
【小题1】If you ___________(not be) careful enough in the exam, you will not get a good grade.
【小题2】Our modern times need more and more ___________ (hero) for us to learn from.
【小题3】Good habits are good for the ___________ (develop) of us teenagers.
【小题4】The 30th Olympic Games ___________ (hold) in London this summer.
【小题5】— Look! He is shouting at his mother.
— Why is he so ___________ (polite)?
【小题6】The group of students are discussing the question ___________ (active) to come up with the answer.
【小题7】The Three-D film Titanic is the ___________ (wonderful) film I have ever seen.
【小题8】The OBIS doctor is training the local doctors how___________ (deal) with the blindness.
【小题9】Though my grandfather is in his ___________ (seventy), he has got a QQ number.
【小题10】Lei Feng devoted himself to___________ (work) for the people all his life.

【小题1】aren’t/are not  
【小题4】will be held/ is/are going to be held  
【小题7】most wonderful  
【小题8】to deal  
【小题10】working  。

解析【小题1】根据if的用法,当主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。根据you,后面应用are的否定式,即aren’t或are not。
【小题2】heroes  根据句意:“现在我们所生活的的时代,需要越来越多的英雄供我们学习”,本题应用hero的复数形式,即heroes。
【小题7】根据句意:“3D影片《泰坦尼克号》是我看过的最精彩的影片.”,本题考查形容词的最高级,因前面已有the,故答案为most wonderful。
【小题9】seventies  根据句意:“虽然我的爷爷七十多岁了,但他还有一个QQ号”,本题考查短语“在某人70多岁时”用in one’s seventies。
【小题10】根据句意:“雷锋同志把他的一生都奉献在为人民服务的工作上”,本题考查短语devote oneself to…,其中to是介词,后需要接动名词。


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