, And passes through the river blue. The banks seem wide at the full tide; A sail with ease hangs in soft breeze. The sun brings light born of last night; New spring invades old year which fades. How can I send word to my friend? Homing wild geese, fly westward please!

People often say that spring is a s1. of hope and energy(活力).This poem by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wan(693-751) d2. this hope and energy.

Wang lived during the most glorious(辉煌的) period of the Tang Dynasty. This poem is not only about spring and natural beauty, but a3. a metaphor(暗喻) the time he lived in.

The f4.two lines tell us that the poet is t5. on a boat. The mountains are green and the river is blue. In the next two lines, the poet describes the open water and a hanging sail. The characters“阔” and “正”s 5 very broad and grand(宏大的)views, symbolizing the justness(公正)and social development of the dynasty.

Then the poet writes, a new sun is rising, wiping out(抹去)darkness, and the spring is c6. ,driving the winter away. These two lines are f7.of hope. They also show the poet’s aspirations(抱负)as a young w8..

The poem ends with wild geese that are flying b9.home after a long winter. Wang hopes the wild geese can send a message to his friends and family-he is looking f10.to a bright future for himself and for the country.

Research proves that nearly half of the cancers diagnosed(诊断) in the UK each year—over 130,000 in total— are caused by life choices that include smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things.

Tobacco(烟草) is the biggest factor, causing 23% for cases in men and 15.6% in women, says the Cancer Research UK report. Next comes a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in men’s diets, while for women it is being overweight. Lead author of the report, Professor Max Parkin, said: “Many people believe cancer is related to fate(命运) or ‘in the genes(基因)’, and that it depends on luck whether they get it or not. Looking at all the evidence, it is clear that around 40% of all cancers are caused by things we mostly have the power to change.”

For men, the best advice appears to be: stop smoking, eat more fruit and vegetables and cut down on how much alcohol you drink. For women, again, the best advice is to stop smoking, but also watch your weight.

In total, 14 lifestyle and environmental factors, such as where you live and the job you do, cause 134,000 cancers in the UK each year.

Some risk factors are well founded, such as smoking’s link with lung(肺) cancer. But others are less well realized. For stomach cancer, a fifth of the risk comes from having too much salt in the diet, data suggests. Some cancers, like mouth and throat cancer, are caused almost mainly by lifestyle choices. But others, like gall bladder cancer(胆囊癌), are largely not related to lifestyle.

Public Health Minister, Anne Milton, said: “By making small changes you can cut your risk of serious health problems—giving up smoking, watching you drink, getting more exercise and keeping an eye on your weight.”

1.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to________.

A.change B.lifestyle C.cancer D.weight

2.According to Professor Parkin, he thinks that________.

A.cancers are caused because of genes

B.some cancers may be avoided mainly

C.most cancers are caused for no reason

D.men can keep an eye on their weight to avoid cancers

3.According to this passage, stomach cancer can be brought on by________.

A.working overtime B.taking in too much salt

C.lack of exercise D.smoking too much

4.Which of the following can be learnt from the passage?

A.Smoking is the only cause of lung cancer.

B.Drinking a small amount of wine is good for health.

C.Some cancers may not be caused by lifestyle choices.

D.About 134,000 people die of cancer in the UK each year.

Richard Sears was unknown in China until 2012, when his story of spending all his money studying Chinese characters was reported online.This caught people’s eye. They gave him the nickname“Uncle Hanzi”.

Sears was once a computer engineer in the USA.When he was young, he developed an interest in Chinese characters. In 1972, when Sears was only 22, he decided to learn Chinese. He bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan, China to begin his study.

After several years of studying, Sears still found writing Chinese characters difficult. One piece of advice he received was to learn the evolution (发 展) of Chinese characters, because it could help him remember them. Since then, Sears has made his own research to study how Chinese characters were formed, and built up his own database (数据库).

In 1990, he came up with the idea of sharing the etymological (词源的) information of Chinese characters on the website. In 2002, Sears made the website free for anyone who was interested. Just by typing a Chinese character on his website,people can find out the shapes and evolution of the character.

“Many people think I am crazy — spending all my money and time on the website. But for me,it’s just an interest,”Sears said. Years of living in China has turned“Uncle Hanzi”into“Grandpa Hanzi”, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the love Sears has for Chinese characters.

1.When did Sears begin to study Chinese? (不超过 10 个词)


2.How did Sears learn writing Chinese characters? (不超过 15 个词)


3.What makes Sears keep studying Chinese characters? (不超过 10 个词)


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